
Wuxitong Town: "Bath Aid Express" enters the village in a harsh winter

author:Wisdom gathers in all directions

"Today is four or nine miles, you helped me take my blood pressure and check my body, helped me to a warm and safe high-end car, sat in such a convenient bathtub and took a comfortable bath, it is a blessing." On January 18, on the playground of Tongcheng Primary School in Tongcheng Town, Wuxi County, 87-year-old Liu Chengzhong changed into clean clothes and got off the wheelchair assisted lifting platform of the "BathIng Express" to receive volunteers to cut his hair, nails, face and other services.

Wuxitong Town: "Bath Aid Express" enters the village in a harsh winter

Volunteer service. Tong town Ma An Qiao courtesy of the picture

Chongqing Charity Federation Vice President Officiate Youzhi introduced that the facilities and equipment of the special elderly-based "bath express" from the main city of Chongqing to carry out the "Bayu Mountain Village Sunset Red 'Bath' Back to Happiness" free service activities, is a project in the "XIN Yibai Plan" that the Chongqing Charity Federation strives to declare to Alibaba, undertaken by the Municipal Pension Service Association, Charity Donation Service Center, Chongqing Sanxintang Pension Service Institution, etc., is one of the "three helpers" of "meal assistance, medical assistance, bath assistance". Focus on the special difficulties of the elderly, disabled and semi-disabled people in mountain villages, and adopt the method of "bathing express" door-to-door and construction of "fixed bathing stations" fixed-point services to help solve their bathing this "unspeakable difficulty", can spend their old age cleanly and decently, and enjoy the benefits brought by rural revitalization. First of all, it was launched in Tongcheng Town, and successively launched in the city's 17 municipal rural revitalization key help townships and towns.

Wuxitong Town: "Bath Aid Express" enters the village in a harsh winter

Charitable service activities. Tong town Ma An Qiao courtesy of the picture

According to the relevant person in charge of Tongcheng Town, the town is a key township for rural revitalization at the municipal level in Chongqing, which belongs to the middle and high altitude mountainous areas, with 3300 elderly people over 60 years old, accounting for more than 19%, and 79 disabled and semi-disabled people.

Jiang Youlin, captain of the Municipal Government General Office To Help Group in Tongtong Urban and Rural Revitalization Task Force, and Yu Chunzhen, deputy captain of the Municipal Charity Federation, put forward hopes for the Municipal Charity Federation, in the face of the increasingly prominent reality of the aging problem in mountain villages, take the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of volunteer service, expand service content, forward-looking to create care service projects, especially to make good use of the convenience of the Internet, carry out "cloud fundraising" organizational work, integrate elements such as wisdom and health, bring together public welfare forces from all directions, and unremitting care to help the elderly in need in the mountains to solve their troubles. Let them live a more decent, comfortable and healthier life. At the same time, it is necessary to pass on the advanced concepts and skills of caring for the elderly to the people in the mountains, train the people in mountain villages, know how to be considerate and filial to the elderly, and make the old people happy to become a moving scenery in the mountain villages.

The main person in charge of Tongcheng Town said that Wuxi County has a long history of salt culture, medicine culture, the county party committee and government continue to attach importance to the cause of old-age services, Tongcheng Town has a healthy phenological scenery, supporting infrastructure and filial piety to the elderly and other favorable factors, the next step is to continuously improve the level of health care, the construction of disabled people support centers, pension service centers, reform and expansion of health centers, to create a combination of medical and nursing care centers and pension industry, not only to let the local elderly live envious, but also to accept the elderly from other places to come here to celebrate the sunset.

Source: Zhihui Bafang

Editor: Jiang Jinggu Wang Liuchi

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