
Nvidia: Professional Compute Card Unlock GSP increases efficiency

Among the professional cards, there is a GSP, which is not currently available in the civilian game card. According to foreign media tomshardware news, Nvidia quietly added a new feature in the Linux driver documentation, which can be accelerated by using the GSP unit built into the chip. The GSP unit is integrated into the Nvidia Turing architecture GPU, which can transfer some of the operations that would otherwise run on the CPU to the GPU. Thanks to the lower latency of the GPU, this operation can improve performance and efficiency and reduce the latency of computing.

Currently, this feature supports Tesla T4 and T10 graphics cards with Turing Turing architecture, as well as NVIDIA A-series and PG series professional computing cards. Users can install the 510.39.01 or later driver on Linux systems.

Nvidia: Professional Compute Card Unlock GSP increases efficiency

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NVIDIA said that the current GSP coprocessor has not been fully utilized, and future drivers will gradually expand their functions. It is expected that in the future, applications that use both CPUs and GPUs, such as games, can benefit from this feature. Although only NVIDIA professional graphics cards currently support unlocking the GSP coprocessor, the Max-Q notebook graphics card that will be launched in 2022 will also carry similar features. Nvidia's previous 4th-generation Max-Q technology hints at this new feature.


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