
How to tell the sound of your baby's crying? Different cries represent different needs!

The first time you become a mother, there will be a very strange psychological change, just start to hear the baby's crying, you will be particularly excited, feel the baby's cry is very cute. But over time, you will start to hate your baby's crying, and even get upset when you hear your baby crying.

How to tell the sound of your baby's crying? Different cries represent different needs!

Rational parents will deal with their emotions well, and judge whether he has any needs through the baby's crying, and then find a way to soothe.

Emotional parents, it is difficult to deal with their emotions, very easy to be "infected" by the baby's crying, always think that the baby is uncomfortable, watch the baby cry, they also cry.

Babies crying is a very normal manifestation, because they can't speak, and can only express their thoughts and needs through crying. At this time, not only can you not be biased by the baby, but you should also sum up the experience and analyze the needs of the baby, so as to effectively appease.

How to tell the sound of your baby's crying? Different cries represent different needs!

How to tell the sound of your baby's crying?

The common reasons for babies crying are: hungry, sleepy, peeing, pulling, stomach pain, stuffiness and so on. Although each baby has its own unique personality and will react differently to the same thing, we can still find some commonalities in it.

1, hungry

When the baby is hungry and wants to feed, the crying is often more urgent, low, shorter, and the mouth will open and close, looking for food back and forth. If breastfeeding, don't pay too much attention to the interval, some babies will be hungry in less than an hour after feeding.

2, sleepy

Babies are different from adults, adults are sleepy, the brain will secrete melatonin to relax our muscles, and then confused will fall asleep. But the baby is not, they release this substance is just different from adults, but will stimulate the baby's excitement, this time if they can't sleep, they will cry.

The cries are usually blistering, the eyes are unfocused, the eyelids are open and closed, and sometimes they shake their heads and rub their mother's clothes.

How to tell the sound of your baby's crying? Different cries represent different needs!

3. Stomach pain

This kind of crying caused by flatulence and intestinal colic is the most unbearable for parents, crying is very loud, and it is the kind of face that is red, like howling, and continues to cry, and rarely stops in the middle. Some babies can still stiffen up, that's the way it looks.

4, pee

After peeing and pulling, the baby will be uncomfortable, and then he will show an irritable look, his legs will be scrambled, crying for a while and stopping for a while, the sound is not loud, but it will continue until you help him change his diapers, he will not stop.

How to tell the sound of your baby's crying? Different cries represent different needs!

5. Sweltering heat

When it is hot and irritable, the baby's cry is generally loud for a while, a little quiet, twisting back and forth, waving his limbs.

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