
Folks in Feng County and Pei County, how much do you know about the customs in your hometown?

author:The land of the fool

Text: Ashi-shii

Figure 24: Vulgar photography

Fengpei County is bordered by Qilu in the north, Jianghuai in the south, and Yuwan Great Plain in the west, with a special and beautiful geographical environment, which has bred a variety of rural customs and customs.

Folks in Feng County and Pei County, how much do you know about the customs in your hometown?

As soon as the Waxing Moon arrives, the Fengpei people are busy for many years, and after a long time, they have formed their own New Year customs. There are folk songs as evidence: looking forward to the New Year, the New Year is coming, the girl wants to wear flowers, the boy wants to put on the cannon; Grandma wants to wear a flower cotton jacket, and Grandpa wants to wear a leather felt hat.

From this simple word, it shows people's pursuit of rich life, and also shows the people's joy for the New Year. Therefore, the waxing moon is full of layers of humanistic colors, and it is no exaggeration to say that the waxing moon is a daily custom. Its customs are opened from the self-consciousness and self-awareness of the common people, and they are agreed upon in the ordinary days of day after day.

Lap Moon, its name does not have much to do with the natural season, but is related to the sacrifice of the year. The so-called "la" is originally the name of the festival at the end of the year. In the Han Dynasty's Ying Shao's "Customs and Customs", it is said that "Xia Yue Jiaping, Yin Yue Qing Qi, Zhou Use Big Wax." (After 'wax' was replaced by 'wax'). Wax people, hunters, and Yantian hunt to obtain animals and animals to sacrifice their ancestors also. ”

The "Zuo Zhuan" also records that "the major affairs of the country are in the worship and rong", indicating that the ancient people attached great importance to sacrifice. Its sacrificial customs continue to this day. So, which days of the waxing moon are the days of sacrifice? On the fifteenth day of the waxing moon, the Jade Emperor was worshipped, that is, "the Jade Emperor was sacrificed to pray for peace"; on the twenty-third day of the Waxing Moon, the Stove Emperor was sent to heaven.

The fourth day of the first lunar month is the tail tooth festival, and the "tail tooth" is derived from the word "tooth tent". In ancient times, the tent where the general lived should be set up in front of the banner, so it was called the "tooth tent". When the ancients went out on the expedition, they first held a flag sacrifice ceremony, which means "the flag is opened to victory".

Later, it became a festival day for merchants, and it was also a traditional festival in southern Fujian, the day of worship of the land god. The rest are the customs of life, such as the first day of the first lunar month, the folk popcorn, which the people call "disaster elimination".

Folks in Feng County and Pei County, how much do you know about the customs in your hometown?

As the saying goes, "Don't eat stir-fry on the first day of the first lunar month, this one rises and that falls"; the third day of the first year is the Manchu "clan celebration" day, the youngest festival, and it was officially designated as the "Golden Festival" in 1989. Eat five beans on the fifth day of the first year, commonly known as the "Five Beans Festival"; Laqi is the day of exorcism. As the saying goes, Laqi does not drive away, and there are many patients in the coming year.

Lapa eight drink porridge, folk tradition eat la ba porridge, soak la eight garlic customs. There are folk songs: Lapa Lapa Eight, freeze to death Jackdaw; Lapa Lala Nine freezes to death old dogs; Lapa Lashi, freezes to death little people.

Although the folk songs do not indicate the folk customs, but in fact, in the cold climate, the hearts of the people are warm - preparing for the New Year, there are folk songs as evidence: children and children, you don't have to be hungry, after the Lap 8 is the Year; the Lapa Porridge is only drunk for a few days, and the mile is 23.

The twenty-third day of the lunar month is to send the stove king to heaven, and the common people ask the stove king to talk more about the good deeds and good deeds of the people, in order to ask for the blessing of the lord. Twenty-four sweep houses, twenty-five grinding tofu, twenty-six stewed lamb, twenty-seven slaughtered roosters, twenty-eight noodles, twenty-nine steamed steamed buns, thirty-Chinese New Year's Eve a night' sleep. These are the customs of life in the Waxing Moon.

Some of these warm and harmonious living customs have been diluted from the living circles of the ordinary people in Fengpei County. Some continue to be colorful in the lives of ordinary people, adding highlights to ordinary lives, increasing temperature, and allowing ordinary people to enjoy the happiness of life.

The lapa festival has a long history, originally the ancient people celebrated the harvest, thanked the ancestors and gods for the sacrifice ceremony, and later evolved into the custom of drinking porridge. Drinking Laba porridge is one of the favorite living customs of the fengpei people.

In my impression, the porridge of Lapa in my hometown is also thick and confused, just add a few grains of rice and a few peanut beans.

Folks in Feng County and Pei County, how much do you know about the customs in your hometown?

When drinking porridge, the housewife first smeared a little porridge on the jujube tree in the courtyard, saying that the jujube tree would produce many dates in the next year. And now the porridge is much richer, what eight treasure porridge, lotus seed porridge, chicken porridge... The porridge of the Five Flowers Gate can not always drink the taste of the thick and muddy porridge of the hometown.

The twenty-third lunar month is also a custom that the abundant people like. Twenty-three is also the day of the sacrifice stove, "sacrifice stove" is to send the king of the stove to heaven, the folk have the custom of "men do not worship the moon, women do not sacrifice the stove", and the abundant people have broken this custom, and women can still sacrifice the stove.

On the day of the festival stove, breakfast and lunch are very simple, because it is necessary to clean. This day's cleaning is different from other times of cleaning, in order to send the stove king to heaven, so the house and the outside of the house must be thoroughly cleaned, especially the stove should be cleaned to show respect for the stove king.

To eat dumplings for dinner, first fill the bowl of dumplings on the stove top, and then light three sticks of incense and put them in front of the stove king. The Stove King was a small square-faced man with a three-stranded beard, printed on cheap white paper in a low-grade plate. The statue of the King of the Stove is printed with the lunar calendar, and the common people paste it next to the door of the stove nest, and it should be a little oblique.

During the sacrifice, the statue of the king of the stove is cut off and burned together with the yellow table paper, at which time the chief priest prostrates his head, even if the sacrifice stove is completed. Then the whole family can pick up the dumplings in their own bowls and eat them, and the more they eat, the more fragrant they are, and the warmer they are. After eating the dumplings, be careful when you talk and do things, don't say dirty words, and don't scold people; don't break the dishes and bowls, and live a plain and pure year.

Folks in Feng County and Pei County, how much do you know about the customs in your hometown?

The day of the festival stove has made the abundant people develop a good habit of hygiene and clean their own courtyards. As the saying goes: "Wealth, do not enter the door of filth". Organize the room in an orderly and bright way, in order to accept more blessings. The Yellow Emperor's "House Classic" says: "People stand because of the house, and the house exists because of people." People support each other and feel the heavens and the earth. "A life full of good habits is a happy life." Ordinary people live in a clean, elegant and beautiful environment, and they are not happy!

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