
Old Wu Quidbit: The Yellowstone supervolcano in the United States may erupt at any time, how much impact will it have?

author:Old Wu Qiwen

Volcanoes have always been a common topic. Recently, the eruption of the Tonga volcano has attracted the attention of others. In the United States, there is a super bomb hidden, and if it erupts, it may cause humans to disappear!

Yellowstone volcano erupts

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA, has a supervolcano, Yellowstone Volcano.

This volcano is the largest in the world,

The most active supervolcano.

Old Wu Quidbit: The Yellowstone supervolcano in the United States may erupt at any time, how much impact will it have?

Large Prism Fountain in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone volcanoes are not like other ordinary volcanoes,

There are obvious craters and depressions,

From the outside it looks more like a plain or a mountain range.

It can be said that

It's not a volcano.

It is an "ocean" of magma!

2.1 million years ago 1.3 million years ago, 640,000 years ago,

He had had three huge eruptions.

These three eruptions also created the magical geological landscape of Yellowstone Volcano.

Old Wu Quidbit: The Yellowstone supervolcano in the United States may erupt at any time, how much impact will it have?

Simulation of The Yellowstone Volcano after its eruption

According to the research,

The crater of the Yellowstone supervolcano reaches 84×54 km,

That is, 3780 square kilometers. You can also see how huge this supervolcano is.

Huangshi National Forest Park has a large number of tourists every year,

But if a volcano erupts,

What will happen?

Studies have shown that

From 2004 to 2007,

The crust of the Yellowstone Volcano was lifted up a full 17 centimeters,

This is likely to indicate that it is about to have a serious outbreak.

In this regard, the Federal Geological Survey,

International first-class experts such as the University of Utah in the United States have investigated this.

Old Wu Quidbit: The Yellowstone supervolcano in the United States may erupt at any time, how much impact will it have?

Geothermal fountains in Yellowstone

Experts from the U.S. Geological Survey speculate that

If The Yellowstone volcano erupts,

Its power will be 1883,

Indonesia erupted 50 times as many as The Krakatoa Volcano.

You know, it was an outbreak that killed more than 36,000 people.

According to this calculation.

This, in turn, leads to nearly two million people,

Thus lost his life.

According to current calculations,

We can also know that

If a Yellowstone volcano erupts,

1,000 square kilometers of pumice and dust will be lifted up by it to turn into volcanic ash.

Old Wu Quidbit: The Yellowstone supervolcano in the United States may erupt at any time, how much impact will it have?

Views inside the Yellowstone Volcano

Volcanic ash will envelop the entire earth for months or even years,

It will bring us nearly 10 years of volcanic winter.

Now it's been a violent outbreak since the last time.

It's been 640,000 years.

And experts speculate that every 600,000-800,000,

Yellowstone volcanoes will erupt in huge eruptions.

It is not difficult to see that the Yellowstone volcano could erupt at any time.

Experts reason,

If the eruption of Yellowstone volcano is too intense,

It is likely to strip the entire atmosphere of the Earth,

leading to climate changes throughout the planet,

Let all life end because of this disaster!

The big explosion 640,000 years ago,

The outbreak level has reached level 8,

That is, the volume of magma spewed out reached 1,000 cubic meters,

Such a huge explosion is equivalent to about 800,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs,

Its power can be imagined.

The eruption of The Yellowstone Volcano would be a serious disaster,


Old Wu Quidbit: The Yellowstone supervolcano in the United States may erupt at any time, how much impact will it have?

Yellowstone volcanic eruption simulation

Many scientists are also working to stop the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano.

Some people think we just need to drill a hole in the surface of The Yellowstone Volcano.

Inject water into the magma reservoir,

not to stop the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano,

But experts believe.

The magma reservoir is located 5000 meters to 20000 meters underground,

If you want to drill a hole,

There must also be and must be very advanced technology,

Such a technology currently requires a lot of time and labor.


If the hole is drilled into the magma reservoir,

It is likely to cause pressure from the magma reservoir,

A large amount of magma will gush out,

This in turn accelerated the eruption of Yellowstone Volcano.

There is still much to be discussed and studied by many experts on how to prevent the eruption of Yellowstone Volcano, and we hope that that day will never come, otherwise it may be the end of mankind.

Thank you for reading, paying attention to me, discovering different anecdotes, and discovering a better world! Comments on the Yellowstone eruption are also welcome in the comments section.

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