
Cohesion of human resources and social security to promote rural revitalization - 2021 human resources and social security work inventory rural revitalization

author:Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

2021 is the first year to implement the 14th Five-Year Plan, and it is also the beginning of consolidating the achievements in poverty alleviation and comprehensively connecting rural revitalization. In this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security set up a leading group for promoting rural revitalization, established and improved the guidance and contact system of the ministry's leaders, established the general idea of consolidating and expanding the achievements of the people's social security in poverty alleviation, comprehensively promoting the revitalization of the rural areas, "'one unchanged, two strengthening', and comprehensively promoting various tasks", focusing on promoting the national rural revitalization key help and support county people's social security assistance work, and solidly and effectively carrying out various assistance work. Local human resources and social security departments have made precise efforts and targeted policies to strengthen employment assistance, strengthen skill assistance, implement social security assistance policies, and increase talent and personnel assistance... The implementation of one initiative after another has condensed a strong human and social force that boosts rural revitalization.

Strengthen employment assistance

Promote sustained revenue growth

Employment is the basic measure to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation. Since 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has improved the employment assistance system and work system for the poverty-alleviated population and the rural low-income population, solidly carried out the consolidation and improvement of employment assistance for the relocated people, continued to increase the intensity of employment transfer, and continuously enhanced the employment stability of the poverty-alleviated population.

On May 4, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Development and Reform Commission and other five departments jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Effectively Strengthening Employment Assistance, Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements in Poverty Alleviation and Helping Rural Revitalization", emphasizing the need to adhere to the principles of smooth transition, expansion and quality improvement, expansion and extension, and coordinated linkage, stabilize the scale of migrant work, support local employment, improve the long-term mechanism of employment assistance, do a good job in safeguard measures, and take multiple measures to promote the stable employment of the poverty-alleviated population.

Local human resources and social security departments have actively deployed and implemented, and vigorously and orderly promoted the implementation of employment assistance policies. Qinghai regards the poverty-alleviated population and the marginal population prone to poverty as the priority guarantee object of organized labor export, strengthens the labor cooperation between the east and the west, counterpart support and the provincial pairing support mechanism, smoothly connects the employment information of the import and export areas, and gives priority to organizing migrant workers. Guizhou has increased the implementation of employment support policies, fully supported the flexible employment of the labor force through various forms such as part-time and new employment forms; increased the overall use of various types of public welfare posts in human resources and social security, forestry, transportation and other departments, and maintained the overall stability of the scale of rural public welfare posts.

Further increase policy support for returning to the countryside to start a business. Adjust and optimize support policies, and encourage returnees to their hometowns to start businesses and develop employment support workshops. Guangxi has explored the introduction of fiscal and taxation policy support, financial service innovation and entrepreneurship land guarantees and other measures, to encourage all parties to return to their hometowns. Hubei strengthens the construction of return-to-home entrepreneurship carriers, makes full use of existing parks and other resources to build a number of return-to-home entrepreneurship parks and business incubation bases in poverty-alleviated areas, and can give rewards and subsidies to entrepreneurial incubation bases according to the number of settled entities, incubation effects and employment effectiveness.

In order to further deepen the construction of labor service brands, expand the scale of labor service exports with the help of brand effects, and improve the quality of labor exports, on August 24, 20 departments such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Guiding Opinions on Labor Service Brand Construction", requiring strengthening the discovery and cultivation of labor service brands, and formulating labor brand development plans and construction plans.

Local human resources and social security departments combine the advantages of local resource endowments, cultural characteristics, industrial base and other advantages to actively cultivate, create and develop a number of labor service brands with characteristics, reputation and scale. Shaanxi focuses on building the "4 + X" Shaanxi technical brand such as Sanqin Manufacturing (Qin Gong), Sanqin Home Economics (Qin Feng), Sanqin Snacks (Qin Flavor), qin genetics (Qin Relics), etc., focusing on the construction of 10 types of key professional groups and 50 professional types of professional groups with five characteristics such as agriculture and forestry technology; cultivating and developing 41 labor (skill) brands, driving 248,000 migrant workers, including 51,400 people who have been lifted out of poverty. With "one county and one product" as the starting point, Shanxi has cultivated and developed 94 local labor service brands, mainly covering domestic services, nursing care workers, cooking, transportation and other industries.

Eat hui cuisine, the first choice of "Jixi Hui Kitchen" in charge of the restaurant; do waterproof, "Pingyu waterproof" is trustworthy... A number of professional industry terms with regional symbols have gradually become familiar labor service brands and a powerful engine for driving employment.

Strengthen skills support

Promote skills development

"The family's livelihood is in place, thanks to the free skills training provided by the government." With the skills of welding and bricklaying, Jida Qubo, who lives in Zhaojue County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, found a job at a construction site in Shandong Province, earning 5,000-7,000 yuan a month.

The new changes in the life of Jeddah Qubo stem from the skills training held by the Sichuan Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish. Since 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has established and improved a public service system for vocational guidance, classified training, skill evaluation, and employment services. Strengthen the basic capacity building of technical education and vocational training, increase the intensity of assistance, and achieve "full training and training".

On June 28, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the Vocational Skills Upgrading Project in the Key Areas of Rural Revitalization", which requires increasing the corresponding cooperation in the development of vocational skills in the east and west, enhancing the supply of vocational skills training resources in the key areas of national rural revitalization, and strengthening the training of innovative, applied and skilled talents.

Local human resources and social security departments have actively promoted skill support in light of actual conditions. Combined with the characteristics of the province, Yunnan distinguishes the training level, refines the training objects, and innovatively proposes the training plans of "rural revitalization skill talents", "healthy cloud masters", "ecological guards" and "cloud craftsmen" with Yunnan characteristics. Ningxia adopts methods such as "order-based, fixed-post, targeted", "directly supplemented individuals" and "Internet +" online and offline integrated training to carry out large-scale employment skills training, job skills upgrading training and entrepreneurship training for enterprise employees and key employment groups.

In order to accelerate the transfer of "technology" from the east to the west and promote the high-quality and coordinated development of technical education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has incorporated vocational education cooperation into the important content of east-west cooperation and counterpart support work, regarded the national rural revitalization key help counties as the focus of assistance, and expanded the supply and output of high-quality education and training resources in the eastern and western regions.

The human resources and social security departments in various localities have responded positively, strengthened the counterpart assistance of technical colleges and universities, and encouraged colleges and universities to adopt various channels and methods to assist in improving basic conditions, expanding the scale of running schools, and building characteristic majors.

Just after the 2021 Spring Festival, xinjiang epidemic prevention and control is still in a severe stage, in order to help Kezhou Technical School to build a practical training base, Changzhou national skill master studio leaders Qiao Sen and Jiang Cheng two teachers despite the risk, after many nucleic acid tests, toss 3 days to arrive at the school. Artush Technical School training equipment is seriously short, Yancheng Technician College in time to prepare 3 teaching vehicles, 6 sets of engine flip bench, 2 sets of electronic control engine bench, 4 sets of car fault diagnostic instruments, starry night and night transported to the school, the journey is close to 5000 kilometers.

In order to promote the construction of the Tibet Technician College, Sichuan actively selected a group of backbone teachers to assist in teaching, and selected 374 students from 12 majors of the Tibet Technician College in 2 technician colleges in Sichuan to train on behalf of the Tibet Technician College...

Soldiers are brave because of practice, and can be refined because of practice. The development of the Rural Revitalization Skills Competition has set up a broad stage for skills to become talents and skills to serve the country.

From September 26th to 28th, the first National Rural Revitalization Vocational Skills Competition was held in Urumqi, Xinjiang, where more than 600 skilled craftsmen from 29 participating delegations from all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps competed on the same stage, and "Tian Xiucai", "soil experts" and skilled craftsmen in many fields such as masonry, electrician, e-commerce, agricultural machinery repair, etc., showed their skills and strengths on the field.

Implement social security support policies

Keep the bottom line of basic life

On a spring day, walking in the urban and rural land of Xingguo County, Jiangxi, a warm mountain song makes people feel warm. "Oh yes - spring sowing and autumn harvest, glutinous rice steaming rice for wine, paying insurance for the pension, comrade brother - pension distribution should be excellent ..."

A beautiful song sings the gratitude of the masses for the social security support policy.

In order to give full play to the fundamental role of social security assistance policies in ensuring and improving people's livelihood, in 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will consolidate and expand the achievements of social insurance poverty alleviation, continue to do a good job in social insurance assistance for the poverty-alleviated population and difficult groups, and truly realize "support for the poor and support for the elderly".

On August 13, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other departments jointly issued the "Notice on Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Social Insurance Poverty Alleviation to Help Fully Implement the Rural Revitalization Strategy", emphasizing the need to effectively solve the urgent and difficult problems of rural residents and migrant workers in social insurance, improve the social insurance support policy for difficult groups, promote the full coverage of social insurance statutory personnel, improve social insurance security capabilities, and improve the level of social insurance handling services.

Local human resources and social security departments have improved policies and measures, strengthened departmental coordination, vigorously promoted the implementation of social insurance support policies and service measures, and promoted the effective connection between social security assistance and rural revitalization. Jiangxi has overcome the problem of inconsistent data of difficult groups at the provincial, municipal and county levels, established a provincial endowment insurance poverty alleviation comparison information system; guided local management agencies to fully compare the data exchanged online and offline, implemented the social security poverty alleviation continuation policy after verification, grasped the dynamics of difficult groups such as eligible low-income insurance targets, special hardship personnel, and people returning to poverty, and ensured that one was added and included in one; one was issued to the old age. Qinghai has further improved the social insurance assistance policy for the needy groups, continued to do a good job in social insurance assistance for the people who have been lifted out of poverty and the groups in difficulty, solved the social insurance problems of rural residents and migrant workers in the cities, and effectively prevented the insured persons from returning to poverty due to old age, disability, work injury, and unemployment.

"Now that I have a pension, my life is much better, I can buy what I want to eat and make it, and meat dishes are often available."

"Thanks to the party's good policies, our family has enjoyed policies such as urban and rural residential insurance payment premiums, and now I am more energetic in doing things."


The words of the masses have become the warmest and most powerful proof of social security assistance this year.

Increase talent and personnel support

Enhance endogenous development capabilities

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Talent revitalization is the foundation of rural revitalization, and it is necessary to innovate the system and mechanism of rural talent work, fully stimulate the vitality of existing talents in rural areas, and lead more urban talents to rural innovation and entrepreneurship." ”

In 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security focused on consolidating and expanding the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, took the lead in doing a good job in talent and personnel assistance, implemented the responsibility of fixed-point assistance, and opened a "new chapter" in talent and personnel assistance to help rural revitalization.

Deeply implement the grassroots action of expert service, organize the implementation of 60 expert service grassroots key demonstration groups, 12 postdoctoral science and technology service groups and 47 service activities for overseas students, and build 15 new national expert service bases. Relying on the project of updating the knowledge of professional and technical personnel, we will support relevant regions and departments to hold 30 national-level advanced training courses in the field of rural revitalization, and cultivate more than 1,800 high-level urgently needed and backbone professional and technical personnel. Start the implementation of the sixth batch of Xinjiang special training work, continue to implement the third batch of Tibet special training work, train 520 professional and technical backbones of ethnic minorities, and deploy special training work in Tibet-related counties in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces.

Support the grass-roots level below the county level to carry out "targeted evaluation and targeted use" of professional titles, and continue to carry out some vocational qualification examinations to draw separate lines. Guide the key areas of rural revitalization to implement personnel policies such as "three relaxations, one permission", "targeted evaluation, and targeted use", and further solve the problem of "difficult to recruit and retain" at the grass-roots level.

The human resources and social security departments in various localities have combined actual conditions and innovative measures to vigorously promote talent and personnel assistance. Anhui carefully crafted the brand project of expert service at the grass-roots level, strived to do practical and detailed service plans, and targeted guide the flow of talents, projects, technologies, funds, etc. to the grass-roots frontline, and solved the problems of grass-roots industrial development. Zhangye City, Gansu Province, has issued a number of policies to encourage professional and technical personnel of public institutions to serve rural revitalization. For qualified rural professional and technical personnel, intermediate and senior professional titles are evaluated, and there is no restriction on the amount of posts. For rural development, which is urgently needed for talents, special posts can be set up, which are not limited by the total number of permanent posts, the proportion of structure and the maximum level. The Aksu region of Xinjiang has liberalized the number of positions with senior titles at the grass-roots level in townships and townships, adjusted the proportion of high, middle and primary professional and technical posts, and combined with the number of years of grass-roots work, give professional and technical personnel a bonus point system.

Strengthen targeted assistance

Promote comprehensive revitalization

From "three provinces with a rooster chirping" to launching the "Tianzhen Nanny" labor service brand, the transformation of Tianzhen County is inseparable from the fixed-point help of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

Since 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has given full play to its functional advantages, combined with the characteristics of Tianzhen County in Shanxi, Jinzhai County in Anhui Province, and Zada County in Tibet, continued to increase the intensity of employment, skills, social security, and talent and personnel assistance, strictly implemented the general requirements of the "four no-picks", maintained the momentum of attacking the stronghold without slackening, maintained the sustained stability of the policy of human resources and social security assistance, strengthened organizational leadership, refined assistance measures, and enhanced the effectiveness of assistance.

Increase employment assistance and promote the stable increase in income of the people who have been lifted out of poverty. Guide Tianzhen County and Jinzhai County to continue to optimize the policy of reducing burdens, stabilizing posts, expanding employment and helping the poverty-alleviated population, and make good use of all kinds of funds; carry out human resources service agencies to help rural revitalization actions, vigorously promote employment assistance through trains, support enterprise recruitment, labor export and rural talent training; promote brand cultivation and development, and include "Tianzhen Nanny" into the national hundred labor service brands for key promotion, and promote the quality and upgrading of the "Tianzhen Nanny" labor service brand.

Increase skill support and improve skill levels. Promote Tianzhen County to fully implement vocational skills electronic training vouchers, and carry out various types of vocational skills training such as baby nurses and domestic servants. Coordinate with the Shanxi Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security to strengthen the guidance on the planning and design, establishment approval and professional setting of Tianzhen County Technical School. Support Jinzhai Technician College to enrich teaching resources, and the China Vocational Training Online Platform will reduce the online training fee of 1770 people in Jinzhai Technician College to help build teacher capacity in poor areas. Clarify the support plan, and provide online training courses and online interactive courses for relevant occupations (types of work) such as e-commerce, beauty salons, and childcare in Zada County.

Improve social security assistance policies and measures, consolidate and expand the effect of social insurance poverty alleviation. Strengthen policy guidance for designated assistance counties, refine and improve social insurance policies and measures, strengthen data sharing with civil affairs, taxation, rural revitalization departments and disabled persons' federations, strengthen monitoring and analysis of key groups, optimize handling services, and make overall plans for policy convergence, task implementation, and supervision and assessment, to ensure that policies and measures are implemented and target tasks are implemented.

Promote talent and personnel support, and enhance the endogenous driving force for development. Increase the intensity of tilting the title of designated help and support, and guide Tianzhen County to carry out the work of "targeted evaluation and targeted use" of professional titles; guide Zada County to implement the "targeted evaluation and targeted use" of professional titles, the special policy of evaluating the titles of professional and technical personnel in Aiding Tibet and Xinjiang, and the separate delineation of qualification standards for some vocational qualification examinations in the "three districts and three prefectures". Implement the policy of tilting the personnel management of public institutions, guide Tianzhen County, Jinzhai County, and Zada County to do a good job in the open recruitment of public institutions, and support the establishment of special posts to introduce high-level talents who are urgently needed. Give full play to the advantages of experts to help rural revitalization, carry out the "high-level expert service Dabie Mountain Revolutionary Old Area Rural Revitalization Plan" in Jinzhai County; carry out postdoctoral science and technology service group activities in Tianzhen County; invite experts in the field of medical and health care to go deep into many hospitals in Ali area to train health professionals and technicians in Ali area.

Highlight the key points of assistance

Promote coordinated development

After completing the goal and task of poverty alleviation on schedule, in view of the outstanding shortcomings of some poverty alleviation counties, such as poor natural conditions, many historical debts, and relatively weak self-development capabilities, the Party Central Committee and the State Council proceeded from the overall situation and made strategic arrangements for determining 160 national rural revitalization key assistance counties (hereinafter referred to as key assistance counties) in 10 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in the western region to provide centralized support.

In order to concentrate on supporting key counties, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, together with the National Rural Revitalization Bureau, issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Human Resources and Social Security Assistance Work of the National Rural Revitalization Key Assistance Counties", which put forward 21 inclined support policy measures from five aspects, such as strengthening employment assistance to promote sustained income increase, strengthening skill assistance to achieve skill upgrading, implementing social security assistance to strengthen the basic living bottom line, increasing talent and personnel assistance to enhance endogenous development capabilities, and strengthening east-west human resources and social security cooperation to promote the two-way flow of talents and skills.

Through the continuous struggle and unremitting efforts of the human resources and social security departments at all levels, the work of helping the county human resources and social security departments has achieved remarkable results. Promote the signing of labor cooperation agreements between the 10 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in the western region and the new round of paired assistance areas in the east, and the number of migrant workers in key counties to alleviate poverty will reach the level of the end of 2020. The National Rural Revitalization Key Support Area Vocational Skills Improvement Project was launched. The participation rate of the poverty-alleviated population in key counties exceeded 99%, and the "full insurance should be guaranteed" was basically realized. Select all kinds of exemplary expert service groups to go deep into key counties to carry out various forms of service activities. The fourth round of the "three branches and one support" plan for college graduates in 2021 was successfully completed, and the recruitment plan was inclined to the national rural revitalization key help counties, and about 3600 college graduates went to the key help counties to engage in teaching, agriculture, medicine and rural revitalization. The data indicators highlight the great importance and support of the human resources and social security departments for the help and support of key counties, and reflect the sense of responsibility and mission of the human resources and social security departments to help improve the overall development level of poverty alleviation areas and promote the coordinated development of the region.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle. Riding on the mighty east wind of the new era and under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, a human miracle of the anti-poverty struggle has been created. At the time of building a well-off society in an all-round way, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will continue to give full play to the functional advantages of the department and gather the strength of the people's social security in order to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and promote the revitalization of the countryside. (Fang Lijun)

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