
Polish the ecological background and coordinate green development

author:China Jilin Net

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region spans the "Three Norths" and is adjacent to eight provinces and regions, with grasslands and forests accounting for 22% and 7% of the country, water surface and wetland area ranking the forefront of the country, and is the largest and most complete ecological function area in the north of the mainland, as well as one of the provinces and regions where desertification and desertification land are concentrated and seriously harmful, and the ecological environment is fragile.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the ecological situation in Inner Mongolia is not only related to the survival and development of the people of all ethnic groups in the region, but also related to the ecological security of North China, Northeast China, Northwest China and even the whole country. Building Inner Mongolia into an important ecological security barrier in the north of the mainland is a strategic positioning based on the overall situation of national development, and it is also a major responsibility that Inner Mongolia must consciously assume.

From blind sand control to scientific sand control, from decentralized governance to unified planning, from soil afforestation to engineering operations and industrialized sand control, Kubuqi people have worked from generation to generation and successfully found a scientific road to control the desert. Today, the Kubuqi Desert, with a regional governance area of more than 6,000 square kilometers, has a green area of more than 3,200 square kilometers, becoming the only desert in the world that has been treated as a whole so far.

Deeply practicing the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, comprehensively strengthening ecological environmental protection, Inner Mongolia keeps in mind the entrustment of the general secretary, practices Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization with practical actions, constantly polishes the ecological background, explores new ways of ecological priority and green development, and builds a solid ecological security barrier in the north of the motherland.

Exploration: scientific governance of "yellow sand covered with green", industrial transformation "point sand into gold"

In July 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his congratulatory letter to the Sixth Kubuqi International Desert Forum that desertification prevention and control is a great cause for mankind to do in the contemporary era and benefit in the future. China has always attached great importance to the prevention and control of desertification, made remarkable achievements, made positive contributions to promoting the construction of a beautiful China, and provided Chinese experience for the international community to manage the ecological environment. Kubuqi sand control is one of the successful practices.

Mainly distributed in Hangjin Banner and Dalat Banner in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with a total area of 18,600 square kilometers, the Kubuqi Desert is the seventh largest desert in the mainland and an important part of the ecological security barrier in the north of the mainland. The desert hinterland was heavily eroded by wind and sand, and was once regarded as an incorruptible "sea of death". For more than 30 years of governance, the ecological environment of the Kubuqi Desert has been significantly improved, the ecological resources have been gradually restored, and the economy of the sand area has continued to develop, creating a miracle of green entering the sand and retreating, and the desert has become an oasis, and has embarked on a road of comprehensive desert management based on China and benefiting the world, and has been recognized by the United Nations as a "global economic demonstration zone".

"Yellow sand rolls in for half a day, and during the day the house lights up the lampstand. Pedestrians don't see the road when they go out, and the crops are buried in the sand..." The old song sings a true portrayal of Kubuqi's past. In 1997, Hangjinqi, located in the hinterland of the desert, began to explore the construction of sand-piercing roads, as a typical arid area, the average annual rainfall is less than 150 mm, the evaporation is 20 times the rainfall, and the construction difficulty is unimaginable.

In view of the situation that the painstakingly built highway is then buried by sand, the Kubuqi people explore the road construction plan of "planting dead, planting live, and raising green": planting dry sand willows and corn stalks on both sides of the road to set up sand barriers, fixing mobile sand dunes, and preventing sand flooding of the road; planting grass and low shrubs on the fixed sand dunes, and making the sides of the road green through careful maintenance. Under the model of "government leadership, cadres and the masses and enterprises contributing money and efforts, and the participation of the whole people", a battle for sand control has been launched, and the clarion call for the battle to control the kubuqi desert positions has been sounded.

Since the construction of the first sand-piercing highway in 1997, Hangjinqi has built a total of 6 key sand-piercing highways, with a total mileage of more than 900 kilometers. Practice has proved that the sand-piercing highway not only improves traffic, but also controls the area of the mobile desert by setting up sand barriers on both sides of the highway and the afforestation along the highway. However, the construction of the sand-piercing highway is only one of the innovative initiatives in the ecological governance of the Kubuqi Desert.

Over the years, combining the types of desertified land and natural, social and economic conditions, the local area has used the method of "cutting in the south and the north", that is, the periphery of the desert is tightly locked by continuous plantations, and the middle is fixed with a checkered sand barrier to create conditions for aircraft to sow artificial seedlings. At the same time, we have gradually explored the "Kubuqi Desert Governance Model" of "policy-oriented leadership of the party committee and government, industrialization investment of enterprises, market-oriented participation of farmers and herdsmen, and sustained innovation of science and technology".

At the same time, in order to make the governance effect sustainable, the local government adheres to the idea of industrialization, organically combines sand prevention and control with industrial development, and actively promotes the industrial development model of "farmers + bases + leading enterprises". The green water and green mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Kubuqi people have transformed from simple ecological construction to ecological construction and ecological economic development at the same time, exploring the mystery of "turning sand into gold" and green and rich together. Dalat Banner Guanjing Village was once a famous "poor sand nest", the sand has become a good field, many enterprises look at the development prospects here, have invested in the industry. In 2013, the villagers formed a forestry professional cooperative to uniformly produce and sell sand willow slims, with an income of more than 1.2 million yuan in 2017 and a per capita income of 12,000 yuan in the village, becoming a well-off village.

The increasingly friendly ecological environment has also promoted the development of local desert tourism. In the past 10 years, Kubuqi Ecotourism Scenic Spot has received nearly 5.6 million tourists and achieved an income of 6.12 billion yuan. Not only that, the main body of the Kubuqi sand control market is relying on the practical achievements of "two-way carbon neutrality" and scientific and technological innovation experience of decades of sand control and greening and foreign exchange and photovoltaic power generation emission reduction, and actively explores the green circular economic development model of "sand control ecology - photovoltaic power generation - electrolysis of water to hydrogen - green chemical industry".

The "Kubuqi Desert Governance Model" not only enters the major desert sands such as Hunshandak, Ulan Buhe, Tengger, Taklamakan, etc., but also successfully enters Saudi Arabia, Mongolia and other countries and regions to prescribe "Chinese prescriptions" for global sand control.

Governance: "The right medicine" to cure the boils, "one lake and two seas" is now alive

Hulun Lake, Wuliang Suhai and Daihai "one lake and two seas" are the three major freshwater lakes in Inner Mongolia, such as three pearls embedded in the northern land, which is an important part of the ecological security barrier in the north of the mainland. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to do a good job in the comprehensive ecological management of Hulun Lake, Wuliang Suhai and Daihai in Inner Mongolia, prescribe the right medicine, and earnestly implement it.

Located in Liangcheng County, Wulanchabu City, Daihai is one of the important wetlands in the country listed in the "China Wetland Protection Action Plan". Due to the influence of natural conditions and human activities, the ecological environment of Daihai has been destroyed, and the lake surface of 200 square kilometers in the 1950s has now shrunk to more than 50 square kilometers.

In recent years, Wulanchabu City has protected and managed Daihai with the determination of a hero with broken wrists, and promoted the transformation from "one lake governance" to river basin governance, "internal governance" to "internal governance and external introduction", decentralized management to centralized management, and traditional governance to scientific governance. Since 2020, the shrinking trend of Daihai has been initially curbed, and water quality and ecosystems have begun to improve.

In the governance of Daihai, the local government combines the actual situation and precisely implements policies to promote the implementation of measures such as zero water intake in industry and "water to drought" for cultivated land. Located on the south shore of daihai, a large thermal power plant with four generating units needs to draw more than 11 million tons of water from Daihai every year and discharge cooling water directly into Daihai. In April 2017, the power plant implemented the generator set reform and upgrading project, and subsequently achieved zero water withdrawal to Daihai. Over the past few years, Liangcheng County has implemented "water to drought" for 210,000 mu of watered land around the lake to promote agricultural water conservation. Zhang Ze, deputy director of the Liangcheng County Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science and Technology Bureau, introduced that the implementation of "water to drought" for cultivated land along the Daihai Sea can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 4200 tons, 6 tons of pesticides and 210 tons of mulch film every year, greatly reducing the non-point source pollution of Daihai. On the basis of agricultural water control measures such as "water reform and drought", the promotion of the use of organic fertilizer and soil testing formula fertilization technology and the development of organic dryland agriculture can not only alleviate the competition between agriculture and Daihai for water, but also promote the upgrading of planting industry and increase farmers' income.

From 2020 onwards, the governance of Daihai sea will be upgraded from "one lake governance" to river basin governance, and 22 projects such as greening and water conservation along the rivers entering the lake will be implemented to improve water quality and water circulation. In order to ensure that the symptoms are cured and the root causes are cured, the governance of Daihai has changed from "internal governance" to "internal governance and external introduction". In May 2020, the Daihai Ecological Emergency Water Replenishment Project was officially launched, which draws water from the main stream of the Yellow River in Tokto County, with a water transmission line length of 131.7 kilometers and a designed maximum annual water withdrawal of 44.66 million cubic meters.

Respecting the law and prescribing the right medicine, a comprehensive management road of ecological protection is in full swing in Inner Mongolia.

Hulunbuir City has fully promoted the implementation of 40 projects in the two phases of the project, playing a combined fist of Hulun Lake governance - implementing grassland grazing ban and grass and livestock balance around Hulun Lake, and all 570,000 mu of grassland in the core area of Hulun Lake Nature Reserve will be banned from grazing from 2020, effectively curbing the degradation and desertification trend of grassland in the river basin; building the Diversion River (Hailar River) Jihu Lake Project to further ensure the ecological water replenishment capacity; 5 years of production and fishing, combined with breeding and stocking, breeding and research on indigenous fish species, effectively promoting the restoration of the aquatic ecosystem of Hulun Lake Implement the upgrading project of sewage treatment plants around Hulun Lake and along the rivers entering the lake, harmless treatment of domestic garbage, and reduce the impact of human interference factors on the ecological environment around the river basin. As of June 2021, the water area of Hulun Lake reached 2144.9 square kilometers, an increase of more than 300 square kilometers compared with 2011, the wetland ecology has gradually recovered, and the ecological environment of the river basin has continued to improve.

As the gateway of the "Northern Sand Prevention Belt" in the national "two screens and three belts" ecological security strategic pattern, Bayannaoer City has carried out comprehensive management of all elements in the entire basin of WuliangSuhai. In the Ulan Bu and deserts in the upper reaches of the Wuliangsu Sea, build a national comprehensive demonstration area for sand prevention and control and actively explore a sustainable governance model that combines desert governance with green industries, control 72,500 hectares of sand, prevent sediment from flowing into the Yellow River and eroding the Hetao Plain; implement the "zero into the sea" action of point source sewage to achieve the collection, treatment and reuse of urban sewage and wastewater from industrial parks; apply advanced technology in rural pastoral areas to concentrate on the treatment of livestock and poultry manure, garbage sewage, straw and other wastes, produce organic fertilizer and biogas, and turn waste into treasure Carry out the restoration of damaged mountains in the Ula Mountains and the rectification of the mouths of the flash floods and ditches; and take measures such as grass and livestock balance, fallow grazing and rotational grazing to restore the ecology of the Wulat grassland.

From protecting a lake to protecting an ecosystem, the comprehensive management of "one lake, two seas" has profoundly revealed the concept of a community of destiny for grass and sand in shanshui, lintian, lake, and is an important step in the process of ecological civilization construction in Inner Mongolia.

Co-ordination: "Landscapes, forests, lakes, grass and sand", no one can be less

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed when participating in the deliberations of his Inner Mongolia delegation that it is necessary to coordinate the governance of the grass and sand system of shanshui lintian lake, implement ecological protection and restoration projects, increase ecosystem protection, and enhance ecosystem stability and sustainability. When it comes to protecting the ecological environment of Inner Mongolia and building a solid ecological security barrier in the north of the motherland, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the word "overall planning".

With the guidance of the direction, today, Inner Mongolia abandons the single governance model of "headache and foot pain", takes multiple measures at the same time, adapts measures to local conditions, classifies policies, enhances pertinence, systematicness and long-term effectiveness, and implements source governance, system governance and comprehensive treatment.

Break the institutional ice that hinders the governance of the system. Inner Mongolia has comprehensively implemented the forest chief system, clarified the responsibility of party and government leading cadres to protect and develop forest and grassland wetland resources, fully mobilized all aspects of the force to solve the difficulties in the protection and development of forest and grass wet resources, and fundamentally solved the problem of vague responsibility for ecological protection and "whoever manages it does not care".

Gradually establish a mechanism for source governance. 50.46% of the land area of Inner Mongolia is included in the red line of ecological protection, keeping the bottom line of resource and environmental carrying capacity, and blocking unreasonable development from the source. Improve the green development indicator system, set green thresholds, set up a negative list of industrial access in national key ecological function zones, and promote the formation of green development methods and lifestyles.

Gradually make up for the shortcomings of comprehensive management. Inner Mongolia formulated and issued the "Plan for Building an Important Ecological Security Barrier in the North of the Mainland (2020-2035)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Barrier Plan") to build the overall layout of the "first line, one district and two belts" of the important ecological security barrier in the north. Among them, the "first line" is the ecological security barrier "backbone" and "skeleton" composed of major mountain ranges such as Daxing'anling, Yinshan and Helanshan, and "one district and two belts" is the three strategic spaces of the yellow river key ecological area, the Daxing'anling forest belt and the northern sand prevention belt, with breakthroughs in key areas to drive the improvement of the ecological environment in the whole region and realize the overall management of grass and sand in landscapes, forests, fields, lakes, and grasses.

At the same time, the "Barrier Planning" to follow the internal mechanism and law of ecological protection and restoration, the overall planning of the comprehensive management of grass and sand, systematic governance and source treatment of landscapes, forests, lakes, and the overall layout of the whole area as a unified ecosystem, has been clarified as the overall construction idea, and has clarified the construction and protection of forest vegetation, the construction and protection of grassland vegetation, the prevention and control of sand, the comprehensive treatment of rivers and lakes and the protection and restoration of wetlands, the construction of natural protected area system and biodiversity protection, the green development of agriculture, the treatment of damaged land, the treatment of groundwater over-exploitation, Nine key tasks for the prevention and control of environmental pollution. The goal is that by 2035, the ecological environment of Inner Mongolia will achieve a fundamental improvement, the regional ecosystem will achieve a virtuous circle and self-regulation, the green transformation of production and lifestyle will achieve remarkable results, the important ecological security barrier in the north of the mainland will be basically completed, and Inner Mongolia will be built into a comprehensive experimental area for ecosystem protection and restoration, an ecological service and product supply guarantee area, an industrial upgrading and green development innovation zone, and a theoretical practice area of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains".

Development: Governance has a long way to go, and construction has been a long-term achievement

Building Inner Mongolia into an important ecological security barrier in the north of the mainland is the strategic positioning and action plan tailored by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Inner Mongolia. Inner Mongolia has the "great power of the country", consciously adheres to the overall situation of the country, from the fundamental and long-term perspective of people's livelihood, maintains the strategic determination to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, and realizes the cognitive revolution of ecological priority and green development.

Do a good job of ecological articles. Ecology is the largest resource in Inner Mongolia. Despite decades of construction, especially through the arduous efforts since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, inner Mongolia's ecological environmental protection and construction have achieved a major change of "overall containment and partial improvement". However, the situation of fragile ecology and environmental pollution in Inner Mongolia has not been completely changed, and farmland water conservancy, the treatment of the Yellow River Basin, and the comprehensive treatment of "one lake and two seas" still have a long way to go. As General Secretary Xi Jinping earnestly taught, the construction of ecological civilization is a long-term achievement. Inner Mongolia must persevere, work year after year, continue to maintain the strategic determination to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, adhere to ecological protection first, and never sacrifice the ecological environment for temporary economic growth.

Do a good job of governance articles. Adhere to the bottom line, delineate the red line, focus on promoting the systematic improvement, overall promotion and comprehensive progress of the ecological environment in Inner Mongolia, and realize the systematic management of grass and sand in the landscape, forest, field, lake, and lake. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Inner Mongolia has forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes, deserts and other natural forms, which is a long-term formation of a comprehensive ecosystem, and ecological protection and restoration must be comprehensively managed. In recent years, Inner Mongolia has implemented the most stringent ecological environmental protection system, promoted farmland water conservancy construction, grassland forest protection and restoration, desert desert management and "two lakes and one sea" comprehensive treatment has achieved remarkable results, the typical "Kubuqi sand control model", breaking the "desert can not be treated" ice, for the maintenance of ecological security, promote the construction of ecological civilization provides experience and wisdom.

Do a good job of green articles. Green is the most beautiful background color in Inner Mongolia, and it is also the biggest development advantage of Inner Mongolia. Ecological priority, green development, of which "green" is the foundation of development, while echoing the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. From the "Kubuqi Desert Governance Model" to the "One Lake, Two Seas" comprehensive treatment, and the overall management of the grass and sand system of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems, Inner Mongolia develops in governance and governance in development, and "green" is the ultimate goal that runs through it. Innovation is contained in green development, and Inner Mongolia has continuously innovated governance concepts and governance methods in the construction of ecological protection, and has continuously stepped onto a higher level of development with the help of new technologies and new methods, and achieved greater results. Green development for the well-being of the people's livelihood, Inner Mongolia to build a solid ecological security barrier in the north of the motherland, in the final analysis is to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's people-centered development thinking, is to enhance the well-being of people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia. We must closely integrate the promotion of high-quality economic development, high-level protection of the ecological environment, high-quality development of people's lives, and high-efficiency governance in border ethnic areas, effectively handle the relationship between ecology, production and life, and promote the comprehensive management of the ecological environment and the transformation of the development mode to greening.

(Author: Guangming Daily Research Group, Members of the Research Group: Gao Ping and Wang Xiao, reporters of this newspaper, Li Chunlin, president of the Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences and researcher of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Gao Xiaotao, associate researcher of the Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences; Author: Gao Ping, Wang Xiao)

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