
Feng Menglong's former residence in Huangdai Town? Suzhou Local Chronicle Office: Did not agree to write "Feng Menglong's Former Residence"

Recently, some cultural people have reported that feng Menglong's former residence in Huangdai Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, is suspicious, believing that this Ming Dynasty popular literature artist did not live in Huangdai Town.

Public information shows that Feng Menglong was a Ming Dynasty writer and opera composer, and together with his brother painter Feng Menggui and his brother poet Feng Mengxiong, he was called "Wuxia Sanfeng". His most famous works are "Yu Shi Ming Yan" (ancient and modern novels), "Cautionary Tales", "Awakening World Heng Yan", collectively known as "Three Words", Three Words and Ling Maochu's "First Moment Shooting Surprise" and "Second Moment Shooting Surprise", collectively known as "Three Words and Two Beats", which are classic representatives of Chinese vernacular short stories.

According to the book "Feng Menglong's Legend and Story Collection", Feng Menglong lived here before he was 12 years old, but the specific construction time of the former residence is not available. The existing former residence of Feng Menglong is now located in Feng Menglong Village (formerly Xinxiang Village) in Huangdai Town, Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

Since September 2015, Feng Menglong's former residence was officially opened to the public, and Feng Menglong Village has also established a series of industries such as memorial halls, colleges, and farming culture parks based on Feng Menglong culture, and set up relevant research bases to carry out teaching and research undertakings, becoming a new rural village integrating tourism and culture and education.

Feng Menglong's former residence in Huangdai Town? Suzhou Local Chronicle Office: Did not agree to write "Feng Menglong's Former Residence"

Infographic. Suzhou Xiangcheng District Huangdai Town Feng Menglong Memorial Hall.

However, Mr. Liu (pseudonym), a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Writers Association, told Red Star News that he grew up near Xinxiang Village and had never heard of Feng Menglong's local origin, and the current former residence was later newly built, and some of the objects were bought from other places.

Mr. Wang (pseudonym), who has long studied Feng Menglong, told reporters that the so-called local version of Feng Menglong's hometown is actually to transfer the so-called "Feng Ge Lao" legend and the "Feng Family Second Young Master" legend to Feng Menglong. He said that the construction of the memorial is a good thing, and the relevant activities can be carried out normally. It just does not recognize the identification of Feng Menglong's former residence.

In this regard, a staff member of the Office of the Xiangcheng District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau told reporters that from the materials provided by the relevant local departments and companies received by the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Feng Menglong Village, including The Former Residence and Memorial Hall of Feng Menglong in its construction plan, were approved through its normal approval procedures, so the Bureau recognized the existence of related projects.

The current former residence is located in Xiangcheng District, and historical records show that the former residence is located in Fengmen, Gusu District

According to the research group of the Suzhou Cultural Research Funding Project "Feng Menglong's Family Lineage and Li Nationality Research", Qing Daoguang's "Hushu Guanzhi" once recorded Feng Menglong's origin: the tomb of the virgin Feng Chang was buried in Gaojingshan, and (Ming) Yongle was buried in the nineteenth year (1421). Chang zi Shichang, Jing Nan BingQi (1399-1402), reclusive Gu Su, is the ancestor of the Feng clan of Fengxi. Gongsheng Qisheng, Zhixian Menglong, and Ben Dynasty HanlinXun are all behind.

Feng Menglong's former residence in Huangdai Town? Suzhou Local Chronicle Office: Did not agree to write "Feng Menglong's Former Residence"

Daoguang"Hushu Guanzhi related content

The "Hushu Guanzhi" shows that Feng Menglong is a descendant of Feng Chang. Feng Chang took refuge in Gusu during the Battle of Jingnan and was known as the ancestor of the Feng clan of Fengxi, which refers to the area around The Gate of Gusu District in suzhou.

Many books on Feng Menglong also support the claim that the former residence is located in the Fengmen area: "Feng Menglong Research" by Professor Lu Shulun of Fudan University, "Feng Menglong" by Professor Chen Xizhong of Peking University, "Feng Menglong" by Yang Xiaodong, Associate Professor of Soochow University, "Feng Menglong Research Data Compilation", etc. When mentioning Feng Menglong's former residence, most of them think that his family is in the area of Fengmen in Suzhou, and some clearly state that he lives in Fengmen or next to Fengxi, which belongs to Fengxi.

At the same time, the above-mentioned research group believes that the claim that Feng Menglong's "hometown" is located in Xinxiang Village (now renamed "Feng Menglong Village") in Huangdai Town, Xiangcheng District cannot be established. According to its research, there is no record of Feng Menglong and his related folk stories and legends in the two local canonical histories of Xinxiang Village before 2012, "Huang Dai Zhi" and "Dongqiao Zhi", and the "Feng Menglong Legend Story Collection" that clearly states that Feng Menglong was born in the village is only a legendary story with the same surname, and cannot be used as the basis for the local Feng Menglong's hometown.

Relevant departments have responded to the cautious mention of the "former residence" and need to be studied by authority

As early as May 2016, a member of the Suzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference suggested that he hoped to organize an expert seminar on "Feng Menglong and Suzhou" as soon as possible. In the reply of the Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television News and Publications, the issue of Feng Menglong's former residence was mentioned.

The Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television News and Publications said in its reply at the time that in 2009, the Suzhou Municipal Philosophy and Social Science Major Research Project "Suzhou History Outline" led by the Propaganda Department of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Suzhou Municipal Federation of Social Sciences recorded that "popular writer Feng Menglong, a native of Changzhou in Wu County, lived in Fengxi", although the general location of Feng Menglong's hometown was mentioned, but there was no very accurate address.

Feng Menglong's former residence in Huangdai Town? Suzhou Local Chronicle Office: Did not agree to write "Feng Menglong's Former Residence"

The reply also said that in the third national cultural relics census that ended not long ago, due to the lack of an exact address of Feng's former residence, the long time, and the lack of verification of the ground building of the former residence, the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics failed to find any relics and word-of-mouth information related to it within the scope of Suzhou.

In view of this, the Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television News and Publications said that before requesting relevant parties and regions to discuss the resources of celebrities that are still in dispute, they should carefully mention the names of "hometown" and "former residence" before being identified by authoritative academic institutions and experts.

On January 18, the Red Star News reporter contacted the office of the Suzhou Xiangcheng District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, and the staff said that from the materials provided by the local relevant departments and companies received by the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Feng Menglong Village, including Feng Menglong's former residence and memorial hall in its construction plan, were approved through its normal approval procedures, so the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism recognized the existence of Feng Menglong Village and its construction plan within the Feng Menglong Former Residence Project. The staff member also said that the Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism is mainly responsible for supervising the construction and operation of various scenic spots.

Subsequently, the reporter called the office of the Suzhou Local History Compilation Committee, and a staff member responded that because of the lack of historical materials and difficult to verify, Fang Zhiban did not recognize the statement that Feng Menglong's former residence was located in Feng Menglong Village, and it could only be used as a carrier for official cultural tourism propaganda. In the previous years, when compiling the "Natural Village Change Atlas" in Suzhou, Fang Zhiban also did not agree to write "Feng Menglong's Former Residence".

Wang Liqun, a professor at Henan University, said in an interview with China News Network that ancient Chinese celebrities are indeed a cultural heritage, and the competition for the hometown of historical celebrities is mainly an academic controversy, which should be proved by historical documents and archaeological relics, and should be handled with caution.

Previously, the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage issued the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and the Office of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage on Grasping the Correct Orientation to Do a Good Job in the Protection and Development of Cultural Heritage" issued by the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in 2010, which also mentioned that the identification of the hometowns and former residences of historical and cultural celebrities requires the participation of authoritative academic institutions and experts, and it is not appropriate to name or publicize controversial and unidentified hometowns and former residences.

Promoting economic development in the hometown of celebrities is not a bad thing, but it is necessary to base it on real history and avoid misleading future generations due to inaccurate grasp of history. Respecting historical truth is respecting the historical values and national identity of Chinese, and it is also a manifestation of cultural self-confidence.

Red Star News intern reporter Chen Yifan reporter Pan Junwen intern Chen Pengduo Zheng Ziyan

Edited by Zhang Xun

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