
Zhongde Securities, which had served LeTV, was held accountable, and the CSRC has opened an investigation

author:Red Star News

After 2,000 investors sued LeTV, Jia Yueting and related intermediaries, another new news came.

On the evening of January 18, Shanxi Securities (002500. SZ) issued a notice saying that its holding subsidiary, Zhongde Securities, received a "Notice of Case Filing" from the CSRC, and in LeTV's 2016 non-public offering of shares, its sponsorship business was suspected of violating laws and regulations, and the CSRC decided to file an investigation into Zhongde Securities.

Zhongde Securities, which had served LeTV, was held accountable, and the CSRC has opened an investigation

Screenshot from Shanxi Securities announcement

According to a previous report by The Red Star Capital Bureau, 2,000 investors filed lawsuits against LeTV, Jia Yueting and Jia Yuefang, as well as six intermediaries, claiming a total of 4.571 billion yuan. At present, the case is in a state that has not yet been heard.

(For details, see the report "2,000 LeTV Investors Claim 4.6 Billion Yuan!") Lawyer: Expected to surpass the Kangmei Pharmaceutical case)

Zang Xiaoli, a lawyer at Beijing Shixuan Law Firm, the plaintiff's agent in the case, told Red Star Capital that the focus of the court's review will be whether the intermediary, independent directors and other executives are liable to investors and how much compensation should be compensated if they are responsible.

According to the Securities Times, before the disclosure of zhongde securities was filed, two other intermediaries were also rumored to be investigated by the CSRC, namely Beijing King & Wood Mallesons (hereinafter referred to as King & Wood Mallesons) and ShineWing Certified Public Accountants (hereinafter referred to as ShineWing).

Red Star Capital noted that King & Wood Mallesons has issued a number of legal opinions for LeTV, and that ShineWing's cooperation with LeTV began with its 2015 annual report.

In February 2016, LeTV issued an announcement that the original audit institution, Huapu Tianjian Accounting Firm, had been providing audit services for more than five consecutive years because its audit team had been providing audit services for more than five years, and with the rapid expansion of LeTV, the audit institution could not fully meet its needs and hired ShineWing Instead.

On 19 January, Red Star Capital Bureau called King & Wood Mallesons and ShineWing Several Times, and the staff who answered the phone said that they were not aware of the matter and could help relay/transfer the heads of relevant departments. As of press time, the reporter has not received a reply.

Red Star News reporter Yang Peiwen

Edited by Yu Dongmei

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Zhongde Securities, which had served LeTV, was held accountable, and the CSRC has opened an investigation

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