
Summary of acupuncture and acupuncture methods, twenty-six acupuncture techniques

author:Smile Cookies Small Cheng Doctor

1. Hegu Thorn

The Lingshu Sutra says: "He who pierces the valley, the left and right chicken feet, and the needle is placed between the meats to take the muscle paralysis, and this spleen should also be." "Three needles, pierced into muscles, shaped like chicken feet."

2. Shutting down

i.e. the end of the straight tendon. Tendon paralysis can be treated, and attention should not be paid to bleeding during acupuncture. Because of the main tendon of the liver, the sting corresponds to the liver. The Lingshu Sutra says: "The one who closes the thorn pierces the tendons of the left and right, so as to take the tendon paralysis, and be careful not to bleed, and this liver should also be; or the thorn of the abyss; the thorn of the one is the thorn." ”

3. Leopard thorns

"Lingshu Sutra": "The leopard stabber, the left and right front and back needles, the middle vein for the sake of the reason, in order to take the blood of the meridians, this heart should also be." ”

That is, the front and back of the acupuncture lesion, the acupuncture point is like the marking of a leopard.

Fourth, half thorn

"Lingshu Guan Needles": "Those who are half-prickly, shallow and sharp needles, no needle wounds flesh, such as plucking hair, to take the fur, the skin and lungs should also be." ”

5. Praise

The "Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter" says: "Those who praise the thorns, go straight in and out, several shots and shallow bleeding, is said to cure carbuncle swelling." ”

Sixth, acupuncture

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter" "Those who stab the needle, the straight thorn and the thorn each, in order to cure the paralysis for a long time" also. That is, a needle is inserted in the middle and a needle is inserted obliquely next to it.

7. Pubic spines

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "Those who stab the yin, the left and right rates of stabbing, in order to cure the cold, the middle cold, the ankle behind the less yin also." ”

VIII. Floating thorns

The Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter says: "Those who float in and float, in order to cure those who are anxious and cold." ”

IX. Short thorns

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "Short thorns, piercing bone paralysis, slightly shaken and deep, to the needle bone, above and below the bone skin." ”

10. Drop the sting

The Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter says: "Those who lose the thorn, go straight in and out, thin needles and deep, and those who are full of qi and hot."

11. Straight acupuncture

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "Those who pierce the needle straight, the skin is pierced, and the shallow one who cures the cold is also." ”

XII. Raise the thorn

The Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter says: "The one who raises the thorn, the one who is within, the one who floats in the inner four, and the one who is broad in curing the cold." ”

XIII. Thorns

The Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter says: "Those who stab qi, go straight into one, and lean into two, to cure those who have cold breath and diarrhea, or those who have three thorns, three thorns, and those who cure paralysis and small depths."

Summary of acupuncture and acupuncture methods, twenty-six acupuncture techniques

14. Thorns

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "The one who restores the thorn, stabs the straight, lifts before and after, restores the tendon urgently, and the tendon is paralyzed." ”

Fifteen, report the stabbing

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "The one who reports the thorn, the sting is impermanent, the one who goes up and down, there is no needle in the straight inside, and the left hand is pressed with the disease, and the needle is also pierced." ”

Sixteen, even thorns

A needle is pierced in the chest, and a needle is pierced in the back, that is, the "front and back matching acupuncture method" or the "Yu Recruitment matching acupuncture method", which is the development of this piercing method.

XVII. Pure Thorns

The Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter has "Pure thorns, and thorn burn needles take paralysis". The so-called burnt needle is to burn the needle, burn the needle red and pierce into the skin, requiring fast entry and exit, such as probing the soup by hand.

Eighteen, giant thorns

"Lingshu Guan Needle": "The giant thorner, the left takes the right, the right takes the left." That is, the left disease takes the right acupuncture point, and the right disease takes the left acupuncture point.

19. Burrs

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "Burrs, prickly skin also." ”

20. Great diarrhea

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "The great laxative stabber, stab the big pus with beryllium needle also." ”

21. Divide the thorns

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "The thorn is divided, and the thorn is also divided between the flesh." "Acupuncture goes straight to the deep muscles to cure the evil disease of dividing flesh.

22. Distant thorns

"Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter": "Those who stab from afar, the disease is on the top, take the bottom, and the zoufu is also." ”

23. Thorns

The Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter says: "Those who pierce the meridians, the knots of the great sutras are also divided." ”

24. Thorns

Prick small veins on the skin and cause it to bleed with a treatment of diarrhea.

Twenty-five, lose the stab

The Lingshu Guan Needle Chapter says: "Those who stab the thorns, stab the sutras and the thorns, and the dirty ones."

26. Miao Thorn

It is also a small vein of thorns, but it follows the principle of treating the right with the left and treating the left with the right disease.

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