
Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

author:Taifeng Culture
Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

Zhang Daqian (1899~1983), the most legendary Master of Chinese Painting in the 20th century, and Qi Baishi enjoyed the reputation of "Southern Zhang and Northern Qi". He is good at painting, especially landscapes, and likes to paint lotus flowers and brush figures. He pioneered the pale ink splash color landscape genre and promoted the development of modern Chinese painting art, which has a far-reaching influence.

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《Taoyuan Map》

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

This work is one of Zhang Daqian's more successful works among many splashed ink and splashed landscape paintings, in which a large area of ink and color stains, and the delicate depiction of mountains and stones and peach trees on the edges of the frame form a strong visual contrast. The small boat and mountain stream in the lower left of the picture guide the viewer to find the artistic conception of Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Origin" from the schema, however, Zhang Daqian is not eager to depict the specific scenery of "Peach Blossom Garden", and the large-scale change of ink color in the main parts of the painting allows the "Peach Blossom Source" to continue to retain the charming charm of eternity.

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"Jia Coupling Diagram"

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

The work is painted with lotus flowers, which means that the good couple is natural. The meticulous depiction of gold and zhuhe in the painting, under the background of the dark green stained leaves, is magnificent and unscientific, and the amphibious mandarin duck in the thick shade is colorful and leisurely, which is a representative work of Zhang Daqian's splashed ink painting method. Judging from zhang Daqian's artistic development process, at that time, he was experiencing a transition period from the early fine brush copying of various masters to the later self-created splashing ink style, and his works not only had high artistic value, but also had high academic value.

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"Lake of Love Traces"

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

"Love Trace Lake" is Zhang Daqian's 1968 painting of huge silk splashes, the foreground of the picture is verdant mountains, and the back scene is a lake covered in between; the back shore of the lake is a light ink, pastel outlined house, the overall picture gives people a colorful, atmospheric and magnificent feeling, is Zhang Daqianhua's use of Western abstract art and traditional Chinese literati art of water and milk fusion.

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《Summer Mountain Residence Map》

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

Zhang Daqian is known as "the painter who copied the most famous paintings in the world". The landscape layout of this work is basically loyal to Wang Meng's original work, and adopts a meticulous composition that combines lofty and far-reaching, retaining the magnificent momentum of the original work and the atmosphere of quiet silence and livability, and fulfilling the artistic essence of Wang Meng's landscape painting. The structure of the whole map is complex and full, and it still exudes a flexible charm in the denseness. Painting long pine ridge, majestic, mountain peaks with many alum heads, pine forests at the foot of the mountain are lush and dense. Between the trees at the foot of the mountain, the houses are half exposed, and the hermits enjoy themselves.

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"Heavenly Girl Scattered Flowers"

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

This work depicts a fairy in a flying robe holding a lotus petal, and the scene of the "heavenly goddess scattering flowers". The characters are peaceful and quiet, the shape is graceful and luxurious, the use of lines is rounded and free, and the twists are powerful and rhythmic, and the whole work shows the popularity of Tang Dynasty.

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《Imitation of giant Blue Peak Map》

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

This picture is borrowed from the composition chapter method of Yuanren's "Ten Thousand Mountains snow map", which is integrated with the huge long phimp brush method, and the water method of Liu Daoshi's "Lake Mountain Qingxiao Map" and the yuanren pen and ink heritage, "set its great achievements, self-opportunity", borrowing a very representative large masterpiece of ancient Kaixin.

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"The Red Whisperer"

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

"Red Breeze Girl" is the exquisite work of his pen lady, and it is also an important creation of Zhang Daqian's ancient Dunhuang style of trying to present the exquisite painting style of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. The protagonist of the work is the red whisperer of the Tang Dynasty's "Three Heroes of Wind and Dust", the composition of the work is bright and concise, and the whole picture only shows the posture of the red breeze. There is no overlap or interspersing other things in the painting, simply focusing the beauty on the heroine, and all the movements are elegant and generous, without hesitation.

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"Lotus Pond Wild Fun Four Screens"

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

The composition of "Lotus Pond Wild Fun" is magnificent, the lotus leaves echo, and the contrast is harmonious; the large ink-colored lotus leaves and the woven lotus stems are interspersed and crossed, and the sharp small lotus is set off, compared with the large blooming lotus flowers, so that the picture rises and falls, and the eyes are overwhelmed. Zhang Daqian even waved out several long grasses with a beautiful brush, making the picture extremely vivid, with clear layers and a strong sense of rhythm as a whole.

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"Multi-child Diagram"

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

Children's-themed paintings are known as "baby drama pictures" in the collecting circles, and the baby drama pictures of The Hundred Sons of The Greater Arehi are one of the more common themes in Zhang Daqian's figure paintings. Although the painting of "Many Sons" is simple, the character shapes are vivid, depicting the scene of four children climbing stones and picking pomegranates in the court. The lines are strong and elastic, and the colors are bright and elegant. Take the strengths of a hundred families, carefully integrated into their own style, pleasing to the eye.

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《Phoenix Diagram》

Taifeng Culture 丨 "A Thousand in Five Hundred Years" - Zhang Daqian's works appreciation

The heavy color worker stroke "Feng Zhen Tu" integrates the flying elements of Dunhuang, the colors are bright but simple, and Zhang Daqian uses his own understanding to reinterpret the story of Qin Mugong's daughter blowing the flute and leading the phoenix. Female painting is an important subject in Zhang Daqian's paintings, and its achievements can be surpassed by few people. His artistic characteristics and successes are the depiction of the instantaneous facial expressions and inner activities of the characters. The ladies in his paintings not only have the legacy of ancient female paintings, but also have the atmosphere of the times, with a charming posture and quite a personality.

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