
The State Council deploys coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation guarantees during the Spring Festival: Support coal power enterprises to do their best to grasp the production of vegetables, meat, eggs and milk

author:National Business Daily

Per reporter: Li Keyu Per reporter Per editor: Chen Xu

The State Council deploys coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation guarantees during the Spring Festival: Support coal power enterprises to do their best to grasp the production of vegetables, meat, eggs and milk

Image source: Xinhua News Agency

With the upcoming Lunar New Year, the work of ensuring the supply and price stability of energy and important people's livelihood commodities has attracted more and more attention from the whole society.

On January 19, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council to further strengthen the guarantee of coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation and market supply in the next stage, especially during the Spring Festival.

The "Daily Economic News" reporter noted that the meeting pointed out that at present, the overall guarantee of coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation is stable, and the supply of grain, oil, meat and vegetables is sufficient and stable. The next step is to consolidate the territorial responsibility of local governments and enterprises to ensure energy supply, and at the same time strictly implement the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system, and do a good job in the production of vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, aquatic products and so on.

Coal storage in power plants reached the highest level in the same period of history

The executive meeting of the State Council pointed out that in accordance with the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, all localities and relevant departments have strengthened the work of ensuring the supply and stable prices of energy and important people's livelihood commodities, and the overall guarantee of coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation is stable, and the supply of grain, oil, meat and vegetables is sufficient and stable.

For the current guarantee of coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation, the reporter of the Daily Economic News learned during the press conference of the National Development and Reform Commission on the 18th that the current national energy supply is generally stable. Coal prices returned to a reasonable range, coal storage in power plants reached the highest level in the same period of history, power supply continued to be stable, and natural gas resources were relatively abundant.

At the press conference, Li Yunqing, director of the Economic Operation Regulation Bureau of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced that the current domestic coal supply is guaranteed.

First, the production capacity is guaranteed. Relevant departments organized Jinshan, Mongolia and other major coal-producing areas to increase production and supply, coal production level rebounded rapidly, according to the statistics bureau data, in 2021 the national coal output of 4.07 billion tons, fully capable of ensuring the rational demand for coal.

Second, the transportation capacity is guaranteed. In recent years, the mainland has continued to strengthen the construction of coal collection and transportation, the coal transportation capacity has been greatly enhanced, and the national railway thermal coal transportation in the fourth quarter of 2021 has increased by more than 20% year-on-year, and the throughput of coal ports in the north has hit a record high, and the demand for coal transportation can be better guaranteed.

Third, the reserve capacity is guaranteed. With the acceleration of coal reserve capacity building, the reserve capacity of key areas has continued to improve in recent years, and the reserve resources that the government can dispatch have increased significantly, which has played an important role in coal supply assurance. As of January 16, the national unified dispatch power plant had stored 166 million tons of coal, which could be used for 21 days, which was at the highest level in the same period of history.

Fourth, the use of key coal is guaranteed. This year, we will continue to promote the full coverage of medium- and long-term contracts for coal for power generation and heating, and further consolidate the basic coal supply plate。 Judging from the preliminary summary data, the number of contracts that have been completed in various regions has increased by nearly 700 million tons over the previous year, and most provinces have achieved full coverage of coal contracts for power generation and heating.

Strictly implement the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system

For the next stage, especially during the Spring Festival, coal, electricity, oil and gas transportation guarantee and market supply guarantee, the executive meeting of the State Council also made clear arrangements.

The meeting pointed out that in the next step, it is necessary to consolidate the territorial responsibility of local governments and enterprises to ensure the supply of energy, maintain the normal production of coal, support coal power enterprises to make full use of their development, and ensure the supply of oil and gas.

Second, we must strictly implement the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system and do a good job in the production of vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, and aquatic products. Enrich market supply and promote the expansion of consumption. Increase assistance and assistance to the disaster-stricken people and the groups in need.

Third, we must do a good job in responding to uncertain factors such as bad weather and sudden epidemics, and guide local governments to ensure the smooth flow of backbone transportation networks while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, give play to social forces and community roles, and do a good job in the distribution of daily necessities.

Fourth, we must strengthen quality and safety supervision, and investigate and deal with illegal acts such as price gouging according to law.

The "Daily Economic News" reporter noted that the "Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on Promoting Consumption in the Near Future" was officially released recently, which proposed that it is necessary to take multiple measures according to local conditions to meet the needs of residents' holiday consumption.

The relevant circular emphasizes that low-risk areas should ensure the reasonable flow of urban and rural residents over short distances and normal consumption activities. Earnestly strengthen the supply of daily necessities and ensure that the necessities of daily life are not sold out and are constantly filed. Comply with the needs of the elderly to reunite with their children's places of residence, and do a good job in the traditional and intelligent, online and offline travel services of special groups such as the elderly.

At the same time, it is necessary to allocate public transportation capacity in an orderly manner, actively provide non-contact, less concentrated consumption projects and social services, and facilitate residents' "doorstep" consumption. Innovate and enrich New Year's diet meals, encourage the provision of multi-category packages, independent meals, online booking Chinese New Year's Eve meal ingredients and other services, and encourage the production and sale of semi-finished products and "clean dishes on the market".

Li Qilin, director of the Hongta Securities Research Institute, told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that the normalization of epidemic prevention and control in the mainland is in a leading position in the world. Although the current domestic Aomi Kerong mutant strains have spread sporadically, the mainland has a high vaccination rate and rich experience in epidemic prevention, and the negative impact of the epidemic on consumption is expected to decrease steadily.

Daily economic news

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