
After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

author:Kitchens in Amyoya
After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

The cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms, after the cold, although the winter to be patched, but the pace of spring is getting closer and closer, eat meat at the same time do not forget to eat more vegetables, vegetables can provide fiber, can be greasy, help digestion, more beneficial to health. Of course, the seasonal vegetables in winter are not only cabbage and turnips, let's go to see it together, after the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, adjust the diet according to the seasons, and raise a good body for the New Year.

After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

Artemisia annua - Artemisia annua tofu cake

Artemisia annua has a high content of carotene and minerals, and also contains a volatile essential oil and choline and other substances, which have the effect of digesting appetizers and improving immunity.

【Ingredients】: Artemisia annua to taste, old tofu to taste, 2 eggs, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1 tsp of salt, flour to taste


1, the old tofu crushed by hand, must be pinched to a very fine, the old tofu is relatively less water, it is best to use gauze wrapped to squeeze out the water inside, it is easier to form.

2: Finely chop the artemisia annua, add tofu, then pour in eggs, oyster sauce and salt to taste, and add more according to your taste. Then add an appropriate amount of flour and stir well until it can be balled together.

3: Brush the plate with a layer of oil to prevent stickiness, and put the stirred tofu crumbs into a cake shape on the plate.

4: Steam in a steamer with boiling water for 8 minutes, simmer for 2 minutes. (This cake can be fried or steamed)

After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

Children's dishes - stir-fried pork belly in children's dishes

Children's vegetables are also called Nanchong cuisine, the scientific name is Baozi mustard, it is a kind of mustard, there is a clear fragrance of mustard, just a slight bitter feeling, eating children's vegetables in winter can help clear the fire to dry. There are many ways to eat children's dishes, stir-fry, stewed, cold vegetables, soup can be used, and the taste of stir-fry meat is also good.

【Ingredients】: Children's vegetables appropriate amount, fungus appropriate amount, pork belly appropriate amount, oyster sauce 2 tbsp, salt 1 small spoon, ginger garlic appropriate amount,

1, wash the children's vegetables, shave off the old skin of the roots and cut into slices, the fungus is picked into small pieces, and the pork belly is peeled and cut into thin slices;

2: Heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry the ginger and garlic slices over low heat until the pork belly is fried until golden brown, add a little salt to taste and then put out.

3: Sauté the ginger and garlic in the oil of fried pork belly, then pour in the children's vegetables and fungus, turn the heat to high and stir-fry quickly;

4: Season with oyster sauce, then pour a little water over the lid and simmer for a minute, until the dishes are soft and cooked, slightly juiced.

5: Finally, pour in the sautéed meat slices and stir-fry evenly.

After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

Ci mushroom - braised Ci mushroom

Ci mushroom in the southern winter is a common aquatic vegetable, rich in protein, vitamins, calcium and other nutrients needed by the human body, sweet taste, raw and moist lungs, cooked after the taste is crisp and sticky, very suitable for winter consumption.

【Ingredients】: Mushrooms to taste, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tsp of salt, sliced ginger to taste, a little chives

1: Remove the stalk of the mushroom, peel it and cut it in half, and the large mushroom can be cut into slices.

2, put the oil in the frying pan and heat it (the oil can be more appropriate), sauté the ginger slices, then pour in the mushrooms and stir-fry until the surface is slightly charred;

3: Add soy sauce, oyster sauce and soy sauce to taste, pour in half a bowl of hot water, cover the pot and simmer for 6 minutes.

4: Wait for the mushrooms to be cooked, stir-fry on high heat to collect the juice, and sprinkle with green onions when they come out of the pot.

After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

Horseshoe - Black fungus fried horseshoe

Winter is the best season to eat horseshoe, horseshoe is also called water chestnut, the flesh is white, crisp and delicious, is a fruit and vegetables, whether it is raw or cooked, winter weather is relatively dry, eat more horseshoe can be dry and fire.

【Ingredients】: Horseshoe appropriate amount, dried fungus appropriate amount, light soy sauce 1 tablespoon, a little sugar, a little vinegar, salt appropriate amount, goji berries appropriate amount

1, after the horseshoe is peeled and cut into pieces, cleaned, black fungus bubbles are good, too big can be torn into small pieces, clean and spare, goji berries soaked in water;

2: Heat the cooking oil in a wok until it is 50% hot, slowly stir-fry the minced garlic, first put the black fungus and stir-fry for a while, fry until the black fungus is a little soft.

3, then pour in the horseshoe slices and stir-fry, add soy sauce, sugar, and finally add salt and vinegar according to personal taste;

4: Finally, add the goji berries and fry for a while to get out of the pot.

After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

Winter shoots - braised winter shoots in oil

Winter shoots are also a seasonal dish in winter. Winter shoots are rich in plant protein, vitamins and trace elements are very high, low sugar, multi-fiber characteristics, can help the human body to remove excess fat and greasy, so as to achieve weight loss purposes.

【Ingredients】: Winter shoots to taste, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp of salt, chives to taste

1, remove the winter shoots, cut off the old roots of the lowest section, and then cut the knife into pieces;

2: Bring water to a boil in a small pot, put a spoonful of salt after the water is boiled, cook the cut winter shoots in the pot for 1 minute, remove the astringency and excessive oxalic acid, and fish out the cold water.

3, put in the pot oil (more oil, winter shoots eat oil), add onion, ginger and garlic to burst the aroma, then pour in the bamboo shoots and stir-fry for 1 minute until slightly charred;

4: Add soy sauce, soy sauce and sugar and stir-fry to color, then put water and simmer for 5 minutes, finally plate, sprinkle with green onions and garnish before serving.

After the cold, these 6 kinds of alkaline vegetables do not miss, the colder the day, the cheaper, raise a good body for the New Year

Lotus root - Rouge root

Lotus root is not only tender and delicious, but also rich in nutrients, lotus root contains mucus protein, dietary fiber and calcium, phosphorus and iron and other minerals, can promote digestion, clear heat and dryness, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, enhance appetite, so winter consumption of lotus root, can play a good nourishing effect.

【Ingredients】: Lotus root to taste, purple cabbage to taste, white vinegar 2 tbsp, honey to taste

1, cut the purple cabbage into small pieces into a blender, add cool white, start the mixer to break into juice;

2, the juice is dark purple, and then add white vinegar, purple kale will turn into carmine in the face of acid;

3, peel the lotus root and cut evenly into thin slices, boil the lotus root into the water for 3 minutes, and then fish out the cold, so that the lotus slices are more crisp;

4: Add sugar or honey to the purple cabbage juice to make a moderate sweet and sour taste, and then add the drained lotus slices to soak.

After 5 or 2 hours, the lotus root will completely turn rose red and you will be finished.

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