
Du Junjun, the former chairman of Kungang, was dismissed for serious violations of discipline and the law

author:China News Network

Kunming, 19 Jan (China News Network) -- According to the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, a few days ago, with the approval of the Yunnan Provincial CPC Committee, the Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission conducted a case review and investigation into du Junjun, former secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Kunming Iron and Steel Holdings Co., Ltd., for serious violations of discipline and law.

After investigation, Du Junjun, as a leading cadre with party membership and the principal responsible person of a state-owned enterprise, deviated from his original intention of joining the party, lost his ideals and convictions, had no party spirit and principle, had no reverence for him, collapsed the "three views," inflated his selfish desires, and lost his bottom line; he regarded public power as a tool for seeking private interests and regarded state-owned assets as a "toy" at the mercy of his will. Failure to carry out the requirements of inspection and rectification, confrontation with organizations and investigations, and ineffective in performing the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party; formalism and bureaucracy are serious, the style of life is extravagant, they collude with private business owners, pull and pull, they are willing to be "hunted," they do not rein in and do not take over after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, especially after the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, they still do not stop, and they engage in power and money transactions on a large scale; they do not act and discount the decision-making and deployment of higher levels; they cause serious consequences by negligence in employing people; they seek benefits for relatives in the recruitment of workers; and they cheat on financial data. The work style is mediocre and lazy, resulting in Kungang Company not only building high debts and struggling to move forward, but also causing serious problems in party style and clean government, team building, work style, production and operation, and other aspects.

Du Junjun seriously violated political discipline, the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities, organizational discipline, and work discipline, and constituted a violation of official duties, and was suspected of accepting bribes, dereliction of duty by personnel of state-owned companies, gambling, and usurious loans. In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China," the "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China," and other relevant provisions, upon study by the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and reported to the Yunnan Provincial CPC Committee for approval, it was decided to give Du Lujun the punishment of expulsion from the party; the Yunnan Provincial Supervision Commission should give him the punishment of expulsion from public office; the confiscation of his gains from violations of discipline and the law; and the transfer of his suspected crimes to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with law, and the property involved would be transferred together.

According to the data, Du Junjun, male, Han ethnicity, born in December 1970, Sichuan Xuanhan people, on-the-job graduate degree, began work in July 1993, joined the Communist Party of China in March 2001. Since July 1993, he has worked in KungangQiao Steel Mill, successively serving as the staff of the finance section, the deputy chief of the labor section, the chief of the finance section, the director of the finance department of Kunming Iron and Steel Holdings Co., Ltd. in January 2004, the deputy chief accountant of Kungang Company and the director of the finance department of Kungang Company in December 2006, the deputy chief accountant of Kungang Company in November 2009, the vice president of the internal bank of Kungang Company and the financial director of Yunnan Kungang International Trade Company, and the deputy chief accountant of Kungang Company in March 2011, and the director of the strategic development department ( Director of capital operation department; assistant general manager and deputy chief accountant of Kungang Company in December 2011, chairman of the supervisory board of the first subsidiary of Kungang Company; assistant general manager and deputy chief accountant of Kungang Company in December 2012, executive director and general manager of Yunnan Haohua Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.; financial director of Kungang Company in August 2013; member of the Standing Committee, director and financial director of the party committee of Kungang Company in September 2015; standing committee member, director, deputy general manager and financial director of Kungang Company in December 2015 In December 2016, he served as deputy secretary of the party committee, vice chairman and general manager of Kungang Company (period: from May 2017 to July 2019, he was also the general manager of Wukun Co., Ltd.); in April 2019, he was appointed as the party secretary and chairman of Kungang Company, and vice chairman of Wukun Co., Ltd.; in April 2021, he was dismissed from the post of party secretary and chairman of Kunshan Steel Company. (End)

Source: China News Network

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