
Remembering Yin Yin's instructions| the villagers of the Eighteen Caves to eat a "tourist meal", and the young people who were working outside returned

author:Xiaoxiang Morning News

Verdant mountains surround golden rice fields, a wide road extends into the village, paths in front of every house are hardened, and flowers and plants are dotted everywhere... Coming to the eighteen-hole village of Shuanglong Town, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Prefecture, a pastoral and poetic style makes people feel comfortable.

Eighteen-hole village is the first place for targeted poverty alleviation. Nowadays, exquisite homestays welcome visitors, villagers eat "tourist meals", kiwifruit, golden tea, etc. make the villagers rich in industry. The old people in the village compiled a happy life into a Miao song and sang: "The Miao family lives in the gold and silver nest, with many green waters and green mountains and resources; water, electricity and roads, everyone lives a good life."

Remembering Yin Yin's instructions| the villagers of the Eighteen Caves to eat a "tourist meal", and the young people who were working outside returned
Remembering Yin Yin's instructions| the villagers of the Eighteen Caves to eat a "tourist meal", and the young people who were working outside returned

The old branch book witnessed the great changes in the eighteen-hole village

Shi Shunlian, former secretary of the party branch of the eighteen-hole village and chairman of the eighteen-hole village women's federation, has lived in the eighteen-hole village for 45 years and witnessed the great transformation of the eighteen-hole village. "The road into the village is asphalt road, and the stone road is paved in front of every house, and we have never seen such a good village." Shi Shunlian said. There are four villages in the eighteen-hole village, and in the past, to go to each village, you had to walk, and now not only the main road is open, but there are also buses between the villages. "Whenever I get on the bus and take out the red book for the elderly to ride for free, I think, life is too good now." Shi Shunlian said.

Remembering Yin Yin's instructions| the villagers of the Eighteen Caves to eat a "tourist meal", and the young people who were working outside returned

After stepping down in 2014, Shi Shunlian established the Eighteen-Hole Village Miao Embroidery Specialty Farmers Professional Cooperative, which provided professional training for more than 95% of the women in the village, led more than 300 Miao left-behind women in the village to develop the Miao embroidery industry, and opened up a market for Miao sisters who were born good at embroidery to increase their income. "My own family's life is also better. When I was the secretary of the village party branch, I could only get a salary of 2700 yuan a year, but now I can get so much income in a month and get rich with the women in the village. Shi Shunlian's Miao Embroidery Cooperative already has 54 members, and 28 women embroider flowers in the workshop.

More than 300 people ate a "tourist meal" at their doorstep

With the development of Eighteen-Hole Village, the appearance of the village has undergone tremendous changes, the environment has improved, and there are more tourists. In May 2019, the Eighteen-Hole Scenic Area was officially put into operation, 40 people in the village entered the company to engage in explanation, cleaning, security, management and other work, and more than 300 people in the Eighteen-Hole Village were employed in business at the doorstep of their homes and ate "tourist meals".

Shi Peng, head of Huayuan Eighteen-Hole Tourism Development Co., Ltd., told reporters that the number of tourists received in 2019 reached 600,000, the number of tourists received in 2020 was 420,000, and the number of tourists in the first half of 2021 was 242,000, and the annual dividend for the village was 300,000 yuan, and the folk customs and farms in the village reached more than 20. In June this year, the Eighteen-Hole Village was rated as a national 5A level scenic spot together with the Deram Grand Canyon and the Dwarf Zhai Bridge.

Yang Zhengbang is a member of the entrepreneur who returned to his hometown. Yang Zhengbang left the village at the age of 17, he drove a mortar mixer at a construction site in Shenyang, worked as a contract foreman in Jishou, and did network signal maintenance work in Ningbo before returning to his hometown. For many years, he has traveled south and north, and wandering is not his intention, he only wants to rely on his own hard work to bring a good life to his family. In 2013, "precision poverty alleviation" was first proposed in Eighteen-Hole Village. Yang Zhengbang thought: If you return to your hometown, you can also live a good life.

In recent years, more and more tourists have come to the village, and the farm business run by Yang Zhengbang has become increasingly prosperous, and he has expanded the homestay. The courtyard is planted with winter melons, tomatoes, and this kind of flowers and plants, and the farm yard attracts many tourists to stay.

"In other places, everyone speaks Mandarin, and the old people in the village all speak Hmong. Tourists came to the village to ask for directions, but they couldn't understand the dialect and went to the wrong place. This shows that there is still a lot to be done for us young people. Yang Zhengbang said. In addition to the operation of the homestay, he volunteered to help tourists explain, volunteered to do sanitation in the village, and also taught the elderly people in the village to speak Mandarin, busy and enriched. "In the past, I used to work in other places, and I always felt very inferior. Now I am doing construction for my hometown, and I am self-reliant and self-reliant! ”

The scenic spot has been developed, and the life of the dumb old man who is the "image ambassador" of the eighteen-hole village has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Remembering Yin Yin's instructions| the villagers of the Eighteen Caves to eat a "tourist meal", and the young people who were working outside returned
Remembering Yin Yin's instructions| the villagers of the Eighteen Caves to eat a "tourist meal", and the young people who were working outside returned

With the rise of the rural tourism industry in Eighteen-Hole Village, the "big sister" Shi Ba Dumb Home has also become a must-"punch-in" attraction for tourists to Eighteen-Hole Village. To this end, Shi Bamu was specially hired by the tourism company as an "image ambassador", which can increase his income by 1500 yuan a month. "There are more people in the village, it is also lively, life is better, and people are younger." Shi Ba Mu said.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Li Shu

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