
Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health

Dumplings are not good, all in a bite of filling,

The filling you make is always poor and tasteless?

In fact, as long as you learn these few tricks,

The dumplings are fragrant and juicy, 10,000 times better than the restaurants.

Chef won't tell you!

Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you

Meat Vegetarian 1:1 Delicious most nourishing

The dumplings are not good, all in the filling. When making dumpling fillings daily, if the meat filling is too thin, the taste of the chai is not good, if it is too fat and too greasy, the general fat and lean ratio is 3:7 or 4:6, and the meat filling made is the best.

Of course, only eating vegetarian is not enough, but only eating meat is not healthy enough, so it is best to add some vegetables to the dumpling filling, the ratio of vegetables and meat is 1:1 or 1:0.5 is more appropriate. Not only is it more nutritious, but it also absorbs oil and fat and increases the taste.

Add seasoning and then add water

When mixing dumpling filling, you must first put the seasoning, and then add water, if the order is wrong, not only the seasoning is difficult to taste, the meat filling has no taste, and the dumpling filling is not evenly mixed.

Add a spoonful of oyster sauce to lock the water to freshen

When mixing dumpling filling, in addition to putting some soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, onion, ginger, etc., do not forget to add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, not only greatly improve the umami taste of the dumpling filling, but also with a certain viscosity of oyster sauce can also help lock in moisture, the filling made can not be formed without water, dumplings can be delicious and juicy after cooking!

One serving of meat beaten half a serving of water

In order to increase the soft and smooth taste when making meat filling, it is usually necessary to add some water, remember that a 500g of meat is accompanied by 250g of half a part of water, and the dumpling filling is full of water.


In addition, when chopping vegetable filling, it is easy to juice, you can replace the extra vegetable juice with water to stir in the meat filling, rich in vitamins, nutrition is not wasted, and the dumpling filling has a faint fragrance.

The same party is stirred in parts

Many friends stir the meat stuffing at will, resulting in a loose and unpalatable filling. In fact, just stir in the same direction in parts, and the meat filling made is sticky and sticky, which is delicious and elastic.

Remember to start with seasoning and stir quickly in the same direction until you add water. When drawing water, divide a small amount until the water is absorbed by the meat filling.

Peppercorns chicken eggs go fishy and more tender

When making meat filling, you may wish to add some pepper water, not only to remove the fishy taste, but also to taste more delicious. Simply soak the peppercorns in warm water for 3 minutes and remove the peppercorns. Or adding egg white to the dumpling filling can also make the minced meat more tender.

Meat stuffing refrigerated half a hour

Freshly stirred meat filling is not easy to wrap dumplings, you can sit aside for a while, or directly put in the refrigerator refrigeration for 30 minutes, the meat filling is firmer, more flavorful, and better wrapped.

Here are some dumpling fillings.

Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you

Wood ear fungus three fresh filling

Cucumber, fungus, egg, green onion, ginger, salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, allspice, sesame oil, etc.

1. After rubbing the cucumber, squeeze out the water with gauze, and leave the water for later.

2: Shredded fungus with foamed hair, shredded egg spread, served with cucumber shredded, salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, allspice, sesame oil, etc. Mix well.

Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you
Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you

Beef bean carob filling

Beef, beans, fungus, green onion, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sugar, etc.

1、 Blanch the beans and chop them, chop the green onion and ginger, and cut the fungus into strips for later;

2. After mincing the beef, add green onion and ginger, cowpea, shredded fungus, as well as salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, soy sauce, sugar, salt and so on, stir well;

3. Remember to beat six spoonfuls of water three times and let stand for half an hour to wrap dumplings.

Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you

Leek egg filling

Leeks, eggs, steamed buns or vermicelli, salt, pepper, thirteen spices, cooking oil, broth, etc.

1. After the eggs are scrambled, the leeks are chopped, the steamed buns are crushed with a rolling pin, and the vermicelli is cooked and chopped;

2, mix the raw materials and add salt, pepper, thirteen spices, cooking oil, broth and so on and stir evenly;

Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you
Dumpling stuffing in a spoonful of it, immediately more delicious, lock the water to refresh, the chef does not tell you

Beef celery filling

200g of beef, 500g of celery, 200g of beef, ginger and onion, soy sauce, salt, etc.

1: After chopping and mixing all the ingredients, add 3 spoonfuls of cooking oil, salt, soy sauce, thirteen spices and other seasonings.

2, pay attention to beef must put more cooking oil, so as not to dry the filling and affect the taste.

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