
The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

author:Great White Kan Psychology

Every day labrador has a "new plan to demolish the house" and things in the home are torn down by it!

January 18, Xi'an, Shaanxi. A woman was isolated from home for 14 days, and through monitoring, she saw that the dog had demolished the house. Ms. Liu, the person in question, said that because of isolation, she could not bring pets, and prepared enough food for the dog at home. From the surveillance, it was seen that the dog had dug a hole in the sofa, the clothes, shoes and bags were dismantled, and there was a new demolition plan every day. Although it is desperate, as long as the dog is healthy and healthy, go home and clean up.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping
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01 Why do people have a deep bond with a pet they have been with for many years?

According to Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" theory, people's needs are in descending order from low to high: physiological needs, security needs, social needs, self-respect needs, and self-actualization needs. Pet ownership can directly rise to the third, fourth and fifth level of satisfaction.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

Hierarchy of needs theory

Pets' interactivity and dependence, in a sense, satisfies the dual needs of social and respectful. The sense of accomplishment and care as a master also satisfies part of the affirmation of self-worth, and even the realization of personal control desires. Having a pet increases the satisfaction of a person's life.

At the same time, anyone has a strong desire for companionship, and pets will not abandon their side, for modern society people are easy to feel lonely, this kind of loneliness when the companionship will make the emotional bond strengthened.

Pets can satisfy people's desire to talk, many things that cannot be shared with others can be said to pets, pets will listen silently, and occasionally there is feedback, which makes people feel happy.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

02 Do you know the five disadvantages of not walking a dog?

First, the dog's psychology is affected

Most of the dogs we meet are warm and cheerful, even in front of strangers, they are very enthusiastic, they like to interact with people, they like to contact all kinds of strange things, and they are full of curiosity about the world. But if it is a dog that looks forward to not going out at home for a long time, their psychology will be affected to a certain extent, the courage will be relatively small, and they are not used to contacting strangers, and they will bark when they see strangers, which is not conducive to its growth.

Second, it is easy to get sick

In fact, dogs that do not exercise for a long time and do not walk around, their resistance will also decline. The resistance declines, the chance of the dog getting sick is relatively large, and the cold is common. Everyone is worried that their dog is sick, right? Therefore, no matter how lazy the owner is, do not take them out for a walk every day, exercise, the dog's resistance is enhanced, and the chance of illness is naturally reduced.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

3. Skeletal dysplasia

Dogs are a limbed animal, and most pet dogs currently need calcium supplementation during the puppy period! However, calcium supplementation needs to be combined with exercise, if a medium-sized dog only supplements calcium from a young age, not exercise. Then this dog has a high chance of "hoofing". The phenomenon of "lying on their hooves" is most common in urban dog families, manifested by weakness in the joints at the end of the forelimbs of dogs and their inability to straighten. Severe dogs even have hooves on the front and back legs together. However, even if the dogs raised in the countryside do not supplement calcium, they rarely have the phenomenon of lying on their hooves, because they can bask in the sun and exercise a lot. So in addition to exercise, we can also combine some calcium tablets to supplement calcium for dogs.

Fourth, often demolish the home

Different dogs will have different needs for the amount of exercise, but no matter what kind of dog you are, if you do not take it out to walk the dog, the dog demolition has become more diligent, because the dog's exuberant energy can not be released, in this regard, in the leisure time will always be demolished, many people think that only the second ha will continue to dismantle the house, in fact, as a dog, no matter what kind of dog will dismantle the potential of the house.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

Fifth, the hair becomes very poor

Dogs need a certain amount of exercise every day, long-term indoor dogs, no opportunity to bask in the sun, easy to lead to nose discoloration, hair dull and rough. Sunlight can promote the healthy growth of new hair, and exercise can promote the metabolism of dogs. If you do not go out to exercise for a long time, and do not bask in the sun, the hair surface is naturally worse than other people's dogs, so it is still necessary to ensure that the dog exercises daily, and the staple food can also choose dog food containing deep sea fish oil, and properly feed some egg yolks and the like, which is also conducive to the dog's hair becoming better!

03 What is the correct way to open a dog

Dogs should be walked at least once a day, it is best to walk 2-3 times a day, and each time walking the dog needs to take more than 30 minutes. Dogs need to socialize and vent energy, going out to walk the dog can allow the dog to socialize, help the dog's social training, to avoid the dog's personality is extreme and impatient. And the dog has played outside enough, and will not dismantle the house when he comes home.

If you are an office worker, then the dog walking time can be selected before work in the morning and after work in the evening. When walking the dog, it is best to bring some snacks and do some interactive games with the dog, which can enhance the relationship and consume the dog's energy.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

04 How to raise a dog at each stage

Stage 1: Lactation (0-4 weeks)

Staple food: breast milk, goat milk powder

Nursing dogs will open their eyes around the 15th day, and pet owners should pay attention to the warmth of the puppy, do not bathe it, and cannot take it out.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

Stage 2: Weaning (4-8 weeks)

Staple food: wet dog food, goat milk powder

Want to breastfeed the dog weaning to have a process of adaptation, the pet owner can not directly feed it dog food, nor can it casually feed it nutritional products and other foods, before feeding dog food, remember to soak the dog food wet, soak soft and then feed the puppy.

Stage 3: Transition Period (8-12 weeks)

Staple food: wet food, puppy dog food, goat milk powder

Dogs in the weaning period to officially eat dog food, there is a transition period in the middle, during which the dog will slowly adapt to eating dog food, pet owners must regularly feed the dog, and to a small number of meals

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

Stage 4: Teeth change period (3-4 months)

Staple food: dog food

Added meals: Easily digestible poultry

Snacks: milk powder, pet nutrition cream, teething snacks

Nutrition: Probiotics

The dog's teeth during the tooth change period are itchy and will bite things randomly, so at this time, the pet mainly prepares some teeth grinding snacks for the dog to avoid it from double rows of teeth, and the dog has begun to eat dog food, and the pet owner also feeds the dog some probiotics every day, which helps the dog to regulate the stomach.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

Stage 5: Moulting period (4-5 months)

Staple food: Dog food that can be hairy

Added meal: beef, salmon, cooked egg yolks

Snacks: goat milk powder, pet nutrition cream, dog snacks

Nutrition: Calcium tablets, lecithin, fish oil, probiotics

During the molting period, the dog will lose its hair more seriously, during which the pet owners have to help the dog comb the hair every day, and change a dog food that can beautify the hair to feed.

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

Stage 6: Rapid Growth (5-7 months)

Additional meals: poultry, hard-boiled eggs, vegetables and fruits, etc

Nutrition: calcium flakes, fish oil, lecithin, goat milk powder, probiotics

The rapid growth period of dog bone development is relatively fast, so it is necessary to supplement a lot of nutrition and calcium components, so pet owners should pay attention to the dog's diet to be nutritionally comprehensive and balanced, and to feed the dog calcium tablets to supplement calcium.

05 Age conversion for dogs and people

1 month = years and a half years

2 months = 3 1/2 years

3 months = 5 years old

6 months = 10 years

9 months = 15 years old

1 year = 18 years old

2 years = 24 years old

3 years = 28 years old

4 years = 32 years old

5 years = 36 years old

6 years = 40 years old

19 years = 98 years old

7 years = 45 years old

8 years = 50 years old

9 years = 55 years old

10 years = 60 years old

11 years = 63 years old

12 years = 67 years old

13 years = 71 years old

14 years = 75 years old

15 years = 79 years old

16 years = 84 years old

17 years = 88 years old

18 years = 93 years old

20 years = 103 years old

The owner is isolated for 14 days, and the home becomes a "four-walled family": talk to you about the daily life of dog keeping

06 Write at the end

Zhang Bichen sang in "Don't Forget I Love You":

I will always trust you, no matter where you put me in any space. Your praise for me is my greatest happiness, but you want me, how to forget the memories you left me.

Don't forget that I love you, don't forget that I miss you, as long as I'm always there for you, no matter how short life may be.

Don't forget that I love you and it's a secret in my heart. Give me a little more time, and all my love will be dedicated to you.

✨ To us, the dog may be just a passer-by in life, but for the dog, we are all it is. So, if you happen to have hairy children in your house, treat it well!

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