
Great Cold, a complete solar term, is occupied by a kind of purity - two poems of Zhou Zhonghua Group

author:Mantra chastity
Great Cold, a complete solar term, is occupied by a kind of purity - two poems of Zhou Zhonghua Group

Two original group poems


Great cold

Text/Zhou Zhonghua

Pick up the wind and feel a momentum

It snows and you feel a sense of busyness

Snowflakes are flying and filling the world

Paved with endless snowfields

Great cold, a complete solar term

Occupied by a kind of purity


Snow, whose heart is on this' mind

Chaotic, confused

Reject the thunderous clamor of exaggeration

Avoid raindrops in straight lines

God put the world under her control

But it seemed too late to prepare

Wandering in the flip

Soothing, but showing a crystal clear

Hesitate in a whirlwind

Lightness, on the contrary, flutters a kind of beauty

The thickness of the snow needs to be felt with footsteps

The breadth of snow can only be compared to the mind



Some broad-leaved trees

After completing the all-out expansion

Invincible to the cold counterattack

Gradually converged on ambition

With infinite branches, this baton of roots

Gently pluck the strings of the big chill machine

Play an ode to winter

And the conifers' courage does not change

Sharp edge

Wielding iron needle-like leaves

Gently pick up the flakes that are raging

Everything is different gestures

Just prove different possessions

Great Cold, a complete solar term, is occupied by a kind of purity - two poems of Zhou Zhonghua Group

【Author's Profile】Zhou Zhonghua (male), painter and poet. He is a member of the China Artists Association, a member of the All-China Youth Federation, a professor of Wuhan Huaxia Institute of Technology, a distinguished professor of the Information Communication Research Center of Wuhan University, the editor-in-chief of China National Art Magazine, and the former editor of China Youth Daily. The comic "Envy" was selected as the 2011 National College Entrance Examination Comic Question. Chinese painting won the gold medal for fine arts at the 3rd Spring Festival Gala of Calligraphy and Painting.

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