
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

author:Wood Island Movie Notes

Peacock (Yu Aoi) and Sparrow (Shuri Ueno) were born on the same day, in the same hospital. Influenced by the mother peacock while in the hospital, after hearing the name "peacock", the mother of the bird named the child the sparrow, the sparrow's finch.

There is probably something inexplicable between these two people.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

Left: Peacock (Yu Aoi) Right: Bird (Shuri Ueno)

After that, the two people did a lot of things together, whether it was a game or a dress, no matter what the bird did, the bird could not win the peacock.

Growing up, the ordinary sparrow married an ordinary man, while the peacock was ambitious, saying that he would marry a French man in the future and live in a house where he could see the Eiffel Tower.

Like their names, ordinary sparrows never seem to be as good as proud and beautiful peacocks.

A sparrow in her 20s, after marriage, is basically the role of a housewife, her husband goes abroad to work, and she lives alone with a turtle. Every day, my husband would call home and ask, "Bird, do you feed Kametaro every day?"

After receiving an affirmative answer, he hung up the phone without permission, regardless of whether the bird had anything else to say.

The bird felt that his existence was worthless, as if no one or anything needed him except Kametaro, the turtle.

She fantasized about whether she was becoming transparent little by little and disappearing.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

Because the aunt of the public toilet would fart in front of her very freely, in an unconscrowded space, as if she could not see her, knocking her around; when she was alone at the bus stop, she would stop and drive away.

She couldn't help but wonder, "Can't anyone see my presence except the howling dog on the way home?" “

Frustrated, the sparrow suddenly remembered that she had seen a tiny spy recruitment advertisement on a long staircase handrail because of an accidental fall.

Although I thought to myself that this was probably a prank or a scam, I dialed the phone and boldly went to the interview.

Finch is desperate to find self-worth and a sense of presence.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

Because of the mundane and unexpectedly suitable occupation

The interview for the sparrow is a spy couple. The other party told her that this was a foreign spy organization, and the two of them were spies stationed in Japan.

The couple feels that the sparrow looks ordinary, so it is very much in line with the standards of a spy. And can't help but sigh, although I have done a lot of annual spies, but such an ordinary person as a sparrow is really rare. It feels very powerful to be ordinary.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

Sighing and sighing, the couple suddenly had an epiphany, "If it is too ordinary, isn't it extraordinary?" “

Just like in Tai Chi, there is a feeling of no trick to win.

So the sparrow passed the interview, and the spy couple gave the sparrow 5 million activity gold, let her lurk, maintain an ordinary life, do not attract the attention of others, and wait for the contact and notification of the organization.

The couple had been lurking for 12 years.

When he got home, the sparrow felt very excited. Getting up every day to keep feeding Kamedaro, washing dishes, cleaning, these boring things that are repeated day by day have become part of the life of a great spy, full of extraordinary significance.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

But what is ordinary?

Do you usually walk on your left or right leg when you walk? If someone asks you that, can you think of an answer?

What does it look like every day when you are yourself?

The sparrow is identified as an ordinary person who is ordinary to the extraordinary, and after being granted the status of a spy, he suddenly can't find the ordinary answer.

She began to think,

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

How do ordinary quilts dry? Do you have a front or a flip?

Shoot the quilt, is it taken immediately after the sun is dried? Or do you shoot well and then dry?

Go out to eat, order the most common meal that does not impress the waiter, what is that meal?

How much does it cost to go to the supermarket to buy something so that it doesn't leave an impression on the cashier?

One day the peacock let the bird help herself queue up for the lottery, when it was the turn of the bird lottery, she trembled and prayed, don't win the lottery, in case you win the jackpot will make many people notice themselves.

It turns out that it is difficult to maintain an ordinary and unprovocative life all the time.

The meaning of ordinary ramen

Later, the spy couple took the sparrow to meet other spies. They are all ordinary people who have appeared in the life of the sparrow and made everyone feel ordinary.

Spy ramen uncle, who has opened a ramen restaurant for 14 years, has maintained his ramen noodles in one kind for 14 years, and will not be delicious enough to become popular and become conspicuous, nor will it be difficult to eat to the middle level of closing the door.

No breakthroughs are allowed, no progress is allowed.

Uncle Ramen couldn't help but sigh, "Moderation is the most difficult, it's not ordinary or it's still very simple... I don't know when I can make delicious ramen according to my wishes...

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

Only then did the bird know that there was such a big meaning hidden in ordinary ramen.

In fact, The ramen uncle loves ramen very much and has a superb craftsmanship, but because he chose the identity of a spy and chose to use a ramen shop to hide his identity, he lost the right to make and share delicious ramen.

Like the mermaid in a fairy tale, she gains her legs to live with the prince, but loses her voice so that the other person can recognize her.

Between being an ordinary ramen boss and an extraordinary spy, the sense of dislocation between gaining and losing should make people feel very hard.

But, how to say it... The path was chosen by oneself.

Ah~ that man...

After more than a decade of lurking, headquarters finally launched an operation. The spy couple told Sparrow that before the action, it was best to meet anyone who wanted to meet.

The sparrow thought about it for a while and found that the difference between the original and everyone seemed to be no big deal

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

Kirito went out with Kametaro to see the town one last time.

As a result, I saw a child falling into the water by the bridge. It was the son of Kato Shogun, whom she had crushed on when she was in school. Que Fen jumped off the bridge in spite of himself, rescued the child, and then sneaked away from the crowd of onlookers.

After the TV reported the incident, the police felt that this person was very strange, why did they run away after saving people, and decided to pursue it.

That same night, the spy's day of action, and a large number of police officers came out to track it down on the same day.

In order to allow everyone to assemble safely, the bird ran to the center of the voltage station in the town and cut the wire. His hair was all electrocuted. But The Sparrow felt very satisfied, and she thought, "In life, if there is no one thing to do desperately, then life will be too boring." ”

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

However, the bird, who is full of enthusiasm, is finally told to stay, stop the task, and return to the original life.

The bird was very lost and did not understand why, but could only obey. She insisted on returning the 5 million yuan of activity funds she had previously received and watched everyone leave.

She thought someone would look back at her, but there wasn't one.

Maybe it was the last time they would see each other, and maybe later they would suddenly think of her and say, "Ah, that person..."

Uncle Ramen gave Kip a common ramen recipe before he left, and when Kiku went home, he tried to make ramen and cried as he ate it.

If there is no bowl of ramen in front of her as evidence, will the previous spy life that makes her feel like she has come back to life is actually a dream?

Different 5 million

In the end, the police found her according to the Kamedaro she was left at the scene, so that her name was exposed by the mass media, and the child's mother gave the sparrow 5 million as a thank-you fee.

The bird put the 5 million in the refrigerator like the previous 5 million, and every day when it is opened, it will be seen.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

Although it is all 5 million, this is not the same as 5 million. One 5 million makes people feel excited and feel the unusualness of ordinary life; while another 5 million makes her return to ordinary life again.

When they first moved, they were asked to stay, and they were discovered by the organization because they were targeted by the police because of the finches saving the children.

At the same time that the sparrow lost his spy status, the peacock finally got his wish and lived with a French man in a place where the Eiffel Tower could be seen.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour
Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

What kind of life is better?

Although the whole film starts from the perspective of the sparrow, it has been said that the peacock is more dazzling.

But the peacock said to the sparrow, envious of her life, because although her life looks wonderful, she has no idea what it means to survive.

The finches look so ordinary and down-to-earth.

Is it hardest to be an ordinary person? Turtle Accident Speed Tour

PS. In fact, the whole film has a lot of descriptions and many characters between the sparrow and the peacock, the details can not be presented here one by one, but around the protagonist said some of their own impressive parts, below there is the first mobile APP to watch the link, like friends can watch it themselves, is a comedy with laughter and tears, it is worth watching.

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