
Yongzhou: Highlight the "six in place" to strengthen epidemic prevention and control during the Spring Festival

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station

Red Network Moment, January 20 (Correspondent Peng Zhigang) The Spring Festival has begun, the Spring Festival is coming, the flow and gathering of people have increased significantly, the high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in winter and spring, the pressure of external prevention and import continues to increase, and the risk of epidemic transmission always exists. In order to effectively respond to the current epidemic prevention and control situation and do a solid job in the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, Yongzhou City has carefully sorted out the processes and links of "external prevention of imports and internal prevention of hidden dangers", highlighted the "six in place", and did not slacken its efforts to grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, weave a solid safety net for epidemic prevention and control, and do a solid job in epidemic prevention and control during the Spring Festival.

The chain of command is activated in place. Maintain the command system combined with peacetime and wartime and efficient operation, adhere to the leadership with shifts, 24-hour duty duty and the "daily report, zero report" system, circulation, sampling, testing, and treatment teams are always on standby, to ensure that once the epidemic occurs, realize the seamless docking of the normalized state and the emergency disposal state, and pay close attention to taking emergency measures, so that things do not stay overnight, and run in front of the epidemic.

Key personnel control is in place. Strengthen the two-way inspection of entry personnel and key epidemic-related personnel, implement gridded and carpet active inspections of key groups such as returnees, foreigners, domestic high school risk area personnel, and entry personnel, and achieve "clear numbers, heads, locations, and control situations" for key personnel information in the first time. Strengthen the closed-loop management of centralized isolation sites and transfer processes, strictly implement the "should be isolated", promote the standardization and transformation of centralized isolation sites, strictly manage centralized isolation sites, and plug leaks outside the epidemic.

Transportation hub monitoring is in place. Coordinate the forces of transportation, health and health, public security and territorial governments, set up epidemic prevention and control service stations and temporary nucleic acid sampling points at major transportation hubs such as railway stations, high-speed rail stations, airports, and long-distance passenger stations in the city, and strictly implement the four 100% (100% body temperature measurement, 100% health code bright green code passage, 100% wearing masks, 100% inspection of nucleic acid test certificates within 48 hours) for all personnel entering Yongyong through civil aviation, railways, highways, etc. in other provinces, and provide real-time nucleic acid sampling services free of charge.

Community grid management in place. On the basis of the "five guarantees and one guarantee" system for leading cadres at the three levels and the staff, strengthen the grid management of epidemic prevention and control in urban communities, comprehensively promote the creation of "zero risk" communities (villages), each county and urban area focuses on community front-line prevention and control, led by the main responsible persons of the party and government in the county and urban areas, and each community specifies 1 county-level leader joint point, 1 county directly backed unit stationed to help, 1 professional and technical team roving guidance, and industry supervision departments perform their duties, forming a joint force for epidemic prevention and control, promoting the forward movement of the pass, extending the tentacles, The center of gravity sinks, and promotes the construction of a prevention and control system of "strict grid control, strict behavior management, strict inspection of epidemics, and severe punishment of chaos", and achieve full coverage, all-weather and no blind spots in the prevention and control of grass-roots grids.

Prevention and control publicity guidance is in place. A proposal for "celebrating the festival in place" was sent to all citizens to advocate local festivals to reduce the risk of epidemic import and transmission. The "Permanent Defense Code" was launched to provide convenience for the active declaration of those who enter Yongyong or intend to enter Yong outside the province. Timely release epidemic prevention and control risk tips in major media, guide the general public to pay attention to the epidemic situation in real time, reduce the flow and gathering of people, consciously do not go to medium and high-risk areas, and take the initiative to report abnormal travel history or health code (itinerary code) in epidemic-related areas.

Prevention and control responsibilities are compacted in place. At present, Yongzhou City has organized 6 supervision groups to conduct comprehensive supervision throughout the city, focusing on key links, keeping an eye on key parts, urging all localities to strengthen centralized leadership, compacting the "four-party responsibility" of territories, departments, units, and individuals, effectively implementing various measures such as key personnel investigation and control, centralized isolation point management, and normalized prevention and control of key places, supervising and rectifying the problems found, and seriously pursuing responsibility and accountability for units and individuals that are not implemented in place and ineffective in their work, and ensuring that various prevention and control measures are effective.

During the Spring Festival, as the main force of epidemic prevention and control, the city's 40,000 health and health people will vigorously carry forward the spirit of "three eyes", always maintain the "three cadres" style, stick to their posts, bravely take responsibility, charge ahead, resolutely implement the general strategy of "external defense import, internal defense rebound", strictly implement various prevention and control measures, and effectively keep to the edge, sink to the end, stare at the point, grasp in place, resolutely hold the pure land of Yongzhou, and exchange our hardship index for the happiness index, safety index and health index of the masses. Ensure that the masses of the people live a happy and peaceful festival.

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