
After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

author:Lixiao cuisine

The big cold, like the small cold, is a solar term that indicates the degree of coldness of the weather. After the great cold, it is another year, and the great cold is the last of the twenty-four solar terms, and there is a saying that "the great cold greets the year". After the "great cold", we will usher in the new year's solar cycle. After the big cold, we should also pay attention to health supplements, and then Li Xiao shared with everyone: After the big cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often, nourish and warm up, and recuperate and spend the winter safely

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely
chili pepper
After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely
After the cold, eat some peppers appropriately, let you be spicy in your mouth, warm in your heart, and no longer afraid of cold in winter. Chili oil is the first choice, especially in the New Year, the indispensable ingredient in the cold mix is chili oil.
After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended cuisine: 【Secret Chili Oil】

Ingredients required: Paprika Sesame Peanuts Shallots Ginger Garlic Onions

Seasoning: salt Chicken essence white sugar white wine

1, prepare 500 grams of dried peppers, I use the spicy pepper noodles here, directly put the pepper noodles into the basin, and then add two spoonfuls of edible salt, and then add two spoonfuls of sugar, you can also freshen, and then add the right amount of pepper to it, stir well

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2, after stirring evenly, add some water to it a small amount of times, stir while adding, so as to prevent the paprika from being fried. Keep adding to it and soaking the paprika through

3, the pot does not put oil nor water, put in half a bowl of peanut rice, low heat slow frying, until the peanut rice is slightly browned, you can hear the crackling sound, peanut rice slightly fried, and then put into the bowl naturally cool

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4: Next, prepare some green onions cut into shallot slices, garlic into garlic slices, then prepare some ginger, cut into ginger shreds, onion to taste, cut into onion strips, get all into a bowl and set aside. Prepare a small handful of parsley

5: Prepare a plate and add cinnamon, fragrant leaves, star anise, and peppercorns

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6, peanut rice cool, directly into the food bag, and then use the rolling pin to roll out, roll into peanut crushes on it, do not roll too broken, there is a sense of granularity is more delicious

7, put more cooking oil in the pot, put the onion, ginger, garlic and onion into it, slow frying, when the water on the surface of the onion is fried dry, put the large material into it, continue to fry slowly, keep stirring, fry until the onion is brown and dry, fish out the oil control and reserve

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

8: Pour the crushed peanuts into the paprika, then add the white sesame seeds, stir well, and then pour in the hot onion oil, do not add it at once

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

9. When adding hot oil, stir well every time it is added. Keep adding the next time, and do so until you've finished adding the hot oil. Stir constantly, and finally add some white wine, so that the preservation time will be longer, and the delicious chili oil will be ready, which is a must for the New Year's cold mix.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

green pepper

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Green pepper is a very common kind of pepper, vitamin C content is 7 to 15 times the tomato content, accounting for the first place in vegetables. In the cold winter, eating some peppers can sweat, stay away from colds, and also have the effect of strengthening the spleen and eliminating food.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended cuisine: 【Tiger skin green pepper】

Ingredients required: green pepper, green onion, ginger and garlic

Seasoning: salt, sugar chicken essence pepper balsamic vinegar oyster sauce soy sauce

1, prepare the right amount of fresh green pepper, first clean the green pepper, and then remove the green pepper stem, green pepper seeds should also be cleaned up, green pepper seeds to eat more affect the taste

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2: Next, prepare a handful of garlic, pat it up and chop it into minced garlic. Prepare some ginger, cut into shredded ginger first, and then chop into minced ginger. Prepare some shallots and cut into chopped green onions.

3: Burn the oil in the pan, after the oil is hot, add the green pepper to fry, fry it slowly over low heat, fry until the green pepper peels, fish out the oil control and set aside

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4, from the pot to boil the oil, put in the onion ginger garlic stir-fry, and then add oyster sauce, the right amount of soy sauce, stir-fry the sauce aroma, and then add green pepper, keep stir-frying,

5, stir-fry evenly, start seasoning, add salt, sugar, chicken essence pepper, then pour in some balsamic vinegar, and then keep stir-frying, stir-fry into the flavor

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6: Burn the green peppers until flavorful, sprinkle with green onions, garnish and add flavor, then place on a plate. Delicious tiger skin green peppers are ready.


After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

In winter, I often eat onions, and my body is warm and baked. Onions are slightly spicy and slightly warm, have the effect of divergent wind chill, and have the effect of warming the lungs and reducing phlegm, which is especially suitable for cold winter consumption.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended cuisine: 【Scrambled eggs with onions】

Ingredients required: onion, green pepper, egg, shallot, ginger, chili

Seasoning: salt Sugar Soy sauce oyster sauce Chicken essence

1, prepare the right amount of fresh onions, first wash the onions, and then cut into hob pieces, and then break the onions one by one. This way it is easier to taste delicious when frying, so let it be set aside and set aside

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2, next prepare some side dishes, a green pepper, go to the stem to remove the seeds, and then wash the green pepper, and then cut into green pepper pieces, and then prepare some wood ear fungus that is soaked in advance, break the fungus into small flowers, and then wash it and put it aside for later

3, a handful of garlic, wash and cut directly into garlic slices, a piece of ginger, cut into ginger slices, millet spicy appropriate amount, directly cut into chili rings, put aside for later

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4: Prepare a small bowl, beat in three fresh eggs, add salt to increase the bottom taste, add some white vinegar to remove fishy, and stir well into egg liquid.

5, burn oil in the pot, pour the oil into the egg liquid, first do not rush to flip, wait until the slight set, and then fry into a large piece of egg, do not fry too old, put the scrambled eggs into the bowl for later

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6, next start the pot again to burn the oil, put in the onion ginger pepper stir-fry fragrant, fry out the aroma, and then put in the green pepper onion to continue to stir-fry until slightly soft when the seasoning begins, add soy sauce oyster sauce chicken essence, stir-fry for a moment into the flavor,

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

7, after the flavor, and then add the eggs to it, continue to add salt sugar seasoning stir-fry evenly, out of the pot plate, delicious onion scrambled eggs are ready, especially suitable for winter to eat, nutrition and cold.


After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

There are fewer seasonal vegetables in winter, and radish is a more common winter vegetable, and its nutritional value is very high. Radish taste sweet and cool, often eat white radish in winter can play a cooling and fire-removing role, but also play a role in detoxification and anti-inflammatory.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended cuisine: 【Fried radish balls】

Ingredients required: radish, meat, egg, crispy fried powder, shallots, ginger

Seasoning: salt pepper five-spice powder

1, prepare the appropriate amount of fresh radish, first wash the radish, clean it, and then cut the radish skin, and then use the wire wiper to directly rub it into a radish shredded, put the good radish shreds into the pot, and then put in the salt, stir well, marinate for about 10 minutes

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2, next prepare a piece of four fat and six points lean pork, first cut into meat pieces, and then chop into meat filling, try to chop as delicate as possible, you can also use the meat grinder directly into meat filling, the good meat filling into the basin

3, prepare some ginger, pat it, chop it, then chop it into minced ginger, then prepare some shallots, cut into green onions,

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4, the radish shredded marinade directly squeeze out the water inside, and then cut into radish crushed, the chopped radish into the plate, and then put in the meat filling, then put in the chopped onion and ginger, beat in two fresh eggs, add salt pepper five-spice powder seasoning, thoroughly stir well

5, after stirring well, add some crispy fried powder, no puff pastry powder, you can add starch and flour, the ratio is 2:3

After that, stir well and stir until it can be formed into balls

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6, from the pot to burn oil, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, the balls into balls into the pot. Low heat slow frying, when fried to the final shape, turn it frequently, so that it is heated evenly, and the color is also uniform,

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

7, medium and low heat slow frying, until the surface of the brown crisp, put out the oil control, if you want to eat more crispy, you can continue to re-fry, re-fry for more than ten seconds on it. Fry it well and fish out the oil control, and the delicious croquettes will be ready.


After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Winter weather is relatively cold, indoor and outdoor temperature difference is relatively large. At this time, you can eat more yam appropriately, because yam contains a lot of mucus protein, vitamins and trace elements, and often eat yam in winter to strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the kidneys and other effects.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended food: 【Wood ear fried yam】

Ingredients required: fungus yam flour green pepper red pepper radish garlic

Seasoning: salt sugar chicken essence

1, prepare the appropriate amount of dried fungus, first put the fungus into the bowl, then add some sugar, put in some flour, pour warm water to shake it, and then cover the lid and seal it for 10 minutes, which can accelerate the foaming of the fungus

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2, prepare a fresh yam, first wash the yam and peel it, then cut it into yam slices, cut the cut yam directly into thin slices and put it into a bowl, set aside

3, prepare a green pepper, a red pepper, first wash the green pepper, then remove the seeds to the stem, then cut into hob pieces, and then prepare a fresh carrot, first wash the carrot, and then cut into radish diamond slices, put into a bowl for later, a handful of garlic cut into garlic slices, set aside

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4, boil water in the pot, add a little salt to increase the bottom taste, and then add some cooking oil, you can make the color of the blanched vegetables more bright. After the water boils, add yam fungus, carrot blanched water, blanch the water for half a minute and remove the water for later

5: Heat the oil, add the garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the green pepper and red pepper to stir-fry until fragrant, after stir-frying, add the blanched yam fungus and carrot, stir-fry for a while

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6, after stir-frying evenly, start seasoning, add salt, sugar chicken essence seasoning, continue to stir-fry into the flavor, and then pour in some water starch, continue to stir-fry,

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

7, stir-fry until the soup is viscous, pour in some clear oil, out of the pot and serve the plate, delicious and delicious wood ear fried yam is ready.

sweet potato

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Sweet potato is a nutritious and rich natural tonic food, which is used by nutritionists as a kind of medicinal food and nutritional balance. The starch particles in sweet potatoes are not destroyed by high temperature and are difficult to digest, so eat sweet potatoes must be steamed and cooked thoroughly before eating.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended food: 【Sweet potato dumplings】

Ingredients required: Sweet potatoes, red dates, dragon fruit, glutinous rice flour with rock sugar

1, prepare the right amount of fresh sweet potatoes, first clean the sweet potatoes, and then peel, and then cut the sweet potatoes into thin sweet potato chips, put the cut sweet potato chips into the plate, try to cut a little thinner, so that there will be no sandwich when steaming

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2, cut sweet potatoes directly into the steamer, boil on high heat and steam for about 15 minutes, steam and take out, put in some sugar while hot, like to eat sweet can add more, and then fully stir evenly, directly pound the sweet potatoes into a sweet potato paste

3, sweet potato paste is good, a small number of times to add glutinous rice flour, while adding while stirring, has been stirring into a dough flocculent, and then kneaded into a dough, if not very good kneading, you can simply knead into a dough, and then wake up for a while, and then continue to knead

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4, prepare a tray, pour some starch, evenly sprinkle a layer of starch, and then take out the kneaded sweet potato dough, rub it, directly rub it into a ball, put it into the tray, roll it back and forth, evenly wrap the starch to prevent sticking together.

5, the prepared rice balls can be directly put into the closed container, and then put into the refrigerator freezer, as you eat, especially convenient, you can also cook soup directly to drink

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6, boiling water in the pot, put in the red dates, boil on high heat, and then cut some diced fruits, I use dragon fruit here, after boiling on high heat, put some rock sugar into the pot, put the tangyuan into it, slowly cook over low heat, and cook the tangyuan all the time

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

7: After the rice balls are cooked, put the dragon fruit into it, turn off the heat directly, and simmer it with the remaining heat

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

8, dragon fruit stewed directly into the bowl, delicious sweet potato dumplings will be ready, delicious and delicious, but also cold.


After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Eat ginger in winter without the help of a doctor. Ginger is our common food, regular consumption of ginger will bring a lot of benefits to the body. Ginger is a warm ingredient that can be seasoned and can also be used to make tea.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended cuisine: 【Ginger soup balls】

Ingredients required: Ginger, red dates, goji berries, sake lees Glutinous rice powder, brown sugar

1, prepare the appropriate amount of ginger, first wash the ginger, and then put it into the water, use a brush to clean it, so that the ginger can be cleaned more cleanly, ginger washed and taken out, control dry water

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2: Next, take out the ginger that washes and controls the dry water, cut it into thin slices of ginger, or you can cut it directly into ginger pieces. Then put the ginger into the wall breaker, add a little water, beat into a ginger paste, pour directly into the gauze, and filter the raw ginger juice

3, next prepare some jujube goji berries, put directly into the basin, add some flour, pour water early, grasp and mix for 2 minutes, then clean, fish out the control of dry water, and then cut the dates into small pieces and set aside for later

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4: Prepare a fresh piece of pumpkin, peel the pumpkin first, then cut into pumpkin slices, then cut into pumpkin strips, and finally cut into diced pumpkins, and put the cut pumpkin cubes into the pot for later

5: Take out half of the ginger juice, pour the glutinous rice flour into it, stir while adding, stir until the dough is flocculent, and then knead it into a dough and knead it into a smooth dough

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6: Prepare a plate, put in some starch to prevent stickiness, pull out the dough, roll into a ball, and then put it into the plate. Roll back and forth evenly wrapped in starch to prevent sticking

7, pour the remaining ginger juice into the pot, then pour water, bring to a boil over high heat, then add the diced pumpkin, cook for about 8 minutes, keep the diced pumpkin cooked, and then put in the balls, cook slowly over low heat, until the balls are cooked

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

8: After the balls are cooked, put the red dates and goji berries in and continue to cook. Cook for a minute, then add brown sugar to it, add a spoonful of distiller's lees, and continue to cook for about half a minute and turn off the heat

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

9, cook well into the bowl, healthy health, delicious ginger soup balls are ready.


After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Sea rice is rich in nutrients, rich in calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements that are beneficial to the human body, and is a good source of calcium. The elderly often eat sea rice to supplement calcium and prevent osteoporosis.

Recommended cuisine: 【Sea rice roasted winter melon】

Ingredients required: Sea rice, winter melon, garlic

Seasoning: soy sauce, dark soy sauce salt chicken essence white sugar

1, prepare the appropriate amount of winter melon, first peel off the winter melon skin, then clean the winter melon skin, and then cut into winter melon slices, and then cut into thinner winter melon strips. Cut the winter melon strips and put them on a plate for later

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2, the pot of oil, after the oil is hot, put in the winter melon strips to fry, low heat slow frying, has been stirring non-stop, fried until the winter melon strips are slightly browned, and present a transparent state

3, at this time, start seasoning, add soy sauce, old soy sauce oyster sauce. Stir-fry well, then add the minced garlic, continue to sauté over low heat to bring out the aroma and pour in a little water.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4, bring to a boil over high heat, turn the heat to low, in the process of cooking, add some sea rice, winter melon to soften the state, and then pour in some water starch, the soup to harvest thick

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

5. After the soup is put away, put it directly into the plate, and the delicious sea rice roasted winter melon will be ready. Low-fat and nutritious, it is particularly delicious and delicious.


After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Seaweed is a kind of seaweed food that we often eat in our daily life, regular consumption of seaweed has many benefits for the human body, using seaweed to make seaweed egg flower soup, can also be made into other delicacies.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

Recommended cuisine: 【Seaweed egg flower soup】

Ingredients required: Seaweed Egg Starch Coriander Green onion

Seasoning: salt Chicken essence pepper white sugar

1: Prepare an appropriate amount of seaweed, then prepare a large bowl, break the seaweed directly into small pieces, put it into a bowl, and then pour warm water and soak for 1 minute. Set aside for later

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

2, prepare some shallots, cut into green onions, and then prepare some coriander, cut into chopped parsley,

3: Prepare a small bowl, pour in the right amount of starch, then pour some water, stir well, stir into starch water

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

4: Take two fresh eggs, beat them directly into a bowl, add a little salt and add some white vinegar, stir well into egg liquid, and set aside

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

5, boil water in the pot, bring the water to a boil on high heat, then take out the soaked seaweed, squeeze out the water inside, put it in a bowl, add green onion, coriander for later, and then add salt Chicken essence Pepper white sugar a little fresh.

After the cold, it is recommended to eat 9 kinds of cold-resistant vegetables often to nourish and warm up, and to recuperate and spend the winter safely

6, after the water in the pot is boiled, turn the heat down, then pour the egg liquid into the pot, cook it slowly, cook it into a beautiful frangipani, pour the boiled plumeria directly into the bowl, drizzle with sesame oil, and the delicious seaweed egg flower soup will be ready.

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