
Milk becomes "poisonous milk", will it steal the yang in the body? Don't dare to drink milk advice to see it

author:Wonderful materia medica

"Mom, the milk you bought for you is not drunk, it is almost expired."

Xiao Chen and her husband do not live with their in-laws and mother-in-law, but they think that the two old people are old and their husbands are busy at work, so they will go back to visit their in-laws every weekend, buy them some milk and nutritional products by the way, and supplement their bodies.

This weekend is also as usual, Xiao Chen bought a lot of dishes to go back to the in-laws to cook, at first it was very good, but the rice was not half of the tableware, so I opened the cabinet in front of the leg to find the tableware, but I did not expect that the tableware was not found, but I saw the large box of unopened milk in the cabinet.

Xiao Chen was a little angry and a little confused, so he took the milk out and asked his in-laws why they didn't drink it. The father-in-law politely said two sentences, saying that he always forgot to drink.

However, the mother-in-law was not polite at all, and said directly: "Drinking too much milk will steal the yang in the body, I see that you just don't want us to be good, thinking that when we die, this house belongs to you." ”

Xiao Chen was furious when he heard this, and no matter what was still crouching in the pot, he took off his apron and snatched the door and went out. Seeing that the daughter-in-law was angry, the two in-laws immediately called their sons and explained the reason.

On the phone, the son criticized his parents, saying that the milk was bought back to give them calcium supplements, and what stole the yang qi said. This made the two in-laws wonder, the old sisters in the community said that milk would steal the yang qi, are they all deceitful?

Milk becomes "poisonous milk", will it steal the yang in the body? Don't dare to drink milk advice to see it

First, drinking too much milk will steal the yang in the body, is it true?

The reason for the rumor that "drinking too much milk will steal the yang qi" is that it is necessary to talk about the <黄帝内经>book "Household Instructions", which says: Milk is cold and cold, only suitable for children to drink, because it belongs to the body of pure yang and can be "dissolved"; Adults, especially the elderly, are not enough yang itself, and drinking milk will only steal the yang in the body, making the yang even more insufficient.

But in fact, the nature of milk has always been controversial in the Chinese medical community. But one thing is for sure, it's not anything extremely cold.

On the contrary, the world's first official Chinese medicine book "New Cultivation of Materia Medica", the first therapeutic treatise "Qianjin Yifang • Pension Diet" and the first geriatrics monograph "Pension Fengqin", all state that milk is flat.

It should also be emphasized that children's "pure yang" means that they have no distractions and sexual desire interference, not yang.

Therefore, it is not reliable for the milk cool can hurt the yang qi. On the contrary, more studies have shown that it is a nutrient-rich food, and moderate consumption has a variety of benefits for the human body, the most commonly mentioned is calcium supplementation.

Milk becomes "poisonous milk", will it steal the yang in the body? Don't dare to drink milk advice to see it

Second, don't let the rumors hurt yourself, the risk of calcium deficiency in middle-aged and elderly people is large

For the elderly, as they grow older, they often face the dilemma of calcium deficiency caused by a large loss of calcium.

With the loss of more and more calcium, bone mass will also be gradually lost, after the loss of a certain amount, there will be osteoporosis, if not treated in time, a careless may cause fractures, and there are many body aches, hunched over, walking difficulties and other situations, serious can also be disabled, death. At present, the number of patients in the mainland has reached 70 million, and it is expected that by 2050, the number will reach more than 500 million, which shows that the development situation is still very severe and has to be paid attention to.

Calcium deficiency itself is also a metabolic disease, which can increase the risk of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, stones, and malignant tumors.

In general, if the elderly are deficient in calcium, the health risks brought by them are still relatively large, so don't let the rumors hurt themselves, and ensuring adequate calcium intake is of great significance to the health of the elderly.

Milk becomes "poisonous milk", will it steal the yang in the body? Don't dare to drink milk advice to see it

Third, milk is a "calcium supplement artifact", and so are these 3 foods

When it comes to calcium supplementation, many people will think of milk for the first time, which is not an exaggeration. Because the calcium content in milk is indeed more objective, such as the calcium in fresh milk up to 104mg/100g, to 1 bag of 250g of fresh milk to calculate, 1 day to drink 2 bags can get 520g of calcium, plus dietary supplement calcium, you can easily meet the daily human body's demand for calcium. In addition, milk is not only high in calcium content, but also in other nutrients required by the human body, including protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin B2 and so on.

In short, milk is a nutritious and good ingredient, but it is not suitable for everyone, such as lactose intolerance, reflux esophagitis patients, ulcerative colitis and other special groups should not drink, otherwise allergies or aggravation of the disease and other situations.

Milk becomes "poisonous milk", will it steal the yang in the body? Don't dare to drink milk advice to see it

Try other calcium-rich foods at this time, such as:

1. Yogurt

The calcium content in yogurt is actually not much different from milk, 118mg/100g, so people who do not like or should not drink milk may wish to turn to the "embrace" of yogurt.

2. Tofu

Tofu is also a well-known high-calcium food, north tofu up to 138mg/100g, south tofu up to 116mg/100g, so if you want to supplement calcium, you can also eat more tofu.

3. Tahini

The calcium content is 1170mg/100g, which is higher than the above, but at the same time, its calories are also very high, so remember to strictly control the intake and do not eat more, so as not to lead to obesity and other health problems.

Of course, we must pay attention to the fact that food is indeed a way to supplement calcium, but if you want to supplement calcium better, don't stare at a food, do a good diet, and a balanced diet is the most important.

Milk becomes "poisonous milk", will it steal the yang in the body? Don't dare to drink milk advice to see it

Fourth, leg cramps when sleeping, is it a lack of calcium?

Some people will have cramps when they sleep at night, and at this time, they will throw the pot to people who lack calcium at the first time.

Although calcium deficiency does cause leg cramps because calcium ions have the effect of regulating muscle contractions, once lacking, leg cramps may occur, but this is not the main cause.

Cramps during sleep are often related to these factors, such as sitting for a long time, resulting in poor blood circulation in the lower limbs, and the accumulation of lactic acid metabolites in the muscles, which is easy to have leg cramps; Short periods of vigorous exercise can also cause muscle contraction and diastolic disorders, which can trigger cramps.

Other diseases can also cause leg cramps, such as lumbar disc herniation, when the spine deformation compresses the nerves can also cause leg numbness, leg cramps, in addition to diabetes, hypoglycemia, thyroid disease, lower limb arteriosclerosis occlusion and other diseases can be caused.

Therefore, if you are always motionless and cramping, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to check it out to see what causes it, and then solve it in a targeted manner.

People drink milk in a reasonable and moderate amount, you can get a variety of benefits, especially in terms of calcium supplementation, and will not "steal" people's yang qi as rumors spread, so everyone should look at rumors rationally, don't miss a rare good ingredient for rumors.


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Lin Yin,Pan Shixia. Does the coldness of milk deplete our yang? [J].Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Regimen, 2018

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