
Ten years of "Chu Wang", demolished

author:Beiqing Net
Ten years of "Chu Wang", demolished

The "King of Chu" catering ship under demolition

"The catering boat on the Fu River has begun to dismantle, so come and have a look!" Recently, Li Sirui, a people's supervisor of the Yunmeng County Procuratorate in Hubei Province, received a phone call from his comrade-in-arms.

In fact, Li Sirui knew the news for the first time. However, this phone call still made him feel a lot of emotions: the "King of Chu" catering boat, which had been occupying the Fu River for ten years and had experienced many dangerous situations, finally began to dismantle, and a stone in his heart could also land!

From "Landmark" to "Heart Disease"

Fuhe River is the "mother river" of Yunmeng County, the Yunmeng section of fuhe is 54.6 kilometers long, flows through 8 townships, and is an important source of irrigation and drinking water in the county.

Located about 600 meters south of the Qingming River Bridge on the FuHe River, the "Chu Wang" catering boat can be described as a "big name" in Yunmeng County. According to Mr. Cai, a surrounding villager, from its opening in 2011 to its closure in 2016 due to environmental protection issues, this water restaurant was also a local "landmark" when it was booming, but after the closure, the courtyard gradually fell out, and it became a "heart disease" for many people during the flood season.

In May 2020, the public interest litigation department of the Yunmeng County Procuratorate received a number of feedback from the public when performing its duties, and the problem pointed to the "Chu Wang" that had been idle in the river for a long time. The prosecutor realized that this could be a valuable clue to the public interest litigation case and launched an investigation. Judging from the ship ownership registration certificate, inspection certificate, tonnage certificate and other information, the "Chu Wang" catering ship is a non-self-propelled ship with no power device, which was completed and put into use in October 2011, with a length of 35 meters, a width of 9.2 meters, a total of 3 layers, a total tonnage of 518 tons, and was permanently suspended in 2016 due to environmental protection issues.

Although the direct threat to the ecological environment of the "Chu Wang" catering ship has been eliminated, if such a behemoth is washed away during the summer flood season, will it hinder the flooding? Will it endanger the safety of the river? Looking at a few steel cables on the shore towing and fixing the "Chu Wang" catering ship, and then looking at the rubber dam water conservancy project and the Partition Putan Bridge not far downstream, Xiao Yunyan, head of the Fourth Procuratorial Department of the Yunmeng County Procuratorate, had many doubts in his heart.

At that time, the flood season was coming, the case-handling personnel felt anxious, and after many inquiries, they finally found Zhang Bin (pseudonym), the main shareholder of the "Chu Wang" catering ship. To Xiao Yunyan's surprise, the procurator who took the initiative to find the door turned out to be Zhang Bin's "life-saving straw".

After the "Chu Wang" catering ship was shut down, Zhang Bin was not at ease: in addition to the basic maintenance costs were unbearable, he was particularly afraid of every flood season, and he was worried about accidents. The two flood season dangers in 2016 and 2019 made him feel even more uneasy. At that time, the water in the upper reaches of the Fu River was fierce, and the catering boats blocked the dead wood, aquatic weeds, garbage and other debris that rushed down, forming a large area of silt in the river, which hindered the flooding, and the sharp increase in resistance also made the catering boats that were only fixed with steel cables shake in the wind and rain.

According to Zhang Bin, in the past few years, he has traveled to various units to seek solutions, but he has not achieved the desired results. The active intervention of the procuratorial organs this time gave him hope again.

Public interest litigation finds "blocking point"

In June 2020, the flood season came, the "Chu Wang" catering boat blocked the silt formed by debris in the water and could even leave, the firefighters could not cut through the electric saws for cleaning, the debris continued to accumulate, the resistance continued to increase, and the flood was obviously hindered. What is more worrying is that the steel cable that holds the hull is broken, and other steel cables may break at any time. If the vessels lose control, they pose a huge threat to the rubber dam downstream and the bridge of the Diaphragm Bridge.

At the critical moment, the Yunmeng County Water Conservancy and Lake Bureau coordinated Zhang Bin, found 2 sailors with many years of experience in running boats and had good water characteristics, and strengthened the hull in the face of the turbulent flood.

This untimely "bomb" must be dismantled, but how to find an entry point to achieve accurate supervision? The procurators of the Fourth Procuratorate Department of the Yunmeng County Procuratorate made every effort to collect evidence and constantly communicated with relevant functional departments and relevant personnel.

On June 28, 2020, the Yunmeng County Procuratorate filed a public interest lawsuit. On July 2 of the same year, the court issued a procuratorial recommendation to the county water conservancy and lake bureau, urging it to perform its river management duties in accordance with the law, deal with the illegal acts of the "Chu Wang" catering boat obstructing the safety of the river, and effectively safeguard the national interests and social public interests.

However, the Yunmeng County Water Conservancy and Lake Bureau still neglected to perform its duties according to law, resulting in the safety hazards of catering boats to the river have not been eliminated. On September 28, 2020, the Yunmeng County Procuratorate planned to file an administrative public interest lawsuit against the bureau and conduct a public hearing.

Before the hearing, the Yunmeng County Procuratorate organized 5 people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, and people's supervisors who participated in the hearing to inspect the illegal parking of the "Chu Wang" catering ship.

Demolition is the end and the beginning

In September 2020, the Yunmeng County Procuratorate sued the County Water Conservancy and Lake Bureau to the court, requesting a court judgment to confirm that the bureau's negligence in performing its regulatory duties was illegal, and ordered the bureau to take measures to eliminate potential river safety hazards in accordance with the law. After a fierce trial, the court finally supported all the litigation claims of the Yunmeng County Procuratorate. "Our efforts have not been in vain!" After the verdict came out, the case-handling personnel breathed a sigh of relief.

Good things grind more. According to Ye Lei, deputy procurator general of the Xiaogan City Procuratorate, due to the high input cost of the "Chu Wang" catering ship, the hull demolition is difficult, and the case has also encountered the problem of difficult enforcement. "Handling public interest litigation cases must not be decided in one fell swoop, and how to make the supervision work implemented also requires the procuratorial organs to continue to follow up." Ye Lei said.

The execution does not stop, the footsteps do not stop. The case-handling personnel of the Yunmeng County Procuratorate actively communicated with relevant units to strive for understanding and support, and also worked hard to persuade ship owners to actively cooperate with government departments through methods such as explaining the law and reasoning.

On November 19, 2021, with the roar of cutting machines and large cranes, the "Chu Wang" catering ship began to be dismantled. On December 14, Xiao Yunyan and Zhang Bin came to the scene and found that the "Chu Wang" catering ship was running out. "The county water conservancy and lake bureau has paid a sum of money for the dismantling of the vessel, and follow-up matters are still being negotiated with the relevant departments." Zhang Bin said.

Ye Tianlin, chief procurator of the Yunmeng County Procuratorate, said that the demolition of the "Chu Wang" is a happy end for the public interest litigation procuratorate, but it will be a new beginning for the construction of the "Water Town Yunmeng". It is understood that in order to protect the Fuhe River, the Yunmeng County Party Committee and the county government plan to build a wetland park with an area of 1057 hectares to create a vivid "water town cloud dream". (Jiang Changshun, Rao Xun)

(Procuratorial Daily)

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