
The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

author:Dr. Jiro

The heartbeat is a manifestation of the continuation of life, and the heart pumps blood when it beats, allowing the venous blood in the right atrium to enter the pulmonary artery with the right ventricle.

Through the gas exchange of the lungs, the venous blood is converted into arterial blood containing oxygen, and then circulates to various parts of the body through the pulmonary veins and left ventricles, so that the nutrition throughout the body is replenished and the normal function is maintained.

The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

According to relevant data, a normal adult's heart rate is about 60-100 beats / min, if the heart rate often reaches more than 100 beats / minute is tachycardia.

In this regard, some people are worried that it is caused by arrhythmias and are afraid that their hearts have serious problems. What do the facts look like?

The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

When a person's heart rate exceeds 100 beats per minute, it is called sinus tachycardia, which is a type of arrhythmia.

Clinically, there are two types of arrhythmias, physiological and pathological, such as excessive emotional agitation or long-term strenuous exercise, which can cause physiological tachycardia, which will improve after rest.

The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

If the following 6 abnormalities may be related to pathological arrhythmias, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time to check the heart.

1. Premature heart beats. When the pace point of the heart is ectopic, premature impulses can cause premature beats. Under normal circumstances, patients with premature heart beats generally do not have arrhythmias.

However, after the patient's strenuous exercise, smoking, drinking alcohol, or premature beats develop to a certain extent, it will cause arrhythmias.

The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

2. Tachycardia. People with strenuous exercise, excessive excitement and nervousness, fever, may cause the speed of the heartbeat to exceed the normal level, these conditions do not require special treatment, and when the primary condition improves, the heartbeat will return to normal.

If the patient belongs to the episodic supraventricular tachycardia, it should be taken seriously, and the arrhythmia caused by this condition may cause the patient to have cardiac arrest, which is a certain threat to life.

The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

3. Bradycardia. In fact, some people or athletes who have been exercising for a long time may have a heart rhythm of 50-60 times per minute during the physical examination, although it is lower than normal, but it is a normal phenomenon.

If the heart rhythm of a normal person is less than 70 beats / minute, it is necessary to be vigilant that it is bradycardia, which is also a manifestation of arrhythmia, and the patient needs to further examine the body to clarify the cause of this situation and then treat it symptomatically.

4. Ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation is one of the most serious cases of arrhythmia, because the patient's ventricular muscles have rapid and weak contractions, accompanied by uncoordinated rapid flutter, resulting in the heart can not drain blood smoothly, heart sounds and pulses all disappear, the patient's heart, brain and other tissues can not get the normal blood supply, it will cause sudden death.

The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

Fifth, atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is a clinically more common symptom of arrhythmia, which is mostly due to the fact that people are old, the heart is aging, and the electrical activity of the atrium is weakened after the atelectal function cannot be kept regular and orderly, and it becomes a rapid, disordered fibrillation wave.

If the disease progresses more severely, patients may develop complications such as thromboembolism, stroke, and heart failure.

6. AV block. As a kind of arrhythmia, AV block may be related to hypertension, hyperglycemia and coronary heart disease.

Patients with one-degree AV block generally do not present with symptoms;

Second-degree patients may experience palpitations, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, etc., which need to be paid attention to.

The heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, what's going on? 6 manifestations of arrhythmias, be vigilant

From the above, it can be understood that tachycardia is indeed a type of arrhythmia. If the body has the above six abnormalities, we must go to the cardiology department of the regular hospital in time to check the electrocardiogram and cardiac ultrasound, and clarify the cause of the arrhythmia and then symptomatic treatment.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to pay attention to a light diet, not to overwork when active, but also to maintain emotional stability, as far as possible to reduce the heart by adverse stimulation, the condition can be improved.

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