
The longest journey

author:Easy is Supermami
The longest journey

I watched this movie on a typhoon night

The online rating of this film is very low

Various dog blood Mary Sue

But this simple and direct love has always been what I love

Such as a love notebook

The film is made up of two stories

Prefer the story of the old pair of CP

My name is Ira Levinson.

I'm an ordinary man who fell in love with an extrodinary woman.

Around this room you will see some beautiful and priceless works of art.

Ruth had an incredible eye for talent,while i only had eyes for her.

For me the great joy of collecting wasn't in the art itself but in the person i collected it with My beloved Ruth.

The happiness these paitings brought her was immeasurable.

And sharing that happiness was the great privilege of my life.

We celebrated,we achieved. We endured,we compromised. And above all we loved.

The true work of art,was the longest ride Ruth and I shared. This thing called life.

There's not a painting here I wouldn't trade in a heartbeat to hear her voice.

Or see her smile,just one more time.

Signed, Ira Levinson

This is the letter that the lawyer read at the auction after the old gentleman's death

Seeing this place has been in tears

I guessed the beginning, but I didn't guess the ending

I started to look at my husband's sad look, and I always felt that he had missed Ruth

He came back from war and there was no way for her to organize a big family

I thought they were going to miss it here

And she didn't mind being with him all the time

I don't know what the future hold

but there is no future without you

unless you don't love me anymore

The days were full of sweetness and he began to collect paintings for her

Every year the wedding anniversary is held at the University of Montenegro

The contradiction came when Ruth ran away with his suitcase

Ira would rather shut her happiness in the living room and hope that Ruth will be happy

I think you should go. I love you so much

I just want you be happy,

even if that happiness no longer includes me

love requires sacrifice. always

Then Ruth actually went!

I thought Ira was going to end his life with Ruth here

Guess what's wrong is that Ruth ended up coming back

He still wrote letters to Ruth even though they met every day

They stayed together until one morning Ruth didn't wake up as usual

Ira was on her way to the University of Montenegro when she crashed

With a letter to Ruth

The most touching thing about love is always companionship

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