
Are there new rules for 2022? After the love roundup, you can only receive the "number plate" on the line

author:Entertainment industry official

Author / Zhu Ting

"After the love roundup, you can only get the number plate online." Recently, in a small talk, a senior industry person and entertainment sir chatted about the latest news about love.

What do you mean by that? The reason is that the relevant (internal) notice shows that next, the management of variety shows about love will be strengthened. The details are as follows:

Strictly control the online variety shows of love and elderly blind dates, and attach importance to the content positioning, topic setting and guest remarks of the program. Prevent program positioning from being distorted and deviated. In the recent variety show selection planning submitted by various platforms, the love observation programs are relatively intensive, and there is a general phenomenon of low intentions and similar forms, and the General Administration has suspended the production of some programs, and asked the provincial bureau to guide the platforms to optimize and adjust the program positioning and content before reporting to the General Administration for approval. (1) Strictly control the positioning and content presentation of the program, and all deviations in the value orientation cannot be broadcast; (2) control the number, in principle, the same platform does not exceed one love observation variety show every six months. In the same quarter, the total number of new programs on this genre on all platforms and key platforms shall not exceed three files.

Key points: Because of the serious homogenization (especially in the love observation category) and the biased intention, the number of new people on the review of love will be reduced.

Are there new rules for 2022? After the love roundup, you can only receive the "number plate" on the line

On the other hand, Tencent Video's "Semi-Familiar Lover" gradually made a splash, and the popularity of Han Zong's "Single is Hell" remained even higher. Further ahead, in 2021, "Goodbye Lover", "90 Marriage Agency", "Heartbeat Signal 4", "Heartbeat 20 Years Old", "Let's Fall in Love 3" and other love roundups are listed in the list of key variety shows such as Aiyou Tengmang and B Station. Later, in the list of variety films released by various platforms in 2022, the entertainment sir took stock of ten love roundups, including "Heartbeat Signal 5", "Goodbye Lover 2", "Daughters' Love 5", "I Haven't Talked About Love", "Exploring Love Together", "Let's Fall in Love 4", "Like You and Me Too 3", "Witty Love 2", "When Friends Are in Love", "90 Marriage Agency 2022".

It is clear that after more than ten years of evolution, love variety has become the support of waist variety shows on various platforms. And next, where will the love roundabout go?

Romantic economy in love

Why not answer why the waist? This has to say about the "romantic economy" in the love roundup.

First, it is reflected in the production volume of such variety shows. Almost most of the love complex settings are very similar, a scene, a group of male and female guests, a shed, a group of observation guests, for the production team, the difficulty and intensity are not very large. Because of this, love is a type of program that produces a more reasonable cost performance on the platform, so the platform is willing to do and do more such programs.

Second, it is reflected in the user level of love synthesis. To some extent, since the launch of "China Has Hip Hop" in 2017, domestic variety shows have also opened the era of vertical categories, and love is one of the tracks. Of course, in essence, it is still due to the fact that the hi point it gives to the public is bump cp, and this directly determines that it cannot achieve family fun, and can only circle users of a certain age group, and multi-file love is robbing this age group of time and attention.

Third, it is reflected in the brand value of such variety shows. According to the observation of some representative love variety brand implants, almost all of them focus on 1-7 brand owners, two or three are the norm, and even some programs are only a gift from the annual box customers. For example, in 2021, the circle of "Heartbeat Again" has a total of three brand cooperation, namely Baishi mountain (title), new oxygen app (chief cooperation), Pinduoduo (partner); "Heartbeat Signal 4" attracts a total of 7 brand cooperation, covering Vipshop, Cute Duo, New West Mystery, etc., and more than 20 soft and wide implant types. As of now, "Heartbeat Signal" is probably the ceiling implanted by the love comprehensive brand.

Are there new rules for 2022? After the love roundup, you can only receive the "number plate" on the line

Fourth, it is reflected in the fact that the program cannot achieve a closed-loop economy for the platform. The logic is actually very simple, before there are talent shows, after the "Talk Show Conference" and "Annual Comedy Competition", the guests from these programs, regardless of the star element, can achieve a closed loop. From online to offline, from offline to online, alternately cycled and sustainable. And the love roundup, the audience pursues the result, the end of a season of the program regardless of whether the hand-holding is successful or not, the program group and the guests basically end the cooperation, it is difficult to use repeatedly, forming a long tail effect like a trainee, comedian, at most, it is called back to the next season of the program. After all, blind dates and love can't be considered a skill.

above. Although the romantic economy in the love roundup is good, it is limited for the platform.

Several forms of love

In 2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, and now, looking back at the development of domestic love variety, four years is a node, each time node has a very representative love roundup to break out of the siege, and the mode and form of these variety shows constitute a domestic love variety book.

Fast forward to 2010, Jiangsu Satellite TV's "Do Not Disturb" moved China's traditional blind date model from offline to TV programs. In the show, 24 single girls decide to go and stay in the male guests by turning on the lights, and after the rules of "the initial experience of love", "the re-judgment of love", "the final selection of love", "the rights of boys" and other rules, the success of male and female guests' speed dating is determined.

Are there new rules for 2022? After the love roundup, you can only receive the "number plate" on the line

At that time, it was not popular to bump cp, but Chinese always liked to watch the hilarity, who and who will hold hands successfully? Become a point of concern for the audience. At that time, a sentence by the female guest Mano in the show, "I'd rather sit in a BMW and cry than sit on a bicycle and laugh", also made "Do Not Disturb" famous in the first battle, and successfully opened the era of love synthesis 1.0. Until now, "Do Not Disturb" still maintains the rhythm of one season a year, and can be said to be the longest-lived love complex in China.

With the dividend of "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" in front, various satellite TVs have successively launched as many as 30+ love variety shows (more accurately described as blind date variety shows), trying to get a piece of the pie. With the former, there are "Very Perfect", "Let's Date", etc., it can be expected that this kind of variety show began to flood, and the homogenization is serious, and there are also pseudo-guest incidents, and there are not a few who overturn.

After stopping an incident, in 2014, a show "If Love" took the lead in relying on the reality SHOW mode and star love setting, opening a new situation for the deadlocked love roundup and opening the love roundup 2.0. At the same time, there was also the most out-of-the-loop "Let's Fall in Love" at that time, and the program invited six guests, Lin Xinru, Ren Zhong, Cui Shiyuan, Liu Wen, Qiao Renliang, and Xu Lu, to form three "imaginary couples".

Are there new rules for 2022? After the love roundup, you can only receive the "number plate" on the line

With the public's strong curiosity for the celebrity's emotional story, as well as the high-sweet picture presented by the show, the audience has come to the top. "Let's Fall in Love" has become a show that has always been inseparable from talking about love. But this show came to an abrupt end in 2017. For this kind of love complex, the advantage is that the stars are born with their own attention and topics, but at the same time, in addition to the problem of homogenization of the model, there are also new problems, that is, guest panic, and then whether the presentation of these star guests in the show is real or performing, which is also frequently criticized by the outside world.

After another four years, with the development and iteration of satellite TV and Internet platforms, that is, the reasoning reality show love complex launched by Tencent Video in 2018 - "Heartbeat Signal", which is undoubtedly the symbol of love 3.0. At this point, the lineup of guests in love began to evolve from the initial vegan to pure star to the combination of stars and elements, and the stars acted as the audience representatives of the off-screen cp, and also added a reasoning link, which enhanced the audience's sense of participation and immersion.

Are there new rules for 2022? After the love roundup, you can only receive the "number plate" on the line

Interestingly, "Heartbeat Signal" is currently updated to the fourth season (2021), and the public's focus on the show has also changed from focusing more on stars (such as Zhu Yawen, Yang Chaoyue, etc.) at the beginning to worrying about whether the ordinary guests can come true, the most typical is the emotional destination of Chen Yichen, Zhao Qijun, Wu Xiangwei, Yang Kaiwen, Zhang Tian, Wu Pei, Huang Juxuan, Pan Zhengru in the second season of the show. Zhao Qijun and Yang Kaiwen, who successfully held hands, sent "Heartbeat Signal" to the "Love Complex Ceiling".

After that, the love round began to spread in the Ai Youteng Mang B station. The new "Love Complex Ceiling" was successfully taken over by the 2021 Hunan Satellite TV's mature women's sweet love social original variety show - "Suddenly Heartbeat". The success story of the female star (Wang Ziwen) bravely seeking love and holding hands (Wu Yongen) is far more exciting than most domestic love dramas in the eyes of the audience.

Are there new rules for 2022? After the love roundup, you can only receive the "number plate" on the line

Set in the three major settings of reality SHOW, observation, and reasoning, the love complexes with different guests and different ages include "Daughters in Love", "Let's Fall in Love", "Like You and Me Too", "Witty Love", "90 Marriage Agency", "Goodbye Lover" and so on. Problems such as guest panic and model homogenization at the peak of satellite TV still appear on these networks. The problem of the update is that the number of programs increases, the audience's choice is also more, and the aesthetics and requirements are also rising.

There are pseudo guests before, and then there are guests who set up a rollover, in the spirit of "I can be single, but my cp must be real" public psychology, the audience of the guests and the sense of CP This metaphysical thing has become the lifeblood of whether the love synthesis can go out of the circle at this stage. The only constant is the man and woman thing, the undeniable thing, the audience still likes to watch the love roundup, bump cp.


Throughout these years, it has been iterative all the way, and it has not been smooth sailing. As early as 2010, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television officially issued two official documents, the "Notice of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on Further Regulating the Management of Marriage and Dating TV Programs" and the "Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on Strengthening the Management of Emotional Story Television Programs", naming "Do Not Disturb Insincerity" for rectification.

Now, 12 years later, the problem of disorderly reproduction caused by the low threshold has become more and more serious, the values of some programs have gradually deviated, and the relevant notice has been issued again: the next step will be strictly controlled from the quantity and quality. In the view of the entertainment sir, this move is intended to screen out a batch of merit-based love complexes for the audience, and some love complexes that are just to rub dividends may be stopped or rectified. For the development of the entire variety show, it is undoubtedly a good thing. Because no matter when, good content will laugh to the end and go further. As for the love roundups on the 2022 film list mentioned above, which ones can successfully receive the number plates broadcast and capture the favor of the audience? We will also continue to pay attention.

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