
Tv special "Zero Tolerance" Episode 5 "Always on the Road"

author:CCTV News

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The lax and soft situation of managing the party and administering the party has been fundamentally reversed

The fight against corruption has won an overwhelming victory and consolidated in an all-round way

The more you achieve results

The more you have to stay calm and sober

Comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road

The fight against corruption is always on the way


Tv special "Zero Tolerance" Episode 5 "Always on the Road"

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The case of Zhou Jiangyong, former member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee

Tv special "Zero Tolerance" Episode 5 "Always on the Road"

Zhou Jiangyong, after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, served as a leader in Zhoushan City, Wenzhou City and Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province. He and his younger brother Zhou Jianyong engaged in politics and business, engaged in "one family, two systems," and used public power to help his brother in business. In August 2021, he was examined and investigated by the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission when he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Zeng Kexiao, a staff member of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission: Judging from Zhou Jiangyong's case, it is true that anti-corruption is always on the road. Zhou Jiangyong, as a senior cadre who grew up after the Eighteenth National Congress, was slowly corrupted by power after serving as a leader in various different posts for a long time, and most of the money was received after the Eighteenth National Congress.

The case of Zhang Yujie, a former staff member of the Real Estate Registration Center in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province

Tv special "Zero Tolerance" Episode 5 "Always on the Road"

Zhang Yujie, a staff member of the Real Estate Registration Center in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, was placed in lien in March 2020. His specific job is to receive citizens at the lobby window of the government service center, collect funds for buying houses, fill in custody agreements, and issue bank deposit vouchers and fund custody vouchers. After investigation, in the more than three years from 2016 to 2019, he used methods such as not recording the collection of payments and forging the facts of the collections, and successively embezzled more than 69 million yuan of public funds. The investigation found that by the time of the crime, Zhang Yujie's embezzled money was almost squandered, part of it was used for game recharge to buy equipment, and most of it was used for various high-end consumption.

In November 2020, Zhang Yujie was sentenced to life imprisonment. The investigation determined that a total of 19 party-member leading cadres and public officials at all levels had different degrees of responsibility and were held accountable, among which the chief and deputy chief of the transaction management section of the Chuzhou Real Estate Registration Center had constituted the crime of dereliction of duty and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment.

The case of Zhang Qi, former member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial CPC Committee

Tv special "Zero Tolerance" Episode 5 "Always on the Road"

In March 2020, the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Zhang Qi, former member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and former secretary of the Haikou Municipal Party Committee, had seriously violated many of the party's disciplines, constituting a serious violation of official duties and suspected of accepting bribes, and had been expelled from the party and punished with public office, and transferred to the judicial organs. In December 2020, the court sentenced Zhang Qi to life imprisonment. After investigation, he used his authority to help others in land development, project contracting, project promotion and other matters, and accepted bribes of more than 107 million yuan.

In September 2019, Zhang Qi was filed for review and investigation and taken into custody. Because of the huge amount of money involved in his son Zhang Yan, he is still hiding overseas with a red notice issued by China to the world.

The greatness of the Party does not lie in the inability to make mistakes

Rather, it is to never hide the disease and avoid medical treatment

Actively carry out criticism and self-criticism

Dare to face problems head-on and dare to revolutionize yourself

On a new journey

Our Party must also always maintain the spirit of self-revolution

Persisting in comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road

Unswervingly advance the fight against corruption

Together with 1.4 billion people

Not afraid of all risks and challenges

We should move forward firmly on the road to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Producer 丨Shen Haixiong

Chief Planner 丨 Zhong Jixuan

Director system 丨 Li Ting

Producer 丨 Xiao Zhensheng

Chief Producer 丨 Sun Jie

Chief editor and director 丨 Wang Xiaoqing

This episode is written and directed by 丨 Liu Chang

Choreographer Group 丨Hui Yu, Jiang Weiwei, Luo Chen, Pang Xiaowei, Wang Xiaojian, Liu Chang

Written by Nie Yifeng, Liu Wei, Jiang Lin, Duan Jiaxing, Cao Xing

Co-ordinator 丨 Ma Zhanju Chen Hongyi Sun Di

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Tv special "Zero Tolerance" Episode 5 "Always on the Road"

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