
How do you get through the lows of life?

author:Inspector Ayu

The French writer Maupassant wrote in Balls of Mutton Fat, "Life can't be as good as you think, but it can't be as bad as you think." I think people's vulnerability and strength are beyond their imagination. Sometimes I may be so fragile that I burst into tears with a single word; sometimes, I find myself gritting my teeth and walking a long way. ”

Yes, I think that's the truth of life. Neither happiness nor sorrow lasts, nor will everything go well and fatefully.

We yearn for happiness, always used to "wish you happiness", it seems that "enjoying happiness" is born without teaching, but on the contrary, we need to spend a lot of time and effort to learn how to face the storms of life.

How do you get through the lows of life?

I'm 27.5 years old now, why is there still 0.5, because science students are so rigorous. Frankly speaking, my life in the past few years so far has been quite happy on the whole, although I have not been rich and noble, but I have also been fortunate to have a naïve rural childhood, have stable family relations, have parents who are not very poor and educated, but are very democratic and supportive of me, and have the best educational resources that can be won at every stage... In short, have an open and free space to grow, otherwise, I would not be the kind of Inspector Ayu you see.

But at the same time, it is undeniable that in the past 27.5 years of my career, my family and I have indeed encountered obscure life lows, and even to this day, we have not fully come out, it was a difficult day, and one of the evidences is probably the fastest weight loss in recent years.

But I think that on our long road of life, everyone will encounter such a difficult day of not seeing the head, sooner or later. If you haven't met yet, maybe you're still young, maybe it's your luck, because someone has carried the biggest pressure for you.

Of course, I do not have the right and ability to teach others how to live, but sharing my own experiences and feelings may also help a few people who are related, but it is also a merit.

Therefore, in the face of the giant hammer of fate falling, in the face of those difficult and difficult days, I would like to share three views or methods:

How do you get through the lows of life?

First, you must have at least one solid idol in your heart.

If you don't know what to do, think about it – if it's your idol in life, if it's his or her face this situation, what he or she will do.

This is the easiest way and the most effective. But it also tests your "star chasing" taste and level.

The people who grew up more than my parents influenced my personality were Wong Ka-koo and Bruce Lee. The two of them are regarded by me as "idols of life". "Idol of life" means that when my life is faced with a major choice or turn, when I stand at the crossroads of fate and am at a loss, I will listen to the opinions of both of them.

How to listen? Bruce Lee died in 1973, Huang Jiaju died in 1993, and I was born in 1994, which means that I can never "chase the stars" in the same time and space.

But it doesn't matter, the personalities of Wong Andre-Jonier are eternal. Their work is timeless. Thus their philosophy of life and the quality of their thoughts are eternal.

And I'm quite familiar with their life experiences, works, personality traits, and so on. Although I am a junior, we are indeed old acquaintances.

So I can capture the response they give me, when I'm struggling at the bottom of my life, when I'm losing confidence in the future.

I knew how the two of them would react, and I knew what I was going to do.

You and I are now in the early 21st century, before that, human civilization has lasted for at least five thousand years, life has been a drop in the ocean, in this different time and space on this earth, there have been countless flesh and blood people who have lived like you. In the meantime, the dilemma you face will not be an isolated case, before you, there have been countless people in history who have faced the same problem, and some of them have solved the problem well.

Therefore, your only challenge is to find a way to find a reference from the long river of human history. Find people and things that inspire you.

Five thousand years of human civilization, how many sages and masters, can be called "when the stars of mankind shine" - so many all-star human beings who are better than you, and you will not draw strength from them. That's what's wrong with you.

How do you get through the lows of life?

Second, no matter what the situation, you can find the small luck in life.

Canadian bard and singer Leonard Cohen famously said, "Everything has a rift, and that's where the light comes in." ”

In the face of a stressful life, we often feel breathless, and even think that life is like a huge net, firmly binding my hands and feet, I probably can't escape this net for a lifetime, so I feel desperate, I feel that life has no head.

In this regard, I would like to say that the cruelty of life is not a shackle, and the feeling that you face a cruel life is the real shackle.

That's right, shackles, it's how you feel.

People's feelings are not objective enough, and often deceive ourselves - when we see the sky full of dark clouds, our feelings will think that the sky is really a dark cloud, and then turn a blind eye to the happiness line behind those dark clouds; when we feel that life is a net, we will think that it is an airtight net, and we are not willing to examine that it is actually a web with many loopholes in its corners.

I mean, if you let only instinctive intuition and sensibility dominate your consciousness, you will be pushed by the winds of life. You will not be in charge of your own destiny because you have no direction of your own, because you cannot make the most positive judgment in the face of the real situation.

When everything has two sides and any contradiction has many aspects, in fact, you have already got the key to the Rubik's Cube of fate - you have to turn the Rubik's Cube in your hand, and you also turn the ideas in your head.

But when Sun Wukong was thrown into the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun, instinctively and intuitively, it was a catastrophe, but from Sun Wukong's point of view, it was his chance to harvest the Fire Eye Golden Eye Skill Pack.

In the face of poverty and hardship in life, of course, we must clearly know that this is difficulty and pressure, but at the same time, when we can't immediately change the situation for a while and a half, the first thing we have to do is to accept the status quo, then we are to recognize the status quo, and then we must take the initiative to find opportunities and small luck from the reality of forcedness - opportunity refers to the opportunity that can be sharpened in those sufferings, in the face of such opportunities, to be brave, from such opportunities you can gain more skills, you have to become stronger; small luck refers to, You don't need to tense your nerves every day, you don't need to cross your eyebrows every day, you have to put your heart down, look around the crowd, and then find the sunshine that shines in through the cracks, to enjoy the light in front of you, to find the little pleasure that is not extinct in life, to relax and be happy to laugh. If you want to light up the dark life, then you have to have a fire in your heart first. And those small blessings in life that need your careful consideration are the sparks of the stars, and you have to learn to collect them and wait for the future to burn again.

The suffering of life can be overwhelming, but it does not deprive one of one's wisdom, courage, and ability to discover and enjoy pleasure.

I hope you always have this ability. Whether it's going well or in the face of adversity.

How do you get through the lows of life?

When you have someone you want to protect, you will become strong overnight.

When does a boy grow up?

When he suddenly found that his father could no longer stand up as strongly as before;

When does a man become a real big husband?

When he really realized how much the woman had been wronged and sacrificed to become her wife;

When is a soldier most effective?

When behind him were countless unarmed fathers and elders of his hometown;


If you can, people will not take the initiative to grow up on their own.

People's growth, first of all, stems from passively lit fireworks. When the fireworks are lit, in that moment, we see the truth of life that we have never seen before.

When a person has in his heart the person he wants to protect, he will grow up overnight.

When a person quietly remembers the name of another person in his heart, he understands what love is.

When a person knows what he is living for, he can endure any kind of life.

The above three small feelings, share with you, share with the people who saw this article, even if you are a stranger.

"Stranger, I bless you too!"

May you have a bright future,

May you have lovers who will eventually become dependents,

May you be happy on earth! ”

How do you get through the lows of life?

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