
"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

author:Avant-garde films

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On the 27th, two Hollywood blockbusters "Global Storm" and "Blade Runner 2049" landed in major theaters at the same time, and the audience has scored 7.0 for "Blade Runner 2049", while "Global Storm" has achieved a score of 8.6.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

Although the north American box office of the film is not very good, the film's rating is not low. At least the audience still thinks that this is a very good movie.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

In the past, everyone said that the rating of Douban was a water army, but as a cat's eye that was all the audiences who bought tickets, the rating was only 7.0, it seems that everyone really did not like this movie, but "2049" with only 7.0 is really not a good movie?

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

Blade Runner 2049 is a sequel to 1982 Blade Runner, except that the film was directed by a fan of the '82 director.

Since we would like to recommend this "low word of mouth" masterpiece that is being released to you, and in order not to spoil anything, then we have to mention the "Blade Runner" in 82.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

The 82nd edition of Blade Runner is based on the science fiction world's most famous film, Philip W. Bush. K. Dick's "Will Bionics Dream of An Electronic Sheep", although there is a big difference between the two, the film version only borrows the original story framework, which is very different from the cyberpunk temperament of Blade Runner, "Will Bionic People Dream of Electronic Sheep?" It's a novel built around the more abstract concept of empathy, but Blade Runner is valuable as the progenitor of cyberpunk.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Taylor's advanced robots developed into a chain stage, those robots are actually exactly the same as humans, known as replicants, these replicants are good in physical strength, agility and intelligence, used by humans in the outer world to engage in slave labor, dangerous exploration work and other planetary colonization missions, after the bloody riots of the external colonial chain Battle Group No. 6, The Earth declares replicants illegal - must retire (that is, execute). The Special Service Team, Blade Runner, is tasked with scouting any invading replicants and killing them.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

Rick Deckard is one of the Blade Runners, one day, he is ordered to track down the replicants Roy Batty, Zhora, Leon and Pris who infiltrated the Taylor Company, and his partner is the Taylor Company's chain of six replicants Rachael (Rachel) In the process of tracking, he and Rachel develop a relationship, understand the efforts of replicants to extend the life of their own machines, and gradually begin to reflect on the fate of mankind.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

The most eye-catching plot of Blade Runner is a line played by the actor who plays the replicant before his death: "I have seen things that you humans can't believe: battleships burning on the edge of Orion; C-rays shining in the darkness near the stargate... All these moments will be lost in the torrent of time, like tears in the rain... The time of death has come. ”

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

In fact, when we talk about this 1982 "Blade Runner", most of them will call it the screen vanguard of the "cyberpunk" aesthetic genre, and it is "Blade Runner" that combines the ultimate confusion of "who am I" with the bionic man in the context of science fiction, and the concept of cyberpunk is derived with "whether robots have a soul".

This movie is not only the grandfather of cyberpunk classics such as "Ghost in the Shell" and "The Matrix", but also a monument to film history that can be ranked with "2001: A Space Odyssey" in the eyes of film critics.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

In the 1980s, however, the film not only failed at the box office, but the reviews were polarized.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

Many people's feelings after watching "Blade Runner" are: inexplicable bullshit!

In layman's terms, it translates as: We didn't understand!

Even film editors don't know how to cut scissors when editing movies.

Reluctant producers had to join the narration, and Ridley Scott (the film's director) was very dissatisfied, so when the director's cut was released, the first thing he did was to remove the narration. The charm of "Blade Runner" was truly displayed, and this untimely sci-fi giant was posthumously recognized as a temple-level masterpiece by later generations.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

After 35 years, the film's sequel, Blade Runner 2049, was finally released in October 2017. The timeline of the film has also passed 30 years, and society has undergone drastic changes.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

However, as if it were a joke of fate, this sequel 35 years later can hardly escape the audience's incomprehension and various bad reviews, even in the eyes of many film critics, this sequel did not destroy the original work at all or even played well.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

In fact, "Blade Runner 2049" and the original do have the same "shortcomings" of slow pace, dark camera, sparse lines, and obscure themes, but this is also the charm of this movie, although I almost fell asleep several times after watching the 82 version, I couldn't understand it 2 times, but after watching "2049", I was deeply attracted to the world created in the movie, especially K, played by Gosling, and his AI girlfriend.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece
"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

In addition, "2049" not only has part of the plot inherited from the 82 version, but also some of the plot pits in the 82 version have been buried, if you have not seen the 82 version of "Blade Runner", many plots may not be very well understood, which is also a very unfriendly point of the film, the threshold is a little high.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

In fact, "Blade Runner" also has three derivative short films "Blade Runner: 2022 Dark Havoc", "Blade Runner: 2036 Replicant Dawn" and "Blade Runner: 2048 Nowhere to Escape", respectively, directed by two directors Shinichiro Watanabe and Luke Scott, you want to make up for it, personally recommend "2048", and the plot of the main film has a certain relationship.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

Finally, whether "Blade Runner 2049" is a good work, and in 35 years, will you give this movie a low score because you can't understand it? We'll leave it to time to decide everything.

"Blade Runner" is a cat's eye 7.0 low score, most people can not understand the science fiction masterpiece

Finally, boldly predicted, "Blade Runner 2049" is likely to be nominated for and win awards at next year's Oscars.

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