
"Walking cold" The front-line workers of the hydropower station work overtime to overhaul the equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of the winter power supply丨The New Year goes to the grass-roots level

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Liu Xuqiang

Under the situation of "double carbon" and supply assurance, small and medium-sized hydropower stations that play an active role in energy conservation and emission reduction, peak regulation and flood discharge are becoming more and more important. This winter, the front-line workers of the power station are nervously preparing for the annual examination of the industry.

"Walking cold" The front-line workers of the hydropower station work overtime to overhaul the equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of the winter power supply丨The New Year goes to the grass-roots level

Exterior view of the Foot-based Ping Hydropower Station

Located in Tianquan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province, The Jiaojiping Hydropower Station is affiliated to Sichuan Investment Power Company, with an average annual power generation of 220-230 million kWh, and its daily power generation is enough to supply the electricity of ordinary township residents for one month.

In the two months around the Spring Festival in 2022, the workers in the power station gave up their vacations and were on duty in the dam plant, not only to ensure the winter power supply, but also to increase efforts to complete the maintenance and overhaul of the power station unit equipment to ensure the safe power generation during the flood season in the coming year.

"Walking cold" The front-line workers of the hydropower station work overtime to overhaul the equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of the winter power supply丨The New Year goes to the grass-roots level

Routine inspection of water and electricity equipment in the station

Overtime to ensure power generation and completion of annual maintenance during dry periods

In the early morning of January 18, Zhao Bing, director of the Foot-based Ping Power Plant, was dressed neatly and dispatched the reservoir in the central control room of the power plant to ensure the normal power generation of the morning peak. Zhao Bing introduced, "Although winter is a dry period, the power generation is not as good as usual, but the task of power preservation, especially to ensure the basic daily electricity of residents, is very important." We must cherish every drop of water to ensure that the water and electricity should be fully developed during the dry period. ”

It is the time when the annual power generation of the power station is the smallest, but the current workload in the station is the largest. Zhao Bing explained: "In the two months before and after the Spring Festival, in addition to ensuring power generation, we also have to carry out maintenance and overhaul of standby units to ensure the normal operation of the units in the next year and even in the next few years. ”

"Walking cold" The front-line workers of the hydropower station work overtime to overhaul the equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of the winter power supply丨The New Year goes to the grass-roots level

Hydropower workers overhaul equipment

In order to achieve the "double carbon" goal, the status of small and medium-sized hydropower stations that play an active role in energy conservation and emission reduction, peak regulation and flood discharge is becoming more and more important, which also makes Zhao Bing feel a little heavier on his shoulders: "From this point of view, the year-end maintenance is more critical." To do this work well in advance, our power station will have no worries when generating electricity during the flood season next year.

Yang Tao, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of Sichuan Investment Electric Power, introduced to reporters that it is a critical period for the maintenance and maintenance work to be carried out at the same time, and the task of the foot baseping power station is very heavy. In the past two months, all 33 employees on the station have bid farewell to the normal shift and vacation methods, and are on duty in the plant and dam reservoir area to overhaul and maintain the key facilities and equipment of the power station.

On the same day, Lin Yuqin, the chief of duty, led the staff on duty to carry out the routine work of equipment inspection. For the convenience of homework, they all wore only thin blue uniforms. "Cold hands and stiff feet, but the night in the mountains is dark quickly, in order to ensure the safety of operations and the use of electricity by residents at night, we must seize the time."

Talking about the stay-behind during the Spring Festival, Lin Yuqin seemed very plain: "When choosing this work, we must respect its particularity, we have long been accustomed to it." Moreover, as a most grass-roots party member, it is also natural and unshirkable to do the most basic things at hand. ”

"Walking cold" The front-line workers of the hydropower station work overtime to overhaul the equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of the winter power supply丨The New Year goes to the grass-roots level

The signing ceremony of the "Enterprise-Land Co-construction" ceremony

Deepen enterprise-land cooperation The new model of "enterprise-land co-construction" helps local rural revitalization

"Compared with physical fatigue, the most difficult thing about hydropower work is to stick to the post day after day, year after year, and the work is more boring." Lin Yuqin, an old employee who has been standing on the station for more than ten years, half-jokingly complained, "The content and mode of work on the station are almost the same every day, facing colleagues with familiar faces, and each other has long become a family." ”

Most of the hydropower people on the station came from other places. Outside of work, they like to go around the county. The reporter noticed that the hydropower people and the villagers have a harmonious and friendly relationship, and when they meet on the street, they must greet each other and shake hands.

"Grassroots work is close to the people. In our work and life, our neighbors take care of each other. Lin Yuqin said. Lin Yuqin said that the hydropower plant provides villagers with some opportunities for casual work, "it is also a skill to teach them, and it is no problem to go back and repair their own lines." "If the people can't solve it, the hydropower people will also take the time to come to the door to help." In addition, the station also organizes voluntary activities such as door-to-door condolences. At the end of 2021, when it was learned that the people in Cypress Village, where the enterprise was located, had practical difficulties and needed help, all party members of the Party Branch of Jiaojiping actively raised funds to help them solve their difficulties.

Villagers are also concerned about the production safety of the power station to the best of their ability. In July 2021, the factory received a call from a villager, and when they learned that a bamboo on the mountain was too tall and might be put on the power station's transmission line in the event of strong winds, it quickly sent someone to solve this production safety hazard.

"Walking cold" The front-line workers of the hydropower station work overtime to overhaul the equipment to ensure the safety and reliability of the winter power supply丨The New Year goes to the grass-roots level

The General Branch of the Party of Sichuan Investment Electric Power Foot Base Ping donated materials to the General Branch of the Party of the Red Army Village

When Sichuan Investment Power Company learned of this mutual help and mutual promotion model between the Foot baseping power station and the local government, enterprises and the masses, it intended to refine it into a "joint construction of enterprises and land" model to strengthen and continue to carry out.

On January 7, 2022, in the Red Army Village of Renyi Town, Tianquan County, the Party Committee of Renyi Town and the General Party Branch of the Red Army Village signed a contract with the Party Committee of Sichuan Investment Electric Power Company and the Party Branch of Sichuan Investment Power Foot Base Ping to carry out the "Joint Construction of Enterprises and Land" activities, and listed the "Sichuan Investment Energy Party Member Party Spirit Education and Training Base". According to the content of the contract, the two sides strive to use the rich red cultural relics of the Red Army Village through the joint construction of enterprises and lands, promote the coordinated development of enterprise and land brands, and help the revitalization of local rural areas in terms of organization, talent, ecology, industry and cultural revitalization.

It is reported that the two sides will jointly incubate and cultivate "enterprise-land co-construction demonstration base", and seek development and breakthroughs in characteristic economy, characteristic industry, characteristic culture and characteristic brand. And from the big picture, start from a small place, do some practical things to help the people's lives improve, strive to help the village collective economic development and the people increase income and generate income, help the villagers gradually solve the difficult and painful points in development, and deploy points to improve the village infrastructure projects.

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