
The embassies in China and Africa share China's experience in poverty alleviation and look forward to the future of fungal cooperation

author:Direct access to Africa

Since October 2021, the Embassy in Central Africa has organized the "Exhibition of Achievements in Poverty Alleviation on the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" and the "Historical Retrospective Exhibition of China-China-China Mycoste Technical Cooperation" at the Presidential Palace of the Central African Republic, the National Assembly and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, introducing the experience of the CPC in leading the people out of poverty to all walks of life in China and Africa, showing the development process of technical cooperation between the two countries, and receiving strong repercussions from all walks of life in China and Africa.

The embassies in China and Africa share China's experience in poverty alleviation and look forward to the future of fungal cooperation

(Ambassador Chen Dong accompanied President Tuvadra on an exhibition on November 19, 2021)

On November 19, 2021, Ambassador to Central Africa Chen Dong accompanied President Tuvadra to visit the exhibition at the Central African Presidential Palace. President Tuvadra was full of interest, carefully looked at each display board, praised the great achievements of the Communist Party of China in leading the people out of poverty, agreed with the Chinese Communist Party's concept of governance, and affirmed the important role played by the fungus and grass technology in the development of China and Africa. The accompanying leading Central African government officials also carefully observed the exhibition.

The embassies in China and Africa share China's experience in poverty alleviation and look forward to the future of fungal cooperation

(Central African parliamentarians visit the exhibition on December 29, 2021)

In late November 2021, the exhibition was exhibited in the foyer and gallery hall of the Central African National Assembly, and Speaker Sarangi and other dignitaries of parliament often stopped to watch the exhibition.

The embassies in China and Africa share China's experience in poverty alleviation and look forward to the future of fungal cooperation

(Exhibition visited by Chairman and members of the China-Africa Good Governance Committee on 14 January 2022)

Around New Year's Day 2022, the Embassy invited members of the National Assembly of Central Africa, members of the Good Governance Committee, members of the ruling Party "Unity and Unity Movement", and teachers and students of the Confucius Institute at Bangui University to the parliament to collectively watch the exhibition. The Chinese teachers of the Confucius Institute at Bangui University explained and explained to them and answered questions. The visitors praised the great achievements of poverty alleviation achieved by the CPC and looked forward to bringing a better future to China and Africa through technical cooperation between the two countries.

The embassies in China and Africa share China's experience in poverty alleviation and look forward to the future of fungal cooperation

(Party members of the "Unity and Unity Movement" visit the exhibition on December 31, 2021)

(Source: Embassy in Central Africa)

"Direct access to Africa"

Information on China-Africa cooperation

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