
The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

author:Chinese Culinary Magazine

The Great Cold, the last of the twenty-four solar terms, is also the last carnival before entering the spring.

The new year is getting stronger and stronger, and in 10 days, the Lunar New Year in 2022 will be ushered in. As the saying goes, "the little cold is busy with compradors, and the big cold is going to be new year", just in time for the New Year, people will make all kinds of preparations for the Spring Festival: purchasing New Year goods, cooking New Year dishes, sweeping dust and cleaning things... Here, Xiao Cooking would like to ask: Is everyone ready for the New Year? I'm already getting ready! In line with the sharing principle of "solo music is not as good as crowd music", Xiao Cooking will share with you some new year necessities today, as well as the wang dishes that can let you show your hand during the New Year.

Pig hand, looking at the whole country is absolutely an indispensable taste of Chinese New Year's Eve meal, with it on the table, heralding the new year's wide source of wealth; pot dish, the development of these years has broken the geographical restrictions, more and more loved by northern diners. It is Chinese unique New Year's taste, a pot of hidden mountains and seas, but also the great fusion of ingredients, the taste of mutual penetration, its happy fusion; with the improvement of people's material living standards, lobster is also more and more close to the people, the New Year on the last one, red hot fire really has "tongs"; New Year to eat Hi, have to play some new tricks, on the basis of the traditional old dishes evolved cheese South fried balls can try it, after all, "cheese" is the power, is a great trick to capture young people's taste buds; pastry panda purple potato bun is a weapon to conquer children, Who doesn't love the cute look of a round roll? Try it at home, but the small cooking has been successfully reproduced!

Dried plum vegetables are roasted with boneless pork hands

Dishes served / Four Seasons Minfu Roast Duck Shop (Beijing Hujialou Branch)

Text/Chu Hongyuan Photo/Zhang Yang

Pig's trotter is a must-eat dish for the Northern New Year, this dish is integrated into the method of plum vegetable buckle meat, with the unique aroma of plum dried vegetables, the deboned pig hands are spicy and soft, more convenient to eat.

The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

raw material

Clean pig front hoof, plum vegetables, millet spicy, green garlic segments, garlic slices, pig's trotter juice, red oil, two soups.

Method of production

Soak the dried plum vegetables in water for about 4 hours, wash and blanch thoroughly, drain and change the knife, fry the water vapor in a hot pot and set aside; wash the pig's trotters, steam in the steaming box for 5 minutes, remove the bone and change the knife into pieces, blanch the water and drain, pull the oil in the next 60% or 70% of the hot oil and set aside; heat the pot with red oil, simmer the millet pepper and garlic slices, put the pig's trotters, add the pig's trotter juice, the second soup, stir-fry the dried plum vegetables and the green garlic sections, simmer until soft and sticky, drizzle with red oil, and put the pan on the plate.

Chef's Tips

Recipe for pork trotter juice: soy sauce, pepper, beauty pole, soy sauce.

Rich flower glue chicken pot

Menu Offers / Beijing Lukang Town (Xidan Joy City Branch)

Production/Yang Mei

Text/Sun Yang Photo/Zhang Yang

This dish is quite the essence of Cantonese potted cuisine, rich in ingredients and beautiful in meaning. The sauce is carefully blended with 18 spices and ingredients, and the sauce is rich and the chicken is soft and rotten.

The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

1 jing qingyuan chicken, foam flower glue, fresh abalone, prawns, flower stick balls, lobster balls, ginger, green onion, garlic, rice wine, salt, sauce, broth.

Chop the Qingyuan chicken into large pieces, wash off the blood water, add ginger, green onion, rice wine, salt until flavored, over the oil and set aside; leave the bottom oil in the pot, put the ginger and garlic and sauté until the surface is yellowish and fragrant, stir-fry the chicken pieces, put the sauce until it tastes, pour in the broth, cook until the chicken is soft and rotten, out of the pot yard plate, put on the abalone, flower glue, prawns, flower stick balls, lobster balls simmered with broth.

Production key

The chicken nuggets should be oiled quickly, in order to make the chicken shrink slightly, showing a tight Q-bomb taste.

Hibiscus dragon boy green shrimp stew

Cuisine offered / Yangzhou Hantian Huijin Hotel

Producer/Zhang Wenjun

Text/Tu Mingjuan Photo/Zhang Zhuojun

This dish is an upgraded version of the traditional Huaiyang dish hibiscus shrimp, with the addition of lobster to make the New Year dish more festive, and the taste is more fresh and smooth.

The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

2 small green dragons, 100 grams of river shrimp, green beans, green onions, ginger, egg white, milk, salt, cooking wine, starch each appropriate amount.

After washing the small green dragon, chop the pieces, steam the head and tail into baskets and set aside; cut the lobster meat into slices, add salt, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, starch, egg white syrup, and oil for later; add the river shrimp with onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, egg white, starch syrup, and oil for backup; mix the egg white with milk and wet starch, stir it well at low temperature, stir-fry it into "hibiscus", add lobster meat and river prawns to turn well, out of the pot yard plate, put the lobster head and tail to shape, and garnish the blanched green beans.

Cheese south fried balls

Menu Offers / Beijing Cui Hua Lou (New World Department Store)

Production/Wang Peixin

Text/Sun Yang Photo/Liu Dahua

This dish is based on the traditional southern pan-fried balls, which are paired with tender and silky cheese, which is popular among young people.

The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

Pork belly, diced horseshoe, diced shiitake mushrooms, cheese slices, pansies, mint leaves, salt, monosodium glutamate, broth.

Cut the pork belly into cubes, add diced horseshoe, diced shiitake mushrooms, salt, monosodium glutamate and beat hard, squeeze into balls, fry in 30% or 40% hot oil until golden brown, set, fish out the oil control, add broth, steam for 20 minutes, collect the juice in the hot pot, shape the container, spread the cheese slices on top, bake in the oven at 150 ° C for 7 to 8 minutes, take out and garnish with pansies and mint leaves.

Black pork roasted kudzu powder

Menu Offers / Beijing Tongqing Building (Jinbaohui Branch)

Production/Wu Limin

Text/Sun Yang Photography/Zhang Yang

The meat is fragrant, tender and smooth, the kudzu powder is sticky but not greasy, full of flavor, refreshing and appetizing.

The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

250 grams of black pork with skin, 150 grams of kudzu powder, garlic flowers to taste, dark soy sauce 10 grams, salt 5 grams, chicken essence 5 grams, sugar to taste.

Mix the kudzu powder and water into a paste in the ratio of 1:1.5, fry it in a non-stick pan into a cake shape, change the knife to cut it into diamond-shaped pieces after cooling; clean the black pork, change the knife to cut the pieces; heat the pot with oil, fry the pork pieces in the oil, add soy sauce, sugar coloring, add a little water to low heat for 10 minutes, put the kudzu powder blocks, add salt and MSG to taste, continue to cook into the flavor, put the pot into a preheated casserole, and garnish the green garlic flowers.

Panda purple potato bun

Menu options are served / InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun Tongying Center Ying Chinese Restaurant

Production/Lv Zhenning

Text/Wang Yining Photo/Hu Yuanjun

The shape is endearing and the taste is sweet and delicious.

The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

Flour, purple potato filling, sugar, yeast, bamboo charcoal powder.

Knead the flour, sugar, yeast and water into a white smooth dough, take 1/5 of the dough, add bamboo charcoal powder and knead it into a black dough; wrap the white dough into purple potato filling, and the black dough makes the five features of the panda, knead together, feed for 20 minutes, and steam for 6 minutes on medium heat.

The hair time should not be too long to avoid bubbles; the shape of the panda bag should be thick and cute.

Proofreader | Zhang Yujin

Responsible editor| Sun Yang


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The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?
The great cold | the countdown to the Spring Festival, is your family's New Year goods ready?

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