
How to prevent falls in snowy weather? Tip: Walking and falling postures are learned

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily Original manuscript

On January 20, Beijing ushered in the early snow of 2022. Experts remind that it is currently the Spring Festival, rain and snow weather has a greater impact on traffic travel, the public should pay attention to traffic safety, reasonable arrangements for travel plans. At the same time, prevent falls after snow.

According to the official website of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, the dispatching and command center of the Beijing Emergency Center has become particularly busy every snowy weather, and the dispatchers have successively received calls for help due to snow and ice on the road and road traffic accidents, and many of the injured are the elderly and children.

120 tips, the location of the accident is mostly in the community, supermarket entrance and road intersection, the injury is more than a limb fracture, trauma bleeding. Such accidents require urgent vigilance.

120 reminds the public that during the snow and snow, try to minimize going out, especially the elderly and children, do not have to go out, wear non-slip shoes when going out, and do not put your hands in your pockets. The hands can be balanced on the outside, the body leans forward slightly when walking, such as skiing, and the feet are separated when walking, shoulder width. So the chassis is large and the center of gravity is stable. The walking stride should be small, and it is easy to fall down when taking a big step. When walking, you should try to walk on the snow, do not walk in places where many people have stepped on, it is easy to freeze and slip.

In addition, there is also learning about the falling posture. Proper falling posture minimizes damage. When falling, you can roll over and unload the force of the fall, protecting the vulnerable parts of the body.

Once the fall does not panic, do not rush to get up, first assess the injury to determine whether you are injured, you can slowly move your hands, feet, arms and legs, feel whether the pain, whether the activity is limited, if the pain is abnormal, the joints are deformed, you can first stand still, the injury is immobilized, pay attention to keep warm, call the 120 emergency number on your own or ask others, waiting for a professional doctor to deal with it on the spot. (Reporter Sun Hongli)

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