
See literally, festive ann

author:Siping Radio and Television Media


People of the city:

The Spring Festival is coming, in order to inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, advocate a new style of civilization and harmony, and create a festival atmosphere of peace, happiness, joy and peace, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Civilization Office issued the following initiatives to everyone:

First, work together to prevent the epidemic and celebrate a healthy holiday. At present, the situation of "external prevention of import and internal prevention of rebound" of the new crown epidemic is still grim. The broad masses should take the initiative to comply with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and avoid going to medium- and high-risk areas. It is necessary to do a good job in personal protection work, develop good habits such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and not getting together, and avoid going to crowded places.

See literally, festive ann

Second, love the family, care for the holiday. Respecting the elderly is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. "Every festive season to think of relatives", no matter where you are, please be sure to go home often, visit the elderly at home, talk with the elderly, or chat with the elderly, help the elderly clean up, accompany parents and relatives to eat a Chinese New Year's Eve meal, carefully teach the elderly to use mobile phones, televisions and other electronic products, help them integrate into modern life, and let the elderly live a warm, harmonious and happy New Year.

See literally, festive ann

Third, advocate thrift, diligent and thrifty festivals. Practice diligence and thrift, and oppose extravagance and waste. Advocate the use of public chopsticks and spoons, do not hold or participate in large-scale gathering and dinner activities, advocate civilized dining, order food in moderation, pack leftovers, and promote disc action. Cherish grain, save energy, and strive to be the disseminator, practitioner and demonstrator of the new trend of thrift and thrift.

See literally, festive ann

Fourth, change customs and customs, and celebrate festivals in a civilized manner. Advocate science, oppose superstition, break the stereotype of burning incense and burning paper, and advocate civilized sacrifice and online sacrifice. Do not put or less fireworks, take flowers, paper cuts, lanterns and other civilized and environmentally friendly ways to set off the festive atmosphere.

See literally, festive ann

Fifth, revere virtue and goodness, and warm the festival. Party member volunteers and social volunteer service forces of the vast number of organs should actively carry out the theme activity of "civilized festivals and volunteer care", care for and care for orphans and disabled elderly, left-behind children, military martyrs' families, special hardship households and other groups, and participate in epidemic prevention and control, grass-roots governance, convenience and benefit to the people, and create a harmonious and friendly holiday atmosphere.

See literally, festive ann

New year, new atmosphere, new year new fashion.

Please the people of the whole city, starting from a little bit, starting from now, with the power of civilization, advocate the new wind of the times, and enjoy a happy life!

Propaganda Department of siping municipal party committee of the Communist Party of China

Siping Municipal Civilization Office

January 18, 2022

See literally, festive ann

Source: Civilization Siping

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