
TikTok Meniye is The Ménier profile he is angry for what

author:Eighteen idlers lm

Who is TikTok Menier? Recently, Menier is a popular Internet celebrity, one of his videos has attracted a lot of netizens and won the attention of millions of fans, although it is only a 17-second video, but the ability to absorb powder is not ordinary. After Menier became popular, his profile attracted much attention, so what about his profile and background? Xiaobian will introduce, and how did he catch fire?

TikTok Meniye is The Ménier profile he is angry for what

Menier profile

Menier, real name Zhong Xiaocheng, Guangdong Guangzhou, Douyin red, Douyin ID is: 278785512, live broadcast time is irregular. Menier gained the attention of 4.555 million fans on Douyin, with a total of 258 video works and 67.576 million likes. With a 17-second video, he quickly increased his fans by 170W, and is the most influential Douyin master after "knife knife sam".

TikTok Meniye is The Ménier profile he is angry for what

In the video, Menier, one second is still plain-looking, and the next second after the disguise, it becomes a "A-gas" president. The heat of hair-jerking and dress-ups has just faded, and tie-jerking outfits have followed the fire all over the internet with his sugar-throwing skills and cold appearance. Menier is a professional model in real life, with a tie, throwing sugar, kicking legs, single eyebrows to quickly gain fans, in fact, he officially entered the vibrato last July, fans have been 55W stagnation, until the end of March in the corridor tie cross-dressing video after a burst of uncontrollable, only two weeks soared to 300W.

TikTok Meniye is The Ménier profile he is angry for what

And with the fire of the "return of the true color" topic, quickly climbed to the 7th place in the handsome guy day list, single eyelids of his eyes are cold and domineering similar to Li Ronghao, and even some netizens said that "can not get Li Ronghao to get Menier" can see his charm is big, inch head, single eyelid small eyes, V-shaped angular small face, plus 180 height, the figure is also very good, not to say how handsome but special spirit, there is a sunny boy temperament, and as a flat model his clothing is very good, wearing a very fashionable and trendy texture, This may also be the reason why most people pay attention to him.

TikTok Meniye is The Ménier profile he is angry for what

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