
When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?

author:Yoga Anatomy

If you want to practice yoga well, ankle exercises are indispensable!

Practicing yoga, we may usually pay more attention to the opening of the hip joint and shoulder joint, and the attention to the ankle is far from enough. But in fact, the flexibility and stability of the ankle and instep are equally important.

When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?
The instep and ankle are part of the anterior fascia chain of the body, and its flexibility affects the completion of all back-bending asanas, and even if you can't squat, it is closely related to it!
When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?

And to practice yoga, we must let every part of the body develop in balance in order to improve the overall level of practice.

Therefore, today I will share with you 6 methods of deep pressing the ankle and opening the instep, and it is recommended to collect it and practice more!


When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?

  • Vajra sits with his feet on the outside of his hips and the instep of his feet pressed against the ground
  • Inhale, stand your back straight, and put your hands behind your body
  • Exhale to tighten the core, center of gravity back, knees off the ground
  • Feel the stretch of the ankles and insteps and stay for 5-8 breaths
  • Inhale, restore, and also practice dynamically 10-15 times


When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?
  • Kneel on the ground, feet hooked back, toes point to the ground
  • Prepare inhale, exhale, tighten the core
  • Sit back with your hips down to a squat position with your heels down
  • Inhale and reduce, with 10-15 breathing dynamic exercises


When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?
  • Knees together and hips sit on the heels
  • Inhale your back upright and shift your center of gravity to your left hip
  • Exhale and lift your right knee upwards and hold your right knee with both hands
  • Let your right thigh touch your belly and extend your right ankle
  • Stay 5-8 breaths and practice on the other side


When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?
  • Lower dog style, feet together, shift the center of gravity to the right foot
  • Bend your left knee and place your left toe on the right Achilles tendon
  • Prepare for inhalation, exhale, and do tiptoe exercises on your right foot
  • After repeating the exercise 10-15 times, switch to the other side


When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?
  • Prepare a yoga brick with your feet on it
  • The inhalation extends the back and the exhaled body bends forward and downward
  • The tips of your fingers touch the ground, and your heels step down in turn
  • With breathing, repeat the exercise 15-20 times


When practicing yoga, why is it recommended that you press your ankles and open your instep?
  • Enter the garland style with your toes 45° outward
  • Clench your hands in fists in front of your chest and rest your elbows on the inside of your legs
  • Prepare for inhalation, exhale, and lift your heels off the ground
  • Inhale and reduce, repeat 15-20 times with breathing

The above actions can strengthen the flexibility and stability of the feet at the same time, it is recommended that you collect more practice Oh ~

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