
Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

author:Everybody is a product manager
Editor's Note: The new year has arrived, which means that the work of this year is coming to an end. Many companies have begun a summary or review of the year's work. However, the year-end summary review is often treated as a task and is hastily concluded. What does year-end review mean for professionals? How to correctly treat the year-end review summary? This article revolves around the year-end review summary, and is recommended for partners who are interested in reading.
Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

At the beginning of the new year, every January, I will do one thing, that is, to look back, summarize what I have done in the past year, review my growth, and then make a plan for the new year based on this. I believe that many people, at this time, are also beginning to carry out year-end summary and work review.

But please take a hard look at what you write, will it be like a journal, just a simple record of what you have done in the past year? For example, how many books have been read, how many achievements have been completed, and so on. But when I ask specifically, how did you grow personally? What level are you at right now. Are you still a little confused. Therefore, in fact, many people's year-end summary is more like a matter schedule, and even for some people in the workplace, writing a year-end summary is just a job.

Therefore, today, Grandpa Pai, I will talk to you about the content of the year-end summary and personal review. The content of the article is relatively long, but I believe that as long as you read it carefully and actually apply it, it will be very helpful for your personal growth.

Regarding the summary and review, I would like to ask you a question first: What is the core purpose of the various summaries and various work reviews that we have to do?

Is the purpose of summarizing and reviewing the past? Or is it to precipitate experience and discover your own strengths and weaknesses? In fact, these are only means, not ends. The fundamental purpose is to give ourselves sufficient strength in the future competition. Therefore, whether you are doing a work summary or a personal review, the core is not to review the past, but to face the future! No matter what you've done in the past, what you've gained, if it doesn't help your future, then that's a summary of a failure.

So to sum up in one sentence: we do work summary, the real purpose is to reshape their own value, so as to enhance their competitiveness in the future. You can think of it as a future-proof competition!

First, summarize ≠ review

What is a summary? What is a re-order? In fact, summary and review are two different concepts, let's first look at what is a review?

The word "back-up" originally originated in the Term for Go. After the end of the game, the two sides recall, analyze and deduce according to the chess situation at that time, which place how to do it better, in order to improve their chess skills. Now it has evolved into a review of the enterprise and an individual's review of life and work. Therefore, the essence of the review is to find out the problem, that is, what caused a certain result, what caused it. At the same time, further think about whether changing this factor will be beneficial to the outcome.

The summary is to summarize the above content and precipitate relevant experience. At the same time, solutions to this situation need to be proposed. Because as mentioned earlier, the core purpose of review + summary is to face the future. If you can't come up with reasonable solutions to the problem, then you can't achieve the purpose of reshaping your own value.

Of course, even if you can't distinguish between review and summary very well, or you simply equate review with summary, summary is equivalent to review, in fact, this is not important. Nouns, at best, are definitions. The key is to learn to learn from the past, to precipitate experience from past experiences, and to propose coping strategies for future challenges. Let yourself better face the future.

Second, from review to summary, and then to planning

Then let's start to talk to you formally, what I understand as a review + summary, and how to use it. It is a model from review to summary to planning, which is a positive cycle of personal ability improvement and value reshaping. As shown in the following figure:

Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

Plan and formulate, and then a fixed cycle, such as monthly work review, and then summarize experience, and put forward new strategies, continuous iteration, optimization, to achieve the reshaping of their own value, and finally based on this to develop a new plan. This is a positive, cyclical closed loop of personal empowerment. So let's take a look at them one by one.

1. Review the goals and review them in depth

The core purpose of reviewing this matter is to analyze and find out the problem. Not for the sake of agency or schedule records, many people review the work, like the following table.

Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

Make a simple list of things, when they were done, how much time it took, and so on. There is not much thinking and reflection in between, and this kind of review is ineffective. The review we have to do should be the following.

There is a process of things happening, there is deduction, there is reflection. The depth of a person's review determines the depth of a person's thinking about things and the resistance to pressure, and also determines his growth rate.

So how should the in-depth review be done? It can be roughly divided into three steps:

The first step is to review the goals

If you want to achieve a deep review, you must be related to the plan, closely around the original plan, and carry out it as the center. At this stage, you can sort through several key questions.

  • What are your goals?
  • How do you measure whether this result is good or bad? What are the judging criteria?
  • What were the biggest obstacles to achieving this goal in the original vision?
  • What was your initial strategy to achieve this goal? (What resources were mobilized,) )
  • When is the time node of this goal set?

Through the combing of the above questions, you can be more clear when reviewing the goals, which is very helpful for the next event deduction. Of course, when we review the goals, instead of just relying on our own imagination, you should write out these questions one by one and form a table. After all, what you think today is not necessarily the same as what you thought when you were making a plan. So, the purpose of re-combing this is to allow you to remain objective enough. (Regarding this part of the table, when talking about the new planning later, it will be mentioned, because the model is a closed loop, so the first and last steps can be directly applied)

In addition, when looking back at the goal, many people will make a mistake, that is, to take the means as the goal, which is the most common mistake. For example, planning a fission activity, taking fission as a goal, fission is just a means, let more people participate in the activity, or let more people buy your products/services is your goal, for example, you want to achieve a monthly income of 1W, this is your goal, and you go to learn a course to improve your professional ability, this is your means. This is why I suggest that when reviewing the goal, it is necessary to write the goal clearly and clearly in a certain place, so that it is not easy to confuse, and the second is not to deviate from the goal when reviewing.

The second step in the review: evaluate the results

Although we say that the review should be closely focused on the goal, when it comes to evaluation, we can't just look at the results. The results of the assessment should include at a minimum of factual results and process execution results.

Among them, the factual results should be evaluated with specific data performance. It is the final result that is compared with the goal originally set. For example, the results are consistent with the goals and the goals are completed; the results exceed the goals and the completion is better than expected; the results are not as good as the goals, and the completion is worse than expected.

In addition, in many cases, when we do specific things, the process will continue to add some small goals, at this time you also need to list these small goals, through the data ratio to see, the realization of these small goals, how much contribution/impact on the final goal results.

The evaluation of process execution results is mainly based on the three dimensions of strategy, obstacle and resource. The core purpose is to determine how different strategies/obstacles/resources affect the target outcome. We can rank (both positive and negative) by multiple strategies, barriers, and resources, based on the magnitude of the impact on the outcome, which provides decision support later in our analysis of the specific causes and, ultimately, empirical precipitation.

The third step in the review: analyze the cause

This step can actually be split into two steps, starting with a process narrative. Try to describe it in more objective language here. You can re-present what happened as much as possible in an oral manner, and then put them into words, like keeping a diary. This allows us to know what the law of development of things looks like. This is the basis for your next analysis of the reasons.

This is followed by an analysis of the reasons for this result. It's still about the three dimensions of strategy, obstruction, and resources. Earlier, when we evaluated the results, we sorted them on the influence of the results, and we needed to analyze each sort. Here we can analyze them one by one in a tabular summary:

Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

The above is the analysis of the two parts of the strategy and resources, sorted according to the size of its influence on the result, through the subjective factors and objective factors at the implementation level, the positive impact and negative impact of different strategies on the result. (The thing to note here is that even if a strategy has a good impact on the outcome, it does not mean that the strategy has no negative effect, in other words, it is necessary to analyze whether the good strategy is still possible to improve.)

Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

To hinder this content, we first have to analyze whether it is really the result, or whether it really happened in the process of our execution. Many times, the obstacles we think of often do not necessarily occur, and this is also related to our experience and personal ability. So first, we are results-oriented to judge whether the obstacle we predicted at the beginning really happened, and then what kind of strategy we adopted, and whether this strategy can effectively prevent this obstacle and so on. This part can effectively improve our ability to predict unknown risks.

Finally, when analyzing the causes, in addition to the original goals, strategies, obstacles, and resources, we need to analyze one thing: the unexpected. That is, what I didn't think of when I was making a plan, but what happened when I actually worked.

For example, in November last year, an industry celebrity accidentally mentioned the Pai ye operation in his live broadcast room, which led to a surge in the number of fans of my public account that month. This was definitely an unexpected event for me and didn't fall within my expectations! Of course this unexpected event had a positive impact on my target outcome. Although from the results, the data indicators of my public account this year have exceeded the quota, but combined with other year-on-year data, in fact, the results of this data indicator are going to be discounted. In other words, the strategies, executions, etc. I had previously formulated were not as powerful as I expected.

Therefore, when we analyze the causes, we must count the unexpected factors together. Whether it is for the event itself or for us personally, any unexpected factor has the potential to have an impact on the outcome. Whether it's good or bad. Analyzing the unexpected allows us to be more objective in analyzing target outcomes, strategies, obstacles, and resources. In this way, we will not be blind when summarizing the law, formulating new strategies and new plans in the future. At the same time, analyzing unexpected factors can also improve our resilience.

The above are the three steps of the review, from reviewing the goal, to the result evaluation, to the cause analysis, in fact, it is a process from the logical level to the embodiment of specific things.

Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

It can help us to deeply restore various details from goal setting to specific execution processes. So that we can better and more objectively recognize how we have done in the past period of time! Why! Wait a minute. With these, you can better summarize.

2. Summarize the rules and precipitate experience

Next is the second part of this model, summarizing the rules and precipitating experience. In fact, many articles have also said about summarizing the law. I believe you all know its importance. After all, once you know the law of the development of things, then you can always be more relaxed when dealing with it in the future. But few people go into detail, how should this law be summarized? What are the parts of the experience that we want to precipitate? Next, Grandpa Pai, I'll have a good talk with you.

In fact, about the summary of the law, we only need to expand around two dimensions, one is the law of people, and the other is the law of things. But no matter which law it is, when we summarize, we can still focus on the four contents of the review, that is, around the outcome, strategy, obstacles and resources.

(1) The law of "man"

The people here, without a doubt, are yourself. The law of "people" that we want to summarize is actually only two levels, the emotional level and the execution level. The emotional level is to determine the emotional or rational, while the executive level is to see how good your execution is and what you are susceptible to when executing.

To sum up, in fact, it is to summarize the law of "people" through several questions:

  • Are you emotional or rational in setting goals?
  • Are you emotional or rational in executing your strategy?
  • When faced with obstacles, are you emotional or can you be rational?
  • Are you emotional or rational when faced with resources, such as finding them useful or useless, or not being able to find resources to support them?
  • Finally, what factors are you most susceptible to when executing? (Including the environment, things, people, etc.).

For example, the simplest example: you made a public account yourself, the goal is to increase the number of fans 2W a year (your goal), for which you have developed a strategy, insist on updating 2 articles every week, and synchronously distribute to the major vertical platforms (your strategy). But when you persist for 3 months and find that the public account fans have only risen by 500 (the obstacle encountered), at this time you begin to wonder and be at a loss. By chance, you came into contact with a course on the operation of the official account, so you signed up (your resources, although they were bought for money). After learning, you have readjusted your operational strategy based on what you have learned. Finally, at the end of the year, you evaluate the results and find that the public account fans are still only 1800.

Then let's analyze it, from the strategic point of view, your strategy is not a problem, execution can also be (a week to adhere to 2 more and there is no phenomenon of breaking). And the biggest problem is that when you get in the way, you get at a loss. It involves your ability, and when you see a related course, you don't hesitate to participate. This shows that you are a person who is easily influenced by the outside world (because theoretically, when there is an obstacle, you should analyze your own content first), and you are easy to be emotional when adjusting your strategy and seeking resources. After all, from course learning to later strategy adjustments, judging by the results, this learning will contribute very little to your goals. Combining the above content, and then looking back at your original goal setting, your strategy, execution, etc. are no problem, your results are far from the goal, it shows that your cognition of self-ability is insufficient, so the goal you set is largely a decision made in a perceptual state.

Therefore, according to this case, the law of "people" is summarized under the goal of increasing the number of fans in the operation of the public account:

  • Lack of awareness of self-ability, easy to overconfidence;
  • Execution can;
  • Encounter difficulties and lack of rational response;
  • It is easy to be affected by some factors such as advertising (if the course was recommended by others, it needs to be changed to be easily influenced by others, etc.).

(2) The law of "things"

The summary of the laws of things is relatively simple. It is to summarize the objective law of the development of things, that is, the precipitation of experience. For example, in order to achieve a certain goal, which strategy works best, etc. Like the above example, in order to achieve the public account to increase fans, you will synchronize the article to various self-media platforms. At this time, you can judge your type of content through data analysis, which platform has the best exposure effect, the most drained users, better user quality and so on!

Therefore, the law of things is actually a summary of the specific methods and methods you have adopted in order to achieve a certain goal. These will also become your work experience. Although there are actually many articles, content, etc. about experience, skills, etc. But to put it bluntly, these are for most users, but they may not be the best for you! So by summarizing the "things", you can precipitate your own experience.

Let everyone apply the self-value remodeling model, 6,000 words to tell you the year-end review summary

When we summarize the laws of "people" and "things", we also open the incision of cognition, which can effectively precipitate experience. This is an effective way to avoid repeating the same mistakes when developing new plans and strategies for the next step. Especially when it comes to developing new strategies.

3. Develop new plans and strategies

The final step in the overall model is to develop new plans and strategies based on past experience. This is the embodiment of the completeness of the whole system. After all, the purpose of our review and summary is to face the future. The formulation of new plans and new strategies is not simply about setting a goal. You must set goals at the same time as clearly developing what strategies should be used to achieve the goals, what obstacles you may encounter in anticipation, and what resources can be mobilized. At the same time, it is necessary to have a management process that executes on the entire goal.

Here, I personally recommend using the OSDR model to develop new plans and strategies.

What is OSDR? i.e. purpose, strategy, difficulty, resources.

  • O:objectives represent purposes, including G:goal specific segmentation goals and M:measurement metrics
  • S:stategy indicates a strategy for action
  • D: Difficulty stands for difficulty, obstacle
  • R:resources represent available resources

This model is not an authoritative theoretical model, but has evolved after I personally combined with the OGSM management model. In fact, for many models and theories, we may not be unchanged when we apply them in practice, and we can completely redefine them in combination with our own actual situation. After all, whether it is a tool or a model, the right one to use is the most important.

For the specific use of this model, you can refer to the following table:

For example, because the goal of increasing the fans of the public account in the previous stage has not been achieved, the new plan is still aimed at the increase of the public account, and the specific indicator disassembly is 20,000 fans for the whole year, and the specific month is 1700 data indicators. Then the original strategy was 2 more a week, but the drainage effect is not good, so you can choose to increase the number of more texts, for example 3 more a week. At the same time, increase media distribution channels, such as from the original 3 platforms to 5. At the same time, plan to plan an event once a month to increase the drainage effect. The above three are the specific strategies you have formulated in order to achieve the purpose of increasing the number of fans on the public account.

And you join 3 communities of 500 people, which is the main channel for you to do activities fission, so these 3 groups are the resources you can use.

After that, you'll need to look at your goal every other month through specific metrics. Then, according to the results of the data indicators, combined with their actual situation at the time of execution, to do further analysis. This is a bit like the quantitative assessment and non-quantitative assessment in the traditional assessment. Among them, the quantitative assessment uses the data index results as the only evaluation criterion. Instead of quantitative assessment, it mainly takes the obstacles encountered in the actual implementation process as the entry point, and analyzes from the two levels of "people" including personal ability dimension, emotional dimension, and "thing". One of the things that needs to be noted here is that when we actually analyze the problem, in many cases, the difficulties encountered are actually causal to each other.

So there is a summary of information in the table, which is for this situation. So when we find a problem, the solutions we develop are not necessarily to be solved one by one. For example, as in the case in my table, updating 3 articles a week will inevitably be emotionally perfunctory when executing. This may be a "person" problem, or ability or mentality; it may also be the cause of "things", lack of time, and so on. So at this time, we choose to prioritize the problem of ability and time, and then review the emotional problem at the next review and summary to see if this emotional problem has been effectively solved.

The above is the specific application of the OSDR model, from the purpose, cell to the measurement standard, resources, and then to the obstacle, the solution step by step, so that every link can have clues to follow.

III. Final Conclusion:

From reviewing the goals and reviewing the process, to summarizing the rules, precipitating experience, and finally to the formulation of new plans and new strategies. This is a positive cycle of personal empowerment and value remodeling models.

The review must have depth, especially for the review of the implementation process, from the evaluation of the results to the implementation of the process, all-round and multi-dimensional event deduction; and the summary must have valuable outputs, including the law of "people" and the law of "things", and precipitate their own experience.

A deep review, a regular, empirical summary, is an important determinant of what degree of a person's ability can reach! Or that sentence, whether it is a deep review, or a summary of value output, the purpose of everything is to face the future and better reshape their own value.

#专栏作家 #

π ye operation, WeChat public account: Pai ye operation (pyyunying), everyone is a product manager columnist. A post-80s who called himself π Grandpa! From time to time, we share operational dry goods and industry insights, and look forward to meeting more interesting souls...

This article was originally published by everyone who is a product manager, and reproduction without permission is prohibited.

The title image is from Unsplash, based on the CC0 protocol

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