
"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health

Entering the Waxing Moon, the days pass quickly, and there are still 10 days left to be the New Year. Everyone is busy finishing the work in hand, and on the one hand, they are busy preparing for the New Year.

New Year is the most important traditional festival in the mainland, everyone has been busy for a year, many people only enjoy family reunion time during the New Year, so some of the food that is usually reluctant to eat will not hesitate to take home when buying New Year goods, and now in the special period, everyone wants to prepare more, in case of emergency.

For merchants, the New Year is an important moment to make money, it is inevitable that some old goods will be moved to the stall, shoddy, so we must not be impulsive when we buy New Year goods, we must know how to choose carefully, to avoid stepping on the pit.

Buy New Year goods, "8 categories" of food advise you not to buy, unhealthy is not cost-effective, understand and then buy do not suffer losses. The following is to share with you some new year goods selection skills, are the food you want to buy, in the purchase of may wish to pay attention to it, let's take a look at it!

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Multi-flavored melon seeds

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy

Melon seeds are almost a must-have food for every family to eat for the New Year, and at the same time, they must prepare some for the New Year's worshippers. Many families buy more than a dozen pounds at a time, so on the New Year goods market, there will be many stalls selling melon seeds, various flavors, caramel flavor, cream flavor, walnut flavor... Compared with these melon seeds, the original melon seeds appear eclipsed, and even few people buy them.

But you notice that the price of original melon seeds is often 1-2 yuan higher than the price of these flavored melon seeds, why?

In fact, it is very simple, on the one hand, these multi-flavored melon seeds in the production process will usually add a large number of additives, flavor enhancers, these substances are not only not beneficial to our body, but also will make the melon seeds themselves increase in weight, that is, the pressure scale.

On the other hand, these melon seeds will be mixed with some poor quality melon seeds, when we taste melon seeds, we will find that most of these multi-flavored melon seeds have become brownish yellow or black color, but under the cover of various flavor enhancers, we can't even eat rotten taste.

Therefore, when we buy melon seeds, we should not be attracted by various flavors, and it is best to choose the original melon seeds to buy. The same is true for buying other dried fruits, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, etc., the more beautiful and fragrant, then in the process of processing, the more additives may be. We want to choose the original flavor, and the color is close to its true color, so that it is healthier.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Nice sweets

Every year, children and their families go to visit the New Year, and their pockets are filled with candies given by various families, and candy is also a must-have for the New Year, and these candies, which are rarely bought on weekdays, have become sought-after goods at the Time of the New Year.

The flowery and green style, taste, people are dazzling, and some people can't help but look beautiful. We should pay attention when buying candy, first of all, some candies without sealed wrapping paper should not be bought, exposed to the air for a long time, people come and go, dust, saliva is inevitable, and now is a special period to pay more attention.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy

In addition, there is a kind of hard candy, there are various colors, but also marked with different flavors, in fact, when you eat, you will find that the strawberry flavor does not have a strawberry flavor, and the cantaloupe flavor cannot be eaten, but some sticky teeth are discolored.

At the same time, when purchasing candy, we should also pay attention to pinching with our hands, if it has been deformed, it means that it has melted, it is likely to have deteriorated, so we must not buy it.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Apples that are red overall

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy

New Year is indispensable to buy some fruits, and in many fruits, apples are almost necessary for each family, on the one hand, apples have a good meaning, peace and security; in addition, apples are also very nutritious, more beneficial to our body, apples are also resistant to preservation, buy home do not need to put in the refrigerator, directly into the plastic into the shade, eat fresh for a month.

When we buy apples, we should pay attention to not choosing the overall red, smooth to the touch, such apples are often not crisp enough to eat and not sweet enough, in the words of our hometown, called "hair gěn". We should choose those that are rough to the touch and can be seen with obvious stripe texture, so that the apples are crisp and sweet to eat.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Yellowing and sour tofu

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy

"Twenty-fifth of the Waxing Moon, grinding tofu", in the past, when the New Year was approaching, each household had to make tofu, make dozens of pounds, and keep it for the first month to eat. Now people don't have time to make tofu, but during the New Year, it is indispensable to buy more tofu, and it is very good to cook and make soup.

When buying tofu, we try to choose to buy in the morning, the merchant usually makes fresh tofu in the morning to sell, so buy tofu early, anxious to eat hot tofu, but you can buy fresh tofu.

Of course, when we buy tofu, we should also pay attention to it, the color of normal tofu is white or off-white, if the color is yellow, then it is likely to be broken. At the same time, we can smell it, normal tofu will emit a natural bean flavor, if there is obviously a sour taste, it means that it is not fresh.

Tofu is also usually sold in the air, and it is easy to get contaminated with dust bacteria. We should wash the tofu we buy home with salt water first, and then cook it later.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Yellowish or evenly colored bacon

Many people like to buy some bacon during the New Year, which has a unique flavor and texture compared to fresh meat.

The normal color of bacon is relatively bright, you can see the obvious texture, the color is dark and light, and it will not be very uniform. And if we encounter that the overall color is uniform and beautiful, then it may be "dyed". In addition, if you encounter a waxy yellow color and moldy surface, do not buy such bacon.

Of course, we can also touch it with our hands, if the touch is sticky, the elasticity is poor, it means that the preservation time is too long, it is not fresh, do not buy.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Snow-white white fungus

Dried vegetables have the characteristics of high nutrition and resistance to preservation, and every household has to buy something during the New Year, and white fungus, fungus, and yellow cauliflower can be called the old three things that must be bought. First of all, the white fungus, under normal circumstances, its color is somewhat yellow, and it is dry to the touch, and it may be passive when it encounters a white color.

The same is true for broccoli, which is naturally dried and darker in color, dark yellow, brown or blackened. If the color of the broccoli is very light and appears bright yellow, it means that it has been smoked, unhealthy, and it is best not to buy it.

Although it is also called black fungus, it is not black throughout, but one side is black, but one side is black, and the other side is gray and white, which is normal. On the contrary, if you encounter black on both sides, it may be "dyed", so don't buy it.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Fish/seafood with thick ice

With the improvement of people's living standards, all kinds of fish and seafood often appear on people's tables. We know that some fish are deep-sea fish that cannot survive when caught ashore, so many of the marine fish we buy are frozen.

When buying these fish and seafood, we have to observe the ice covered on its surface, if it is very thick, then we do not buy, on the one hand, these ice is very pressed, a pound of fish 2 or two are ice, very uneconomical; on the other hand, the thicker the ice, the longer it is frozen, the worse the flavor and nutrition.

Another point is that we often see that there are strips for sale, the price is cheaper than the whole strip of fish, so we are better off not buying, because these strips are likely to be cut from the rotten strips of fish, not only poor freshness, but also unhealthy.

"8 categories" of food advise you not to buy New Year goods, unhealthy is not cost-effective, many people are still rushing to buy


Flavored milk/yogurt

Milk and yogurt are now almost a must-have drink in people's homes, and during the New Year, relatives and friends often buy some to give away to each other. Whether we drink it ourselves or give it away, we are better off choosing pure milk or plain yogurt, which is healthier. Flavored milk and yogurt usually add more sweeteners, sugar, and the content of milk itself will be reduced, whether from a health point of view or nutritional point of view, it is not cost-effective.

Whether it is to buy yogurt or milk, we must pay attention to the first place in the ingredient list is raw milk, then yogurt, we try to choose the ingredient list is short. Simply and directly, we can identify by the product execution number, the product standard number of pure milk is GB25190, the product label number of yogurt is GB19302, look for these two strings of numbers, and buy good milk.

Source: Today's headlines - Little Jasmine Food

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