
Zhou Guanghua, former deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, was sentenced to accept bribes of more than 20 million yuan

author:Xinhuanet client

Nanchang, 25 Oct (Xinhua) -- The Intermediate People's Court of Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, recently pronounced a public verdict on the bribery case of Zhou Guanghua, a former member of the party leading group and deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, sentencing defendant Zhou Guanghua to 11 years and 6 months in prison and a fine of 2 million yuan for accepting bribes; confiscating the stolen money and stolen goods from Zhou Guanghua's crime of accepting bribes in accordance with the law and handing them over to the state treasury. Zhou Guanghua said in court that he obeyed the verdict and would not appeal.

According to the public resume, from May 2017 to the time of the incident, Zhou Guanghua served as a member of the party group and deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and the executive deputy director of the Provincial Government's Poyang Lake Ecological and Economic Zone Construction Office (the former Central Soviet District Revitalization and Development Work Office in Gannan, Jiangxi Province).

The court found that from 2000 to September 2020, defendant Zhou Guanghua took advantage of his position as general manager of Nanchang Municipal Engineering Development Group Co., Ltd., deputy director of nanchang Urban and Rural Construction Committee, deputy director of nanchang Honggutan New Area Management Committee, director of Nanchang Municipal Housing Management Bureau, standing committee member of Ganzhou Municipal Party Committee, vice mayor, member of the party group and deputy director of Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, to seek benefits for relevant units and individuals, and to take advantage of the convenience of his authority or position. Through the acts of other state functionaries in their positions, in order to seek improper benefits for the trustees, they illegally accepted property from others equivalent to a total of more than 26.59 million yuan.

The court held that defendant Zhou Guanghua's conduct constituted the crime of accepting bribes, and the amount was particularly huge and should be punished according to law. In view of the fact that after Zhou Guanghua arrived at the case, he took the initiative to confess some of the facts of accepting bribes that the case-handling organs had not yet grasped, truthfully confessed all his crimes, had frank circumstances, sincerely repented of his crimes, actively returned the stolen money, and voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment, and could be given a lenient punishment in accordance with law, so the above judgment was made in accordance with law.

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