
Remember history and walk into a just war


The Xiaoluo Practice Team of the College of Educational Sciences of Hubei Normal University held the sixth cloud support teaching open class on the afternoon of January 20. All members and their tutors participated in the event through the Tencent Conference. Gong Hao served as the keynote speaker of this open class.

The theme of this open class is the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and it is carried out from four aspects: the historical background of the war, the process of the war and the reasons for victory, the heroes in the war, and the enlightenment brought to us by the war. First of all, Gong Hao explained that the reasons for the outbreak of the Korean War were mainly the division of the Korean Peninsula, the southward advance of the Korean People's Army and the intervention of the United States, and the crossing of the 38th Line by the US military, which threatened China's security. Second, she detailed the course of the war and proposed the key reasons for the victory, such as the leaders' formulation of the right strategy and the strong backing of the motherland and the people. Next, she introduced the great deeds of Peng Dehuai, Yang Gensi, Yang Liandi, Huang Jiguang and Qiu Shaoyun, the five heroes of the War of Resistance, which aroused everyone's thinking and guided everyone to learn the patriotic spirit of these heroes. Finally, Gong Hao explained to everyone the historical enlightenment brought to us by the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and proposed that the core interests should be defended with blood, that iron will is the key to determining the outcome of war, that victory over the enemy is the living soul of military command, and that the liberation of people is the fundamental source of combat effectiveness generation.

Patriotic education is an important way to shape a correct outlook on life. Through this open class, the students further understood the Korean War, learned more about the heroes of the War of Resistance, understood the difficulty and importance of the victory of the Korean War, and will remember history and forge ahead in their future lives! (Correspondent: Wang Yiqi)

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