
Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

author:History is actually quite interesting
Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

(Sui Dynasty)

Three years after the founding of the Emperor, 583 AD.

In this year, the Sui Dynasty moved its capital to Chang'an, and the war-torn Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties was about to come to an end.

In the year of the Sui Dynasty's move, the northern part of the Central Plains had been basically unified, and only the Western Liang and Southern Chen in the south were still surviving.

There were three regimes on the surface, but for the Sui Dynasty, there was only one real hostile regime, that is, Nan chen.

The Western Liang regime originated from Southern Liang.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the world was divided into north and south, Jiangnan, and the land of Jingxiang, and the four regimes of Song Qi, Liang, and Chen successively appeared.

On the northern steppe, there was first the Northern Wei, and then the Northern Wei split into the Eastern Wei and the Western Wei.

Eastern Wei and Western Wei confronted each other, Western Wei destroyed the Southern Liang of the Southern Dynasty and evolved into Northern Zhou, while Eastern Wei gradually declined, and finally evolved into Northern Qi, but it did not last long, and was soon destroyed by Northern Zhou.

Northern Zhou, before and after the basic pacification of the north, also supported the Western Liang regime in the south to oppose the last regime of the Southern Dynasty, Southern Chen.

However, the Northern Zhou Front Foot had just finished supporting the Western Liang, and there was an accident at the back foot home.

Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

(Emperor Wen of Sui, Yang Jian)

In the court of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, there was a ruthless man named Yang Jian, who turned his hand into a cloud, overturned his hand into rain, made a one-time operation, and all kinds of overhead royalty, and finally usurped Zhou to stand on his own, and established the Sui Dynasty on the basis of Northern Zhou.

You may be a little confused, but it is not that the author wants to deliberately write such a mess, but the history of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is originally so.

Anyway, we only need to clarify one point of knowledge, that is, Western Liang looks like an independent dynasty, but since its establishment, it has been a puppet regime controlled by the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, and Sui Dynasties.

There were three emperors of Western Liang.

Emperor Xiao Of Liang, when the emperor was not very good, he had two brushes in literature.

As soon as Emperor Xuan died, the emperor passed it on to his son, Xiao Yue. (Emperor Ming of Liang)

Emperor Xiao Of Liang was by no means a master of civil martial arts and great talent, but he was a man who knew how to judge the hour and the situation very well.

When Western Wei supported Western Liang, he fought fiercely with Western Wei, and when Northern Zhou supported Western Liang, he became close to Northern Zhou, and now that Both Western Wei and Northern Zhou were cold, and the Sui Dynasty had become his big brother again, the emperor did not say a word, and he sent his son Xiao Chunzhi to Chang'an to congratulate The Sui Emperor Yang Jian on his housewarming.

When Western Wei supported Western Liang in those years, it was not because he was kind and could not bear the destruction of southern Liang, but because he wanted to expand his control over the south by supporting the puppet regime.

The support of the Northern Zhou and Sui Dynasties to Western Liang was the same.

So in a sense, the existence of Western Liang is only because it is a chess piece used to play a game between the Northern Dynasty Great Sui and the Southern Dynasty Southern Chen.

And the fate of the chess pieces will never be in their own hands.

Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

(Emperor Jing of Liang, Xiao Chun)

As the crown prince of Western Liang, Xiao Chun was of course also very aware of this truth.

Not only can he figure this out, but he can also draw inferences and expand a very cruel fact, that is:

The north has been pacified, while the south is only southern Chen, the western Liang is only a hundred miles of land, the land is narrow and widowed, what can it do to help the Sui Dynasty?

In the eyes of the Sui Dynasty, the Western Liang no longer had any worth using.

Since there was no value that could be reused, Western Liang became an obstacle for the Sui Dynasty.

He obviously went to Chang'an to congratulate others on their housewarming, but in fact, he went to the Sui Dynasty for his father to talk about the truth and see what kind of attitude people had towards Western Liang.

Now that your Sui Dynasty also has strength, you don't need us in Western Liang to be a younger brother in the south, so what is your attitude? Do you want to annex Western Liang, or do you want to overthrow Western Liang, you always have to give us a precise word, and we will live in fear, right?

Xiao Chun was not very optimistic about this matter, so who was Yang Jian, the Emperor of Sui Wen? Not to say that he is an emperor of thousands of years, but at least he is a unique emperor, people's ambition is to unify the world, so if so, then western Liang and Southern Chen, have not become obstacles?

But when Xiao Chun arrived in Chang'an, he found that he thought too much.

Emperor Yang Jian of Sui Wen was very warm and friendly to him, not only did not say anything about annexing Western Liang, but showed the attitude of the Sui Western Liang family, saying that the two of us had a deep relationship when we fought from Western Wei, that they were all lifelong friendships, and if there were difficulties, you just have to mention it, I Yang Jian must help.

On the way back, Xiao Chun deeply reflected on his behavior of "living in the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain", he originally thought that the era was cruel and merciless, and there was only killing and conquest between countries, but he did not expect that the emperor of the Sui Dynasty was a warm background in this chaotic world.

In the blink of an eye, it came to the fifth year of the Kai Emperor, that is, 585 AD.

Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

(Emperor Ming of Liang, Xiao Yue)

This year, all his life was spent for the Western Liang Dynasty's painstaking Liang Ming Emperor Xiao Yu went on a big trip, the dragon rode on the guest, his head was tilted, and he received a bento.

As soon as the old emperor died, Xiao Chun, as the crown prince, naturally became the new leader of Western Liang. (Emperor Jing of Liang)

Xiliang is a branch, and the head office is the Northern Sui, since he became the general manager, of course, he had to go to the Sui Dynasty to find the boss Yang Jian to make a debriefing report.

Therefore, The Liang Jing Emperor Xiao Chun did not stop and went to Chang'an again.

At that time, he was a prince, but at this time he was already a generation of emperors, xiao Chun's mood was very worried, but The Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian was as usual and very enthusiastic about Xiao Chun.

For the sake of the country and the people, it is advisable to suppress the cutting, and to add porridge to the self-preservation of etiquette. - Book of Sui

Emperor Yang Jian of Sui, like a big brother who had not been seen for many days, graciously took Xiao Chun's hand and said the following:

Brother, when your father came to me, I told him, let him be the emperor in the south in a down-to-earth manner, don't think too much, now that you are the emperor, I also want to say these words to you, because although Western Liang is small, but there are many ordinary people, because of this, you must be more strict with yourself, give more grace to the people, and know how to rule the country with etiquette and rule by culture first.

Friends, this is the era of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, today's Eryu I cheat, tomorrow's sword and light sword shadow, here is the cultivation field of human nature, but also an endless hell, everyone is busy fighting for power and profit, who has time to tell you this kind of heart-wrenching words?

Yang Jian said this, and almost didn't move Xiao Chun to cry.

Xiao Chun pondered, the old brother Yang Jian was so good to me, I can't be idle, I have to repay the people, so Xiao Chun left Chang'an, returned to Western Liang, and immediately began to rectify the soldiers and horses, planning to open up territory for the Sui Dynasty.

Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

(Emperor Wu of Chen, Baxian Chen)

The common enemy faced by Western Liang and the Sui Dynasty was southern Chen, founded by Emperor Chen Baxian of Chen.

For the Sui Dynasty, if the Southern Chen is not removed for a day, the unification of the world is an empty talk.

As far as Western Liang was concerned, The founding emperor of Southern Chen, Chen Wudi, Chen Baxian, was originally a vassal of Southern Liang, and the Southern Chen he built was actually a usurpation of Southern Liang, so in Xiao Chen's eyes, He was a rebellious courtier and thief.

Yang Jian is so kind to himself, and if he wants to show his face in front of Yang Jian, the best way is to fight the world for Yang Jian.

Logically, Xiao Chun should have sent troops to attack Southern Chen.

However, although Xiao Chun had the intention to do something for Yang Jian and show his face, xiliang was small, and this army under his own hands was purely uninteresting to attack Nan Chen.

Since it is impossible to fight openly, it is necessary to engage in sneak attacks.

Xiao Chun's idea was very good, but the strength of the Western Liang army was too weak, and when it came to Nan Chen, he was stunned that he did not take advantage of it at all, but was beaten by the Southern Chen army and returned home.

Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors


When the house leaked overnight, the ship was late and the head wind was blown, Xiao Chun suffered a defeat in Southern Chen, and the Sui Emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty also began to be suspicious of Xiao Chun.

The last time we came to talk well, I let you rest and recuperate, and rule the country with culture, why don't you obey?

Not only did you not listen, but you also organized an army to conquer Nan Chen, and you are too ignorant of things?

You think that you are doing Nan Chen a favor, but in fact you are doing me a favor.

The military situation was changing rapidly, originally I had already made a comprehensive plan and planned to attack Nan chen, but as a result, you did not say a word of greeting, and you sent troops first, didn't you just disrupt all my arrangements?

It's over, it's over this time.

Comrade Xiao Chun was kind enough to do bad things, and this time he annoyed Yang Jian.

Since you don't want to honestly stop being your little emperor in the territory, you have to add to my chaos, then you should come to the Sui Dynasty to live.

In the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Kai, in 587 AD, Emperor Yang Jian of Sui issued a paper order informing the Civil and Military Officials of Western Liang, as well as the Emperor himself, to move overnight and move to Chang'an.

Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

(Chang'an City)

The emperor's intention is very obvious, to this point today, you Western Liang really have no need to exist, it is better to disband on the spot, come to my Chang'an to live.

I bought you a school district room in the central CBD business district, so you should pack your bags and come here.

Xiao Chun was gone.

With a cadre of ministers of culture and military affairs, he abandoned the last homeland of Western Liang in despair and embarked on the road to Chang'an, facing Liang in the south, and on this day, officially declared its demise.

To be honest, Xiao Chun, the emperor, is not too famous in Chinese history, even in the history of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

He had no ambition, no great talent, and no worldly feat.

When historians mention Xiao Chun, they tend to say that this is an incompetent emperor.

It is impossible to defend the country and expand the territory, there are really no bright spots.

These assessments are very pertinent, but the authors cannot fully acknowledge them.

I think Xiao Chun always has bright spots.

What are the highlights?


Where does this come from?

The emperor flattered and flattered, and in addition to flattering the Sui Dynasty, that is, to give the Sui Wen Emperor Yang Jian a sneaky horse, what brave did he have?

Of course, he was very brave, because his flattery was for The Western Liang Guozuo, his song was for the people of Western Liang, his flattery was to allow The Western Liang to survive in this chaotic world, and he was only conforming to the times.

Emperor Xiao Chun of Liangjing: Using an unexpected way of governing the country, living out the true colors of Chinese emperors

(Fall of Western Liang)

Only by conforming to the times can the western beam live longer.

Bravery is not the courage of the puppet, not only the outward manifestation, sometimes forbearance, is a greater bravery.

Unfortunately, the red dust was too good for Xiao Chun to change, the arrangement of fate.

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