
Panjiang Refined Coal Co., Ltd. Shanjiao Tree Mine 2021 intelligent construction results are captured

author:Upstart Weekly

Courage to stand at the head of the tide "wisdom" to lead the future

Panjiang Refined Coal Co., Ltd. Shanjiao Tree Mine 2021 intelligent construction results are captured

Lee Ming-chi

Panjiang Refined Coal Co., Ltd. Shanjiao Tree Mine 2021 intelligent construction results are captured

In December 2020, the National Energy Administration and the National Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau issued the Notice on Carrying Out the Construction of the First Batch of Intelligent Demonstration Coal Mines, of which Guizhou Province was selected as four pairs of mines, and Shanjiaoshu Mine was the only mine selected by Panjiang Coal and Power Group.

In 2021, Panjiang Refined Coal Co., Ltd. Shanjiaoshu Mine took the construction of intelligent demonstration coal mines as an opportunity, innovated thinking, actively explored practices with the strong support of the company, deeply promoted the measures of scientific and technological coal development, and bravely stood at the head of the tide of intelligent construction, and "smart" led to the high-quality development of mines.

Panjiang Coal and Power Group's first intelligent operation and maintenance transmission line, the first intelligent TBM, and the first intelligent boring face that passed the provincial acceptance. The first of many Panjiang coal power generation is enough to show that the mountain foot tree mine bravely stands at the tide of panjiang intelligent construction. Intelligent construction has also brought vitality to the old mine in the "three-line" construction period of the shanjiao tree mine.

Shanjiaoshu Mine 35KV Pingshan Line is the first intelligent operation and maintenance transmission line of Panjiang Coal Power, since it was put into use in March, it has changed the situation of large risk coefficient of manual operation and maintenance, many safety hazards, complex environment, low timeliness, poor reliability and accuracy, from passive manual inspection to real-time monitoring and monitoring of lines and poles, early prevention and control, improving the safety and reliability of the system, reducing the number of post personnel by 3 people. On June 5, the intelligent operation and maintenance site of Panjiang coal-fired power transmission line will be held at shanjiaoshu mine. With science and technology changing the world and science and technology leading the future as the main line, the conference aims to improve the information, intelligent and modern management level of transmission line operation and maintenance management, and achieve the goal of improving quality and efficiency.

The intelligent tunneling work surface of 214 Transportation Inclined Lane is the first intelligent boring working surface of Panjiang Coal Power to pass the provincial acceptance, and in August 2021, the underground installation and commissioning work was completed and put into production and use in the third mining area of Shanjiaoshu Mine. At present, it has realized centralized remote control, automatic operation, profiling positioning and cutting, remote online monitoring of TBM data, fault self-diagnosis and other functions. Through the construction of the project, the staff and workers have been completely liberated from the hard, dirty and dangerous environment, and the labor intensity of the staff has been reduced. After the intelligent tunneling work surface of the 214 transportation ramp is running, it can advance 2.4 meters more per day, and the team has been reduced from the original 8 people per shift to the current 5 people per shift, and the three shifts have been reduced by a total of 9 people, which fully reflects the production goal of "few people are safe, no one is safe". On November 26, Panjiang Co., Ltd. organized an intelligent comprehensive excavation site meeting at the foot of the mountain. On December 12, the expert group of the Provincial Energy Bureau conducted an on-site acceptance of the 214 transportation inclined lane intelligent tunneling work surface upgrading project.

The promotion of intelligent projects such as intelligent operation and maintenance transmission lines and intelligent excavation work surfaces of 214 transportation inclined lanes is the epitome of the intelligent construction of Shanjiao Tree Mine in 2021. Shanjiao Tree Mine also actively summarized and gave full play to the experience and practices of intelligent auxiliary systems and intelligent coal mining work surfaces, solidified and formed an intelligent management system, and applied to the later intelligent exploration.

In the process of exploring intelligent construction, Shanjiao Tree Mine pays attention to the application of the "four major projects" of attracting talents, cultivating talents, using talents and retaining talents, introduces intelligent construction experts, arranges "tracking" practical learning for new college students and technical backbones, and realizes the growth of talents in new posts. The "four major projects" have reserved a group of outstanding intelligent construction talents for the foothill tree mine. At the same time, good results have been achieved in the operation and practice of intelligent equipment, the transformation and application of achievements, and the construction of systems.

At present, Shanjiaoshu Mine is promoting the construction and implementation of the underground 5G wireless communication system, the project of "Intelligent Mining Technology for Coal Mines Based on Industrial Internet", and the project of "Coal Mine Auxiliary Transportation Robot for Complex Geological Conditions", and will promote the application of project results in the high-quality development of mines and lead the future high-quality development.

Duty Editor/Yu Lin Fu Ping Zi Meng

Duty Director /Wang Xiaochuan

Duty Editorial Board Member /Liu Jiafei

Chief Editor/Yang Xiaotian

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