
Winter Olympic Heritage Detailed Explanation 1 - Latest Data: 346 million Chinese residents have participated in ice and snow sports

author:Beijing News

Beijing News Express (reporter Wu Wei) On January 19, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee publicly released the "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Heritage Report Collection (2022)", including seven single-volume heritage reports on sports, economy, society, culture, environment, urban and regional development.

The sports heritage is the most direct and important legacy of the Beijing Olympic Games. The preparation and hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has a huge driving effect on the popularization and development of ice and snow sports in China. In the six years since the Preparation of the Winter Olympics, the number of participants in the public ice and snow sports has increased significantly, ice and snow sports have been rapidly promoted among the majority of young people, ice and snow sports for the disabled have been widely carried out, the level of ice and snow sports competition has been improved by leaps and bounds, various ice and snow sports events have been vigorously carried out, the supply of ice and snow sports venues and facilities has been accelerated, and the team of ice and snow sports talents has grown day by day.

According to the Statistical Survey Report on "Driving 300 Million People to Participate in Ice and Snow Sports" commissioned by the State General Administration of Sport to the National Bureau of Statistics, from the successful bid for the Winter Olympic Games to October 2021, the number of residents in the country who have participated in ice and snow sports is 346 million, and the participation rate of ice and snow sports is 24.56%, achieving the goal of driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports.

The report released this time mainly introduces the important sports heritage achievements formed by the Beijing Winter Olympics in seven aspects, such as the ice and snow sports of the public, youth and the disabled, as well as the level of ice and snow sports competition, events, venues and facilities, and talent teams since the successful bidding on July 31, 2015.

Highlight 1

The "National Public Ice and Snow Season" has been held for 7 consecutive years, and the scale of participants has grown to nearly 100 million person-times

The report shows that under the vision of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", Chinese governments at all levels have continuously optimized the policy environment for the development of ice and snow sports, mobilized resources from all sides, organized and carried out ice and snow activities such as the "National Mass Ice and Snow Season", promoted ice and snow sports to break through seasonal and regional restrictions, actively developed ice and snow tourism, developed online ice and snow sports, and promoted the rapid popularization and development of public ice and snow sports.

Among them, the "National Public Ice and Snow Season" has been held for 7 consecutive sessions since 2014, from the participation of 10 provinces and municipalities in the first time to covering 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and more than half of the prefecture-level cities in the country, and the scale of participants has risen from about 10 million in 2014 to nearly 100 million in the seventh, which has become an important platform for spreading ice and snow culture, promoting ice and snow sports, and stimulating the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in ice and snow sports.

At the same time, ice and snow sports are rapidly promoted among teenagers. Attracting young people to participate in ice and snow sports is a key part of promoting 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports, and it is also an important support for building a solid foundation for the development of ice and snow sports in China. Since the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, Olympic education has been carried out in depth, and as of October 2020, 835 Olympic education demonstration schools have been identified and named nationwide. Vigorously promote ice and snow sports into the campus, as of 2020, the number of ice and snow characteristic schools in the country has reached 2062. Promote the drylandization of ice and snow sports, and further stimulate the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of students to participate in ice and snow sports. At the same time, a wide range of ice and snow activities with various contents and forms are carried out outside the school to build a platform and create conditions for teenagers to go on ice and snow.

Highlight 2

31 national training teams were formed, covering all 109 sub-events of the Beijing Winter Olympics

While the mass ice and snow sports are rapidly promoted, the level of ice and snow sports competition in the mainland has increased by leaps and bounds. Taking the preparation for the Winter Olympics as the traction, the mainland has adhered to the principle of consolidating the strong and supplementing the weak, optimizing the layout of ice and snow sports competitions, promoting the construction of professional sports teams, strengthening the training of reserve talents, and achieving initial results.

As of the end of 2018, 31 national training teams have been formed, covering all 109 sub-events of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, with a total of nearly 4,000 athletes and coaching teams, an increase of about 7 times compared with the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic cycle. From 2015 to 2020, the number of registered athletes participating in national ice and snow sports competitions doubled, from 5111 to 11398. The level of domestic ice and snow sports competition has improved significantly, and the total number of national team medals has increased from 42 in 2015 to 69 in 2019, of which the total number of medals in snow sports has nearly doubled, climbing from 16 in 2015 to 31.

From 2015 to 2020, the content of mass ice and snow activities for the disabled in the mainland has been continuously enriched, and the types of activities have gradually increased, forming a brand activity led by the "China Disabled Ice and Snow Sports Season", which has been held for 5 sessions as of 2020, and the participating units have grown from the initial 13 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to 26. Breakthroughs have been made in the level of winter Paralympic sports, and the number of winter Paralympic events carried out has expanded from two major events to six major events.

As of 2020, mainland paralympic athletes have participated in 59 international winter events and won 38 gold medals, especially at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympic Games, the wheelchair curling team won gold medals, achieving a breakthrough of zero gold medals in winter sports. At the same time, Olympic and Paralympic education have been effectively promoted in special education, and winter sports facilities for the disabled have become increasingly perfect.

In addition, with the continuous deepening of the preparation for the Winter Olympics, the number of various ice and snow events in the mainland has increased year by year, and the specifications have also been continuously improved, which not only provides a good platform for the growth of domestic ice and snow athletes, but also plays an important role in the promotion and popularization of ice and snow sports, driving young people to participate in ice and snow sports, and enhancing the international influence of China's ice and snow.

The report shows that professional ice and snow sports events have blossomed across the country, from 45 in 2015 to 2016 to 77 in 2018-2019. At the same time, international ice and snow events have settled in China, such as the 2019 International Snow Federation City Cross-Country Skiing Points Race and the International Snow Federation China Roller Skating World Cup in Beijing. The youth ice and snow event system is gradually improving, and in the 2018-2019 season, there are more than 30 youth ice and snow events in the country.

Highlight 3

By the beginning of last year, there were 654 standard ice rinks and 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts in the country

The preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympics has put forward greater demand for the supply of ice and snow sports venues and facilities. Taking the preparation of the Winter Olympics as an opportunity, governments at all levels have formulated and implemented plans for ice and snow sports venue facilities, classified and clarified the requirements for the construction of ice and snow venue facilities, increased the allocation of public resources, guided the extensive participation of social capital, focused on expanding the increment and improving the quality, and accelerated the construction of a number of ice and snow sports venues and facilities nationwide.

According to the report, by the beginning of 2021, there are 654 standard ice rinks in the country, an increase of 317% over 2015; there are 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts of various types, an increase of 41% over 2015. At the same time, the construction of Venues for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games is based on the concept of making full use of existing venues, and the new venues are unified with regional and urban long-term planning, which not only pays attention to meeting the needs of the games, but also plans the post-game utilization of the venues in advance, which will become a high-quality asset worth inheriting and benefiting the people after the games, and continue to help the long-term development of the region.

At the same time, the number of various types of ice and snow sports talents in the mainland continues to grow, and the number of ice and snow sports referees continues to increase, of which the number of national referees in ice sports has increased from 64 to 357, the number of international referees has increased from 6 to 106; the number of referees for snow sports has increased from 108 to 523, and the number of international referees has increased from 18 to 25.

As of December 2021, there are a total of 792 ice and snow sports social organizations officially registered in the mainland, including 8 national associations, 32 provincial associations, and 752 other ice and snow sports social organizations, which is 2.89 times the number of ice and snow sports societies in 2015. At the same time, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee and relevant units carried out top-level design in advance, actively built talent policies and institutional mechanisms that are in line with international standards and in line with the actual national conditions, and helped the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

Beijing News reporter Wu Wei

Edited by Bai Shuang Proofreader Li Lijun

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