
Anti-epidemic micro-documentary | we must be "in"


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The epidemic has fought back, and Henan has once again encountered a "big test" of the epidemic.

Anti-epidemic micro-documentary | we must be "in"

Fighting on two fronts, Henan simultaneously faced Delta and Omicron.

Anti-epidemic micro-documentary | we must be "in"

Tens of thousands of medical workers, party members and cadres, community workers, and volunteers have stood on the front line of prevention and control, forging a line of defense against security.

Anti-epidemic micro-documentary | we must be "in"

The governments of henan provinces grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic on the one hand and the warm service on the other, and in this cold winter, they convey warmth.

Anti-epidemic micro-documentary | we must be "in"

In the central plains, the story of unity of purpose and hand in hand in the fight against the epidemic is happening.

Anti-epidemic micro-documentary | we must be "in"

Reporters: Shuang Rui, Yang Lin, Jiang Liang, Shang Kunlun, Yang Jinxin

Reporter: Ma Yiran, Zhang Hao, Sun Xingcan

Editor: Hao Yilin

Part of the source of material: Zhengzhou Radio and Television Station Zhengguan News

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency


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