
Te O: Maldini inspires me to keep improving and look forward to playing in the World Cup with Lucas

Te O: Maldini inspires me to keep improving and look forward to playing in the World Cup with Lucas

In an exclusive interview with The Athletic, Milan defender Theo talked about Maldini, and he also said that he was looking forward to participating in the World Cup with his brother Lucas.

Speaking about Maldini, Theo said: "I grew up watching Maldini play, and I have a very close relationship with him now, and he took care of everything when he first met me in Ibiza. He told me that I was an important player, very good, but needed to train hard every day. That's why I'm where I am today, we talk to Maldini every day who comes to watch the training and it's an honor to be with us at the long-time best left-back in the world. ”

Subsequently, Teor spoke about his brother Lucas, and Teeo said: "The only memory that has touched me so much is that Lucas lifted the World Cup trophy and I watched him at home, it was a very proud moment, one of the best moments we have ever experienced. My goal is to train hard every day and do my best to go to the World Cup, and I hope to be able to play in the World Cup with Lucas, which is my dream and it may come true. ”


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