
Jump out of the second answer of the "historical cycle rate": play a self-revolutionary combination punch

author:International Online

Li Yunshu, on the website of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission, reported: "Administering the party in an all-round and strict manner is a great practice of the party's self-revolution in the new era and has opened up a new realm of self-revolution in the century-old party." On January 18, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission, stressing that it is necessary to adhere to the party's political construction as the guide and adhere to the fundamental political direction of self-revolution; we must persist in taking ideological construction as the party's basic construction and temper the sharp ideological weapon of self-revolution; we must resolutely implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, enrich the effective way of self-revolution with strict discipline and rectification style; we must persist in fighting corruption and punishing evil with thunderous momentum, and fight a tough and protracted battle of self-revolution We must persist in enhancing the political function and cohesion of party organizations, forge a contingent of cadres who dare to be good at struggle and dare to carry out self-revolution; we must persist in building a system of self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement, so as to provide institutional guarantees for promoting the great self-revolution.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of the increasingly severe and complex "four major tests" and the more acute and prominent internal and external situation of the "four dangers", the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has comprehensively and strictly governed the party with unprecedented courage and determination, played a set of self-revolutionary "combined fists", and achieved an overwhelming victory in the anti-corruption struggle and comprehensively consolidated. Standing at a new historical starting point, the party's self-revolution is facing more arduous and complicated tasks, and it is necessary to constantly enrich and develop the valuable experience of adhering to self-revolution and carry out the party's great self-revolution to the end.

"Developing people's democracy and accepting people's supervision" and "comprehensively and strictly administering the party and promoting self-revolution", the Communist Party of China has always been exploring how to answer the "cave question" well.

"I once talked about the 'cave pair' between Chairman Mao and Mr. Huang Yanpei in those years, and only by having the courage to carry out self-revolution can we win the initiative in history." In his 2022 New Year message, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again mentioned the "cave pair".

From its founding with just over 50 members, to the world's largest political party with more than 95 million party members and a long-term ruling power in a country of more than 1.4 billion people, how did the Chinese Communist Party jump out of the historical cycle of chaos and rise and fall?

In 1945, on the eve of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Mao Zedong and the democrat Huang Yanpei had a discussion in a cave dwelling in Yan'an. Faced with the "question of historical cycle rate", Mao Zedong gave the first answer: "We have found a new way, we can jump out of this cycle rate." This new path is democracy. Only by allowing the people to supervise the government can the government dare not slacken off. ”

Jump out of the second answer of the "historical cycle rate": play a self-revolutionary combination punch

The picture shows party members and cadres coming to the former revolutionary site of Zaoyuan in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, to visit Mao Zedong's former residence and understand the enlightenment of the "cave pair". (Image source: People's Vision)

Now, on the question of how to jump out of the historical cycle rate, the Chinese Communist Party has given a second answer - "this is self-revolution." ”

"Those who can defeat the strong enemy, the first to win." The courage to carry out self-revolution is the most distinctive character of our party and also the greatest advantage of our party. The "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experiences of the Party's Century-Long Struggle" adopted by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China condenses "persisting in self-revolution" into one of the ten historical experiences of the Party's century-long struggle.

"The party's self-revolution in the new era is extremely clearly embodied in comprehensively and strictly administering the party, turning the tide, fundamentally reversing the lax and soft situation of managing the party and administering the party, correcting the direction of the party and the country's progress, and solving the problem of the overall, fundamental, and directional development of the cause of the party and the state." Dong Zhenhua, deputy director of the Philosophy Teaching and Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), said that General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the pure feelings of "I will not be selfless and live up to the people", with the mission of "offending thousands of people and not living up to 1.4 billion", with the firm will of "turning the blade inward and scraping the bones to cure poison", to promote the new great project of party building in the new era, to manage the party with strict discipline, to punish corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude, to unite the party and the people with an excellent style, and to build a party and state supervision system. The anti-corruption struggle has won an overwhelming victory and consolidated comprehensively, and the party has become stronger in the revolutionary forging.

In the new era, comprehensively and strictly administering the party should put the party's political building in the first place, adhere to the fundamental political direction of self-revolution, strengthen ideological construction, and temper the sharp ideological weapons of self-revolution

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the comprehensive and strict management of the party must first be viewed from a political point of view" and "political problems must be solved politically". The party Central Committee has incorporated the party's political building into the overall layout of party building in the new era and regarded it as a fundamental and commanding construction; it has regarded ensuring that the whole party obeys the central authorities and safeguards the centralized and unified leadership of the party Central Committee as the primary task of the party's political building; it has formulated a number of norms for the political life within the party under the new situation; it has strictly enforced political discipline and political rules; it has resolutely dealt with the "seven haves" problem; it has resolutely eliminated the "two-faced people" who have violated the yin and yang, and ensured the implementation of the major policies and policy decisions and arrangements of the party Central Committee with accurate and effective political supervision.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and local discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels have raised their political standing, enhanced their political acumen and political discernment, continued to punish "two-faced people" and "two-faced factions" who violate political discipline and political rules, comprehensively strengthened the party's discipline building, urged party members and cadres to be people who have firm political convictions and abide by rules and discipline, and ensured that the whole party orders are prohibited. Discipline inspection and supervision organs have persistently examined the problem of violating discipline and the law from the perspective of political discipline, and "first investigating from political discipline" has become an important guideline for their work.

Looking back at the party's century-long course of struggle, one of the important reasons why the CPC has been able to grow from small to large and from weak to strong is to attach importance to the party's ideological construction. The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized: "Ideological construction is the basic construction of the Party."

How important is it for Communist Party members to strengthen ideological construction? General Secretary Xi Jinping regards the world outlook, outlook on life and values of party members and cadres as the "general switch". The "general switch" of tightening thinking fundamentally lies in strengthening ideals and convictions.

Carrying out party history study and education in the whole party is an inevitable requirement for promoting the party's self-revolution and forever maintaining the party's vitality. In February 2021, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core issued a great call to the whole party to carry out party history study and education.

Jump out of the second answer of the "historical cycle rate": play a self-revolutionary combination punch

The picture shows party members reliving the oath of joining the party at a major memorial hall of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying

In the view of Bai Xianliang, dean of the Marxist College of Southwest University, carrying out centralized study and education in the whole party is an important way for our party to promote self-revolution, and it is also an important experience. "Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have successively organized and carried out the party's mass line education and practice activities, the 'three strict and three realistic' special education, the 'two studies and one doing' study and education, the education on the theme of 'not forgetting the original intention and keeping firmly in mind the mission,' and the study and education of party history; armed the whole party with the party's innovative theory, built a solid foundation of faith, replenished the calcium of the spirit, and stabilized the rudder of the mind; the party's creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness have been markedly enhanced; and the party's ability to purify, improve, renovate, and improve itself has been continuously enhanced."

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has, with unprecedented courage and determination, rectified the work style and discipline and anti-corruption, and unswervingly promoted the comprehensive development from strict party management to in-depth development

On December 4, 2012, the 18th Politburo of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and adopted the "Eight Provisions of the 18th Politburo on Improving Work Style and Maintaining Close Ties with the Masses", and a campaign to clean up chronic diseases within the Party and eliminate the accumulated shortcomings in work style was launched. The construction of work style has become a golden business card for comprehensively and strictly administering the party.

Perseverance, perseverance. On December 28, 2021, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced the summary of the mental problems of the national investigation and handling of violations of the eight central regulations in November 2021. In the same month, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels across the country investigated and dealt with 11,024 cases of spiritual problems that violated the eight provisions of the central government, and criticized and helped and dealt with 16,483 people, including 11,159 people punished by party discipline and government affairs. This is the 99th consecutive month that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission have released monthly report data.

"The party Central Committee has set an example by example and strictly implemented the eight regulations of the Central Committee, and combined the anti-'four winds' and anti-corruption with the anti-privileged ideology and the phenomenon of privilege, which has led to an overall change in the atmosphere of the whole party and society, condensed the party's heart and the people's will, and enhanced the party's image and prestige in the hearts of the people." Hong Xianghua, supervisor and professor of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), said.

Style construction is always on the way. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed, It is necessary to strengthen the stipulated by the eight provisions of the central government, and persevere in correcting the 'four winds' tree and new winds. ”

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as of October 2021, discipline inspection and supervision organs across the country have filed 4.078 million cases and 4.379 million cases, and a total of 3.998 million people have been punished by party discipline and government affairs. "The intensity of this self-revolution of the Party is unprecedented." Hong Xianghua said.

Jump out of the second answer of the "historical cycle rate": play a self-revolutionary combination punch

The Discipline Inspection Commission of Haizhou District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, carried out a special campaign to publicize letters and visits, receiving on-site visits in township markets and places with large street traffic, listening to the voices of the masses, and grasping first-hand social conditions and people's feelings. The picture shows the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in the district explaining to the masses the process of accepting petitions and reports. Photo by Zhang Mengrui

The five-episode TV special "Zero Tolerance", which has just been broadcast, has high ratings and large amounts of information, leaving the audience with a lot of thinking. This is the eighth "anti-corruption blockbuster" in eight years. The rich and vivid materials of the eight feature films are precisely from the vivid practice of comprehensively and strictly administering the party .

Fight the tiger. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as of the end of May 2021, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has filed a case for examination and investigation of 453 cadres in charge.

Swatting flies. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as of the end of May 2021, more than 390,000 problems involving the field of people's livelihood and infringing on the interests of the masses have been investigated and handled, and 359,000 people have been handled.

Fox hunting. Since Operation Skynet in 2014, by the end of May 2021, 9,165 fugitives had been recovered from 120 countries and regions, including 2,408 party members and state workers, and 21.739 billion yuan of stolen funds had been recovered.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has comprehensively promoted the construction of central and state organs, localities and grass-roots party organizations, continued to rectify weak and scattered party organizations, and continuously strengthened the construction of inner-party laws and regulations to form a relatively perfect system of inner-party laws and regulations

The party Central Committee has persisted in comprehensively and strictly administering the party, starting with the party Central Committee and starting with senior cadres, formulating regulations on the work of the Party's Central Committee, comprehensively promoting the building of central and state organs, localities, and grass-roots party organizations, and continuously rectifying weak and sluggish Party organizations; perfecting the strict management system for managing ideology, work, work style, and discipline, not only putting forward universal requirements for the broad masses of party members, but also setting higher standards and exercising stricter supervision over the "key minority," especially the "number one," and promoting the effective operation of the party's organizational system with a powerful "head goose effect." 3. Promote party members and cadres to be self-disciplined.

Use the system to manage people and use the system to manage things. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the construction of the party's internal laws and regulations and made a series of major decisions and deployments. A number of landmark, key, and basic inner-party laws and regulations, such as a number of guidelines on political life within the Party under the new situation, the Guidelines for Honesty and Self-Discipline of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on the Work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on Supervision within the Party of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China, the Regulations on accountability of the Communist Party of China, and the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China, have been formulated and revised. The intensity of the formulation of intra-party regulations, the number of promulgations, the high authority of the system, and the good governance efficiency are unprecedented. Up to now, there are more than 3,600 effective intra-party regulations in the whole party, forming a relatively complete system of intra-party regulations.

Persist in the organic unity of ruling the country according to law and governing the party according to rules. The Party Central Committee adheres to the principle of governing the country according to law and the system of governing the Party, and the overall promotion and integrated construction of the Party according to the rules, pays attention to the connection and coordination between the party's internal regulations and the state's laws, persists in coordinating the revision of the Constitution with the revision of the party constitution, promotes the party's leadership into the law and regulations, and realizes the integration of the party's management of the party and the administration of the party and the governance of the country. Practice enlightens us that to promote the construction of the party's internal laws and regulations, we must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on the rule of law, strive to form a pattern in which national laws and intra-party regulations complement each other, promote each other, and protect each other, and ensure that the party governs the country in accordance with the Constitution and laws, and also manages the party and governs the party and governs the party strictly according to the party's internal regulations.

Wrought iron must be its own. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that discipline inspection and supervision organs should clarify the boundaries of power, strictly control mechanisms, standardize work processes, strengthen supervision and restraint on discipline enforcement powers, and ensure that power runs on the right track. With the promulgation of a series of laws and regulations, such as the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Supervisors" and the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China," the organizational system, mode of operation, and work procedures that conform to the law of discipline inspection and supervision work have been standardized and strengthened, the restraint and supervision of discipline inspection and supervision power have been strengthened, and strict requirements have been set for discipline inspection and supervision cadres to carry out their work in accordance with rules and disciplines and in accordance with the law.

"As the cage of discipline inspection and supervision laws and regulations becomes more and more densely woven, the norms of discipline enforcement work become more and more refined, and the operation of discipline inspection and supervision powers becomes more and more standardized." Deng Lianrong, secretary of the party committee of the Marxist College of Hunan Technology and Business University, said.

The more achievements are achieved, the more we must remain calm and sober. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the need to think of danger in times of peace, and warned the whole party to comprehensively and strictly govern the party forever on the road, and the anti-corruption struggle is always on the road.

Facing the second centenary goal and standing at a new historical starting point, we must always maintain the spirit of self-revolution and dare to turn the blade inward in order to jump out of the historical cycle rate of "its rise and fall, and its demise."

Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the CPC will unremittingly promote self-revolution, firmly grasp the historical initiative, always lead the way forward, unstoppable, and create new glory, new victories, and new glory.

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