
In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

author:Curiosity number haoqihao
In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

In the 21st century BC, the righteous judge Gao Tao (gāo yáo) in Chinese mythology was first proposed to create prisons. In order to restrain criminals who break the law, every country has prisons.

01 Jailbreak

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

In most countries of the world, if a prisoner escapes from prison while serving his sentence, the act is itself illegal, and if it is discovered, the sentence will be increased, and what is originally a felony may also become the death penalty.

  • Mark DeForleister, a "little genius in prison escape" in the United States, successfully escaped from prison 13 times, and then successfully increased his sentence from 4 years to 105 years;
  • In Mexico, prison guards can shoot directly at escapees;
  • On the mainland, the crimes related to prison escape include riot escape, organized escape, and escape.

But there is one country where the act of escaping from prison is not inherently illegal, and that country is Germany.

02 Prison Break Free Germany

A few years ago, a 45-year-old prisoner in Germany was going to serve three months in Kesheim prison for negligence.

However, the prisoner applied to go to the hospital for treatment because of his ill health, and the prisoner's mother came to visit him halfway through.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

During this period, due to the lack of strict guards, the prisoner managed to escape, and after a few days he called the prison director to say that he would return to continue serving his sentence after being cured.

Sure enough, after some time he returned to prison, and he was not punished or sentenced. This is the end of this matter.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

In 1880, the Constitution of the German Empire contained a very strange provision: as long as the prisoner was able to escape from prison successfully, he would not continue to be held accountable for the act of escaping. That is to say, jailbreaking in Germany is legal.

German officials say that everyone has the right to pursue freedom, which is a natural right of man. Even if criminals have committed crimes, they have the right to pursue freedom. With the development of history, this German law has not only not been abolished, but on the contrary, various supporting provisions have become more and more perfect.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

At first glance, isn't this German rule very strange, as if it encourages criminals to escape from prison, is this not aiding and abetting abuse?

03 Conditions of jailbreak

In fact, Germany has the lowest crime rate in Europe. In The history of Germany, there are only a few cases of jailbreaking, because almost no one can successfully escape from prison.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

It turned out that although escaping from prison in Germany was not illegal, the "threshold" and "conditions" were quite high.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

First of all, with regard to the legality of The German prison break, in fact, only the jailbreak itself is not pursued. In other words, if the prisoner escapes, he will not be sentenced to an additional sentence, but it does not mean that the original crime has been written off.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

Whether there should be any crime or what crime, you still have to pay the due price for your actions as a criminal. If the prisoner is caught one day, he will continue to serve his sentence, and the custody of the prisoner will be stricter.

Second, if a prisoner destroys the main structure of the prison in the process of escaping from prison, such as digging through the walls of the prison or destroying the barbed wire, he must be charged with destroying state property.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

Again, it is okay for the prisoner to escape from prison, but he must not take away the things in prison. Prison uniforms, prison shoes, tools for escaping from prison, gloves... as long as they are in prison, all belong to the property of the state.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

People run away, but once they take away the property of the state, it is a crime of theft, and the crime of theft is to be pursued.

Finally, if the prisoner is found by the prison guards in the process of escaping from prison and clashes with the prison guards, then the prisoner will commit intentional injury as long as he shoots, and he will also be prosecuted.

Of course, it is not okay to escape from prison and find help from others, and it is even more impossible to find help from prison guards, and the crime of bribery is waiting ahead.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

In this way, the risk of escaping from prison is much greater than that of honestly staying in prison to serve a sentence. The seemingly loose "jailbreak without guilt" rule, in practice, knows that there is a "pit" in every step, and any step may inadvertently commit a crime.

In this country, jailbreaking is not against the law! Strange knowledge has added

Just like a mirage, criminals know in their hearts that the so-called prison escape is legal, which is simply a "scam"!

In this way, the setting of this German law is more like a reflection of the brilliance of human nature, after all, the operability is almost zero.

Curiosity is a general children's magazine in all fields, each issue of the magazine includes four major sections, covering five fields of science and technology, nature, history, culture and literature. Curiosity is also one of the most popular children's general studies magazines in China.

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