
What kind of country is Tonga?

author:Bright Net
What kind of country is Tonga?

January 14 and 15 local time

A violent submarine volcanic eruption occurred in Tonga

and triggered a tsunami

The scope of the impact has spread to the entire Pacific Coast

The strongest undersea volcano eruption of this century

Let the South Pacific island nation of Tonga

It has become a global focus

What kind of country is Tonga?

The Kingdom of Tonga is located in the western South Pacific

West side of the International Date Line

It is bordered by Fiji to the west

Consists of the three archipelagos of Tongatab, Wawau and Hapai

It is composed of small islands such as Ewa and Niua

There are 173 islands in total, of which 36 are inhabited

Tonga has a land area of 747 square kilometers

The exclusive economic zone for the sea covers an area of 700,000 square kilometers

Population 104,000 (2019)

98% are Tongans and are of Polynesian ethnicity

There are about 2,000 overseas Chinese

Tongan and English are spoken

Tonga is the only monarchy in the Pacific island region

The capital is Nuku'alofa

The currency is panga

$1≈2.4 Ppga (February 2021)

The economy is dominated by agriculture, fishing and tourism

Industry is underdeveloped and productivity levels are low

Its economic development is backward and it is heavily dependent on foreign aid

New Zealand and Australia are its main donors

Tonga is the United Nations, the Commonwealth

World Trade Organization

Member states such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Tonga has diplomatic relations with more than 60 countries

China and Tonga established diplomatic relations on November 2, 1998

For many people who are not familiar with Tonga

It is likely that the more impressive ones will be

At the opening ceremonies of the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

The man was shirtless and coated with coconut oil

Flag bearer of the Tongan delegation wearing a traditional Tongan dance dress

His name was Pita Tauffatofa

He is a taekwondo player

After teaching yourself cross-country skiing

It has become a rarity in Olympic history

Summer Olympic and Winter Olympics "double repair" athletes

After the volcano erupted and triggered a tsunami

Tonga's communications network was disturbed

"Lost contact" with the outside world

Involving Tauffatofa

The hearts of Tongans overseas

It has also become the focus of attention worldwide

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on the 18th

After two consecutive days of volcanic eruptions

For the first time, the Tonga government has spoken out

Said it suffered an "unprecedented disaster"

All the buildings on an island were destroyed by the tsunami

Three deaths have been confirmed

According to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

At present, there are no reports of casualties among Chinese citizens


Comprehensive website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Source: China News Network

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