
"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

Luo Zhihuan

For those who don't know about snow sports

Maybe it's a strange name

But in the field of snow sports

He is a "senator"

In 1963

Luo Zhihuan, 22 years old

Held in Nagano Karuizawa, Japan

Speed Skating World Championships

Won the men's 1500m speed skating championship

He also became the first speed skating world champion in New China

Reminiscing about that year

Elder Luo sighed a lot

"At that time, we athletes went abroad to compete,

What is it now,

Upright, waist plate double straight..."

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

"At that time, others looked down on us,

Really look down on..."

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

The race journey is also fraught with difficulties

At the time of visa application

The local consulate does not grant a visa for various reasons

I waited for three whole days

The Chinese delegation was only 2 hours before the plane took off

Waited for the visa

The whole regiment hurried to catch the plane to Japan

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

For Luo Zhihuan personally

Because I had an illness before I set out

Training was affected

His heart was particularly bottomless

Stand in front of the starting line

Luo Zhihuan was fully engrossed in the track

And his coach

Suddenly shouted his name

"I chuckled in my heart,

Looked back at him."

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

The coach said to him:

"Look down, what's on your chest?"

Luo Zhihuan bowed his head

See the national emblem and the word "China" on the chest


"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

When interviewed

Luo Lao recalled the experience

Still can't help but get emotional

Some choking

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

The starting gun rang out

"I'm not me anymore, it's crazy!"

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

Luo Zhihuan's opponent is Norway's Ivar Mo

He is nearly 20 centimeters taller than Luo Zhihuan

It is also the top three players in the world

But the first lap slid down

Luo Zhihuan dropped his tall and leg-length opponent by more than 20 meters

Look back at the game at that time

Luo Lao couldn't help but "Versailles" for a moment

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

The second half of the race

Luo Zhihuan was too fierce because of the front fight

Physical strength gradually weakened

IvarMer slowly narrowed the gap

Watch as your opponents approach

The last lap

Luo Zhihuan adopts the "desperate tactic" of early sprinting

1 meter ahead of the opponent to cross the finish line first

The timer stops at 2:09:02

Luo Zhihuan won the gold medal!

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

As the first speed skating world champion in New China

But Elder Luo always had a regret in his heart——

1964 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck

Because New China has not yet recovered

Legitimate seat on the International Olympic Committee

Chinese athletes did not appear on the Stage of the Winter Olympics

At the peak of his athletic career, he failed to participate in the Winter Olympics

It became the regret of Luo Zhihuan's life

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

And this regret

Now it can finally be made up for a little

When he learned of the success of Beijing's bid to host the Winter Olympics

Luo Lao was so excited that he didn't sleep all night

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

"Our country can host the Winter Olympics,

This was an unattainable thing for me at the time.

Now that our hope has been fulfilled,

The mood is different for us old athletes..."

"I'm willing to participate,

I would like to participate,

I dream of participating in some of the activities of the Beijing Winter Olympics,

I reckon this wish,

I can do it,

Be sure to make it happen! ”

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

On the day of the interview

The 81-year-old Luo Lao put on the day he won the championship at the age of 22

The clothes he wears

59 years have passed

Someone once asked Luo Lao why he still kept this dress

Luo Lao answered

"Of course I have to try my best to keep it.

I'm wearing this dress for a race,

Wear this dress to receive the prize,

This is my championship suit! ”

"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...
"See what's on your chest?" This bowing of his head inspired him to become the first speed skating world champion in New China...

On the chest is the national emblem, and in the heart is the country

The most colorful

It's still that Chinese red!

Source Beijing Daily (ID: Beijing_Daily) Comprehensive @ CCTV News, China Sports News, BRTV Winter Olympics Documentary Channel, etc. [Please indicate the source: Beijing Daily WeChat public account]

Producer: Liu Hao

Editor: Car Agency

Process Editor Wu Yue

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