
Is it true that "a tendon is an inch long, a life is ten years long"? How is the body of the person who stretches the tendons every day?


In the winter, downstairs in the community, there will be a group of uncles and aunts exercising in the park. Some are practicing tai chi, some are hitting trees, and some are bracing their legs and stretching their muscles. Looks much more energetic than the young people who only know how to sleep in bed. In their hearts, getting up every morning to exercise and stretch muscles is also helpful for longevity. Uncle Zhang said that "the tendon is one inch longer, and the life extension is ten years." When you are older, you should pull more stretches.

He is 65 years old this year, and he has been at home for several years after retirement, and he and his old friends will come to exercise together when they have nothing to do. Stretching and pressing the legs is a warm-up exercise they will definitely do before they work out.

Insist on stretching the tendons, the body 3 places can reap the benefits, you can try

Lower back pain is relieved

In the middle-aged and elderly, many have chronic waist diseases, which will always cause the problem of back pain, and even make people feel stiff and walking. However, after insisting on stretching the tendons, the meridians in the body can be more open and gradually stretched, which is also helpful for improving low back pain.

Prevents ligament aging

The ligaments in the human body will gradually stiffen with age and the decrease in movement. When ligaments become more and more "hard", it can also affect a person's flexibility to become less flexible. In case of sprains, falls, etc., it will be more likely to cause more serious injuries. And there is nothing to pull the tendon, which is of great help in preventing ligament aging.

Improve the body shape of the elderly

With increasing age, the muscles in the human body may gradually atrophy, and there may also be situations such as shorter height and hunchback. However, middle-aged and elderly people who can insist on stretching their muscles can also gradually stretch their muscles, look more upright, and look younger.

Is it true that "a tendon is an inch long, a life is ten years long"? How is the body of the person who stretches the tendons every day?

It can be seen that insisting on stretching tendons is actually a good thing for health, but the saying that "tendons are one inch longer and life is ten years long" is somewhat exaggerated. But among these elderly people who insist on stretching, there are also one or two elderly people who have sprains, joint discomfort and other problems.

Although the stretching exercise is good, it is also necessary to avoid 2 misunderstandings

Myth 1: The longer the stretch, the better

When people exercise while stretching, they may cause strains due to excessive stretching of the ligaments. And prolonged stretching may also cause the ligaments to gradually relax, and instability may occur at the joints. It's like a spring that's stretched to the maximum and is always tight, which can also overstretch the spring and affect the elasticity.

If after insisting on stretching, there is always a sore body problem, it means that the exercise is overdone, and the time of stretching should be appropriately shortened, and some stretching angles should be relaxed.

Is it true that "a tendon is an inch long, a life is ten years long"? How is the body of the person who stretches the tendons every day?

Myth two: stretching is a warm-up exercise

In the absence of a foundation for exercise, blindly carry out a large stretch, and sprains may occur due to sudden stretching. If you already have problems such as stiff ligaments and poor flexibility, you can now relax the ankle, knee and hip joints by twisting the ankle joint, knee joint and hip joint before stretching the tendon. The stretch is then performed in a place where the temperature is relatively suitable.

Otherwise, in places with low temperatures, the human body will have a sense of self-protection, muscle tension, ligaments are straightened, and suddenly starting to stretch is likely to bring strong discomfort, induce spasms, pain and even tendon ruptures and other problems.

Stretching exercises are good, but not everyone can do it. If you do not understand the misunderstandings of these 2 stretching exercises and cannot avoid these misunderstandings in time, then the stretching may not be exercise for you, but hurt your body.

Is it true that "a tendon is an inch long, a life is ten years long"? How is the body of the person who stretches the tendons every day?

The 3 major health scams that the elderly are easy to be deceived, and whether there is any trick in self-examination?

Scam one: winter practice three nine, summer practice three volts

For middle-aged and elderly people, three or nine days is a period of relatively low human immunity, and the risk of cardiovascular disease will be relatively high. It is not suitable for high-intensity exercise during this period, and if you have to sweat profusely, it will only damage the yang qi and be detrimental to your health.

Scam two: Tree-banging exercise can dredge the meridians

When the strength and part of the tree are not well mastered, not only can not play the effect of stimulating the acupuncture points, but also may have joint damage, fractures and other problems. Especially in some people with osteoporosis, the risk of pathological fractures under incorrect stress conditions is also very high.

Scam Three: Walk 10,000 steps a day and live to ninety-nine

Walking exercises allow the human body to be fully active, and it is also a sport for all ages. But the amount of exercise such as walking 10,000 steps a day is inevitably too large. According to the needs of the human body, it is enough for middle-aged and elderly people to complete 6,000 steps per day. Exercising within the range that the body can bear can better protect your health.

Is it true that "a tendon is an inch long, a life is ten years long"? How is the body of the person who stretches the tendons every day?
In general, the argument that the tendon is one inch longer and the life is ten years longer is somewhat exaggerated, but the exercise of stretching can indeed bring 3 benefits to the human body. Just when exercising, you should also avoid some health misunderstandings, so as not to hurt your body.


1, still believe that "the tendon is one inch longer, the life extension is ten years"? Beware of such stretches is even more fatal...· Popular Science China 2020-5-28

2. Stretching can improve arteriosclerosis in middle-aged and elderly people, Health Times,2019-3-24

3, 6 health misunderstandings, pit miserable middle-aged and elderly! Be careful that health care is not successful, the body is damaged , Guangming Network · 2021-11-14

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